*Breast CT* is changing the rules of the game...

*Breast CT* is changing the rules of the game...

Breast Cancer rate, which is *1/8* in women in developed countries, increases as *1/7* in developing countries.

Geli?mi? ülkelerdeki kad?nlarda *1/8* olan *Meme Kanseri* oran?, geli?mekte olan ülkelerde *1/7* olarak art?? g?stermektedir…

For *Proper Diagnosis – Accurate Identification and Treatment* in Breast Cancer; it is very important to increase education and awareness, to determine geographical, ethnic and genetic factors correctly, to know the family history well and to access the right technology on time. More than 90% of Breast Cancers diagnosed at an early stage can be cured. Developing deep learning software with new decision support systems compatible with modalities now allows earlier diagnosis, while reducing the rates of over-diagnosis, "False-Negative" and "False-Positive".

Meme Kanserinde *Do?ru Te?his – Do?ru Tan? ve Tedavi* i?in e?itimin ve fark?ndal???n artmas?, co?rafi, etnik ve genetik fakt?rlerin do?ru saptanmas?, doktorunuzun aile ?ykünüzü iyi bilmesi ve zaman?nda do?ru teknolojiye ula?man?z ?ok ?nemlidir. Erken evrede te?his edilen meme kanserlerinin %90’?ndan fazlas? tedavi edilebiliyor. Modalitelere uyumlu yeni karar destek sistemleri ile geli?en derin ??renme yaz?l?mlar? art?k daha erken tan?ya olanak verirken, yetersiz tan?, “False-Negative” ve “False-Positive” oranlar?n? da dü?ürüyor.

*Breast Tomography provides you with real-time 360° Radiographic Breast Image without compression with lower dose, higher resolution and data than other modalities.*?

*Meme Tomografisi size ger?ek zamanl? 360°’lik Radyografik Meme G?rüntüsünü s?k??t?rma olmaks?z?n, di?er modalitelere nazaran daha dü?ük doz, daha yüksek ??zünürlük ve veri ile sa?lamaktad?r.*

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