#breakthewallofsilence #moneymakers too little #caretakers #climate of fear #taboo #players don't talk #symptoms unrecognized #hope turns to doubts
Werner Trapmann
Dipl-Sozialp?dagoge, Systemischer Anti-Gewalt-Trainer SAGT°& Deeskalations-Trainer, Projektmanagement, Strategische Kommunikation und Beratung, Social Media, Kampagnenmagement
Giani Boldenau Urs Meier Mario Felgueiras Bilen Kürküt Nick Montgomery Alberto Cei Terry Cornick Dr. Vincent Gouttebarge and me Werner Trapmann we break the wall of silence even if it will have to take a 'wrecking ball' to show what is real behind the curtains!
A topic too long neglected and never really followed because of money-making, football agents not taking care and football clubs manipulating public.
Stop this! It has to come on the agenda! Germany, Turkey, Portugal, Switzerland and even Australia. You cannot ignore it further. And we will grow!
#Gary Speed #Robert Enke #Sascha Lewandowski #Andreas Biermann #Sebastian Deisler #Martin Bengtsson #Sergi López Segú #Alvaro Dominguez
This has come to an end. Human rights carta also in football sports! No alibi support of the players! Don't go on as everything was right! It's not enough done.
Thanks to Mathias Liebing and Alima Hotakie for the composition of the multimedia package!