Breast Anatomy: What You Need to Know?

Breast Anatomy: What You Need to Know?

Breasts are paired structures in front of the chest. At birth, they are the same in males and females. During puberty, they develop to become more prominent in females due to hormonal changes. Breasts play a critical role in the aesthetic standards of our society. The breasts of males and females are slightly different due to their different functioning. Female breasts are usually larger and have well-developed mammary glands to aid in breastfeeding the newborn. In this article, we will review the anatomy and structure of the breast, lymph node drainage, and mammogram testing to detect and assess breast abnormality.

What are Breasts Made of?

Breasts are made up of many different kinds of tissue. Muscles and layers of fasciae connect the breast to the ribs and overlying skin. Along with these, there are also three different kinds of tissues in the breast. They include:

  • Fatty tissue: The bulk of the breast is made up of fatty tissue. It determines the size of the breast and is mainly responsible for breast changes with weight gain or weight loss.
  • Glandular tissue: Glandular tissue is a secretory part of the breast. It is responsible for milk production and mainly consists of lobes, lobules, and sacs.?
  • Fibrous tissue: The anchoring tissue of the breast is also known as connective tissue. It holds the structure of the breast in place and provides support for the stroma and lobules.?

The Main Components of the Breasts

The main components of the breast are the lobules and ducts, part of the glandular tissue and embedded in the fatty tissue of the breast. They aid in the physiological functioning of the breast such as the production of milk and passage of milk outside the body through the nipple.??

Breast Lobes

The breast lobes are the functional unit of the breast. There are 15-20 lobes in each breast and they are responsible for the glandular secretions of the breast that is milk production. They are arranged in the stroma in a flower-like pattern that opens into the ducts surrounding the nipple. Each lobe consists of lobules and sacs which are smaller functional units of the lobes.?

Breast Ducts

Breast ducts are long tubular structures that are responsible for the milk passage to the nipples. They are also called lactiferous ducts. The main function of the breast duct is to carry the milk from the glandular portion to the secretory portion of the breast i.e. Nipple. They are smaller in diameter near the lobules and widen near the nipple. The excretory ducts on the surface of the nipple are around 15-20 in number in each breast. This ensures the passage of milk even if one or more of the ducts is blocked.?

Lymph Nodes

Lymph nodes are small, nodular structures found throughout the body. They are responsible for filtering a colorless fluid called lymph and also help fight off infections and provide immunity. Lymph nodes responsible for draining the breast, are found in clusters all around the breast. They include:

  • Axillary lymph nodes: Found in the armpits.
  • Supraclavicular lymph nodes: Found above the clavicle.
  • Cervical lymph nodes: Found in the neck
  • Mediastinal lymph nodes: Found in the chest

Lymph nodes are the most important extra-mammary structure for the detection of breast carcinoma metastasis. The first lymph node cancer metastasis is of supreme importance in the diagnosis and prognosis of breast cancer. That lymph node is called a sentinel lymph node. Breast lymph nodes are always assessed in cases of breast cancer.?

Mammograms: A Brief Explanation

Mammograms are used for the assessment of breast lumps or to investigate any suspicious case of breast carcinoma. It is a completely harmless test that uses low-dose X-rays targeted to a specific place in the breast to identify any mass, tumor, areas of calcification, or trauma.?

There are two types of mammograms that are used on a daily basis:

  • Screening mammograms are the test advised without the symptoms or signs of breast cancer. They are done to catch cancer at its early stages if there is positive family history, evidence of gene mutation, or any other positive risk factor.
  • Diagnostic Mammograms are the test that helps in the assessment of abnormal breast complaints such as lumps, bumps, nipple discharge, skin ulceration, or painful breast.?

Final Thoughts

The breast is a very intricate structure with many important structures. Basic knowledge of breast anatomy is important to have a better understanding of your body and any abnormal complaints you have. If you experience a lump in the breast, painful discharge of the nipple, ulceration of the breast skin, or orange peel appearance of the breast skin, contact your doctor immediately for screening and evaluation.?



