Robert Carroll
Continuous Improvement and Leadership Consulting “My own self, at my very best, all the time".
January, 2020 began with a beautiful, 'Breath-Taking' drive from Sedona, AZ north to Flagstaff, and then on to the Grand Canyon National Park. This would be my first opportunity to ever make the trek to one of the 'Wonders of The World', the Grand Canyon. I had no idea what lie before us on that cold, winter day in January.
A portion of that trip led us through 'Breath-Taking' Oak Creek Canyon switchbacks northward, with some nearly 4,000 foot elevation change, toward Flagstaff. Many stops along the way found us looking up at unbelievable views such as this same 'creation of beauty' so wonderfully expressed in the above image.
We frequently found ourselves drawn away from our rental car, parked alongside Route 89A, to adventure off-trail to take-in this most spectacular, natural work of art. I became keenly aware occasionally at awe-inspiring, 'Breath-Taking' views. In those moments, I had momentarily 'stopped breathing' just awe-struck by the beauty of the surrounding scenery. I had never seen such natural beauty before and I was unaware this masterpiece even existed, but for photographs I'd seen from other's historic adventures.
I was canyon-side at this very spot when again I found myself momentarily, very briefly... breathless! I know it seems a bit cliché to so many times use the phrase, 'Breath-Taking' in one article, but when I look back today, in my minds-eye, to that moment, it is the only phrase that comes to the fore-front of my mind.
The most beautiful creations spring from adversity. ~ Mulan quote
Fast forward to the end of February, 2020. I was in another country on assignment to serve a client manufacturing facility. My family was back in West-Tennessee where we live. My daughter, in her Freshman year of college.
The pitter-patter of raindrops on the windshield turned into a torrential downpour. The swish-swash of windshield wipers on high. The whirr of a clickity-clack, four-cylinder engine, purring along the country roadside. Puddled water, hydroplaned wheels, screeching tires from locked-up brakes with very little rubber on the road. The thud of 3,200 pounds of metal against a culvert. Crashing glass, plastic, and metal, slumped into a distorted heap coming to rest finally after flipping over and over, end-to-end. The smell of anti-freeze and spilled gasoline permeated the collapsed driver/passenger car cavity.
Then it happened. The hotel room phone rang. A hysterical voice on the other end saying, "Rob, this is Kim, I've got bad news." "What's happened, Honey?" I frantically searched for what more to say. "Your daughter's been in a serious car accident on her way to school.", was the reply from the other end of the line. My breathing stopped, and then I gasped a little air and choked out the words, "Is she OK?" 'Breath-Taking' moments like that are certainly light-years away from the breath-taking, stunning landscape story earlier. None-the-less, they are both, in their own right, certain showstoppers for sinus rhythm and breathing. Thank, God, Gracie was OK and just minor glass cuts on her hands and shaken-up from what otherwise should have been a life altering incident. Miracles happen and never cease to amaze me!!!
Life moved on and shortly we found ourselves amidst a world Pandemic COVID -19. Everything has seemingly changed overnight. The world seems to be rocking and reeling from cultural change pangs. Masks recommended and then required. Social distancing a must. Businesses slow-down and then shut-downs inevitable. Wide-spread fear and panic with hospitals overrun with COVID patients intubated and hanging-on to life or death by a thread. Media frenzy and two-sided-stories plastered across main-stream media outlets and social media. Coin shortages, stock market roller-coaster, and grocery store depletions abundant. Many heart-warming, loving stories have gotten lost in the billowing smoke of burning cities, looted businesses, and riots in the streets.
I was awakened in the middle of the night recently with this theme in my head,
For the past 3 1/2 months I had forgotten about the awe-inspiring moments that literally took-my-breath-away just a few short months earlier. I realized I had become numb to everything and woke-up longing to answer the question, "What has happened to me?" "How had I largely, not completely, but otherwise mostly become devoid of those praises?" "How had I forgotten the amazing beauty and miracles that surrounded me amidst the Pandemic frenzy?" I had lost some precious time to take-in those 'Breath-Taking' experiences. I had no longer been intentional about creating the moments and succumbed to just letting life happen. Almost like a car in neutral, careening and freewheeling down a steep slope.
Life happens FOR us not TO us. ~ Ed Mylett
I began reminiscing about all the blessings that had happened to our family in just six short months. I recalled many of the 'Breath-Taking', spectacular events that had been clouded over by fear, anxiety, and disillusionment. It seems like those first six months of 2020 had been a lifetime. They flashed through my mind, though, in seconds like a myriad of kaleidoscopes in my minds-eye. "Where had the time gone?", I questioned franticly! "Remember, Rob!", I told myself,
FEAR = False Evidence Appearing Real
I realized I had awakened most mornings sluggish and lethargic as if I had not even slept a wink. "What's going on? Had the stress of it all finally settled in on my emotional, spiritual, and physical well-being to the point I was physically weakened?" I guess so. And then it happened, the emotion of it all welled-up within my spirit. Tears began streaming down my face. I cried-out to God, not in an audible voice, but deep within my spirit. For a split second, I stopped breathing! I gasped out a gurgle and then took-in a huge gasp of air. Warmly and almost spontaneously, I felt renewed in my spirit. I remembered a favorite prayer now that had become quieted within me for a few months. "Transform my heart, Oh God. Make me ever new. Transform my Spirit, may I be like you." "Transform my handshake.", for it says how much I value others.
It dawned on me for the first time in months,
I had forgotten to take time for the 'Breath-Taking' moments.
I managed to get my composure after several minutes praising God for that refreshing reminder of His Grace and Mercy. I was reminded that He is in control and Sovereign. Recently a friend from Maryland sent me this image from his fishing boat. My mind went back to our life some 10-years-ago, there in Maryland. Though longing to return there for some of those long-lost-breath-taking moments, I was reminded why we had come to West-Tennessee. A pregnant pause in my breathing, a slight sigh, and a reminder...
A new challenge, a new vision, a renewed purpose!
I am in awe of His Splendor!
A friend just sent to me the image below of a desert shot in Wyoming. Again, I was breathless as I viewed the beautiful backdrop landscape, and more importantly, the reminder of the sacrifice for us all.
For God so loved the world that He gave His only son so that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. ~ John 3:16.
Yet another amazing share came my way over the weekend from my son, Ryan. He is a sales leader over 40 individuals for LGCY Power, a Solar sales and installation firm. I was reminded of the importance of living with integrity and working to LOVE others over just focusing on the RESULTS. Think about this, if you solely focus on the results, you will have none or they will be fleeting. If, on the other hand, you love others first, they will help you get the results. You will receive other's love and the results! "Success is when I add value to myself only. Significance is when I add value to others." My definition, and certainly Ryan's, for what LOVE is,
Love is: A choice of your will to serve and sacrifice for those you influence.
My son, Ryan is the gentleman on the left in the image below. I trust you will read the impact statement from his co-worker, Cam Worth. "Significance is not in the harvest we reap but in the seeds we sow." My heart was warmed and filled as I read this tribute about my son. It was 'Breath-Taking' as I read about his sacrificial service to others and the personal account from those whom he endeavors to positively influence.
Zig Ziglar said it best, I paraphrase:
If you just help enough other people to get what they need, they will see that you get what you need.
Talk about another 'Breath-Taking' moment in Dad's life. See below:
Significance is not in the harvest we reap but in the seeds we sow. However, we cannot sow what we do not have. That is why we must grow ourselves, in order-to grow others. ~ John C. Maxwell
All of these amazing, 'Breath-Taking' moments have served as a reminder to me recently that life is not about our circumstances or our success. It is all about significance. It is about the stops along the way. The 'Breath-Taking' moments like these I've shared and your own unique breathless moments. All of them serve to ground us and help us realize what is most important.
Significance ~ Loving others to a positive end.
When problems come your way and it seems as though you have forgotten the 'Breath-Taking' moments along the way. Just remember, "We don't change by chance, we change by choice."
"Life is like a grindstone, whether it polishes you up or grinds you to powder depends upon your character." ~ Jacob M. Braude.
"The truth of your character is expressed through the choice of your actions."
My mother was born December 14, 1941 and passed away December 1, 2000. On her headstone shows, Beverly Carroll, December 14, 1941 - December 1, 2000. Recently, I was reminded of this profound thought. "It is not important what day your life begins or your life ends. What is most important is the dash between those dates."
"What will you do with your dash?"
I leave you with this final quote,
Life is not measured by the number of breaths that we take, but by the moments that take our breath away!
I trust this added poem on 11/26/2023 entitled "Take Your Breath Away" adds more inspiration and encouragement to this article originally released in 2020.
Life’s not just counted in breaths we draw,
But in moments that leave us in awe.
In simple joys and laughter's embrace,
Lies the true wealth of our life's grace.
Not by the ticking of time's clock,
But in moments that make our hearts unlock.
The beauty of a sunrise's hue,
Or friendships that remain ever true.
Life's treasures aren't in possessions amassed,
But in moments where love's shadows cast.
In acts of kindness, in hands that mend,
In helping others, our hearts transcend.
The breaths we take may fade and pass,
But moments cherished forever last.
In every smile, in every shared tear,
Lies the essence of what makes life dear.
So, let's savor each moment, every day,
Find beauty in small things along the way.
For life's true measure, beyond what we say,
Resides in moments that take our breath away.
I trust this article today has been an encouragement to each of you and has added value to your days!