Breaking your mold to grow
A journey without a challenge makes your mind weak

Breaking your mold to grow

Our inherent nature is to build, as we are creators in this life. We create our life through thoughts + action. When you create anything out of nothing, whether it’s a product, a solution, or an artwork, it strengthens your belief in yourself, builds a character and helps you realize your potential.

Humans generally confound themselves and build a solid mold that holds them through habits and regular thought processes. To break the mold, you have to drive your own reality and initiate your growth. This is me, and this is what I want to become. And there, I go and develop myself. That’s how you become competent and driven in life.

Living a riotous, easy life may bring pleasure, but this pleasure can spoil you in the years to come, leading to disappointment and degradation. Life is about building yourself and your life through working towards a definitive aim. It’s through this process that you learn, acquire knowledge & wisdom, to be an accomplished person.

You are driven, healthy, fit, and strive to understand the world better, aiming to become grounded, bold, and an achiever. To achieve this, you must seek to understand our world better, ask questions, and solve problems independently.

Growth is nurtured in your thoughts before it materializes.

There are countless aspects of the world to comprehend, many of which are not taught in mainstream education. To grow you need to delve into different knowledge domains — such as wisdom from various religions, economics, esoteric and metaphysical concepts, among others. This will help you solidify your knowing and develop a framework which propels you.

Aiming for something beyond your current capability will help you stretch yourself. Striving to achieve this aim helps you grow and lay the foundation for success in life.

Approach everything with a sense of balance. It’s okay to fail but it’s through failure that we learn and grow- Failures are stepping stone to success. Remember, every hero has a story of his struggle and overcoming obstacles and that’s what makes the journey meaningful.

A celebratory mood is essential while you pursue your goals. This reduces stress and helps maintain a healthy attitude. Continuous improvement through acquiring new skills, knowledge, self belief and focus is key.

So, the formula to help you develop and grow is as follows:

Striving to achieve your goal + Self-improvement (progress) + Celebration (the goal is already in the basket)

Failures are part and parcel of building and achieving something. When you embrace failures as stepping stones towards your goal, you see them as progressive steps forward.


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