BreakOut - The New Marketing Game

BreakOut - The New Marketing Game

I think companies are going to be in for a whole new game for 2017.

For the past 5-10 years, marketers including myself created all kinds of content and have been quick to market. Also, we have learned how to use channels like social media to help communicate and connect with our clients and advocates.

The past 2-3 years have told a different story. We have seen returns on our efforts go down. We wanted to believe that we could modify our content and update the quality and things would change. The truth was the fact that everyone got into the content game and today we have so much content and few people reading it.

In 2017, I am focused on a whole new approach. I am calling it the BREAKOUT plan. It is really time to turn marketing on its head and actually find revolutionary processes that will help get our company noticed going into the new year. I am evaluating a lot of new programs, digital pieces, and content. Also, I will be watching the rollout of our new company website in the coming weeks.

As I look at this topic, I am reminded of a quote I heard at a Tom Peter's Presentation from his Re-Imagine Presentation, Slide #10.

"Incrementalism is innovation's worst enemy" - Nicholas Negroponte

There is not a time for small steps this year. This year for real innovation, I will be looking at making significant changes. I think it is the only approach that will work.

Good luck with your marketing plans in 2017!



