Breaking the vicious cycle
Dr Sumer Sethi
Founder DAMS eMedicoz | Author, Educator , Innovator, 3Times TEDx Speaker | Building eMedicoz Largest Medical Education Digital Platform
What is worse than failure, worse than rejection, it is feeling that you are not in control.
Let me explain, I met a person who has been facing a court case for last 10 years. He was neither free nor guilty, he was hanging in midway. Every time he would go to the court fearing the worst and hoping for the best, but most often he would end up getting another date. He said it would be better if he is given punishment rather than to be in position of lack of control. Similar situations in life are often seen in life whenever we are dealing with a situation which is apparently beyond our control. Imagine standing outside the Operation room for a dear one. Imagine someone telling you in a relationship that they are not sure. Imagine being invested in a crashing stock market.
This lack of control feels frustrating. We have all been told that we can control things. Strong men should be able to manage some sense of control.
But when you loose control and that happens for a prolonged time, you loose faith.
You feel powerless.
You start believing in myths and superstitions. You start worrying. The whole negative vicious cycle sets in.
At that time think about what really matters to you. Your life, your thoughts, your spirit
The YOU is more important that than the situation. You lower the reaction you were giving to the situation, you feel back in control. Impact becomes softer.
You feel better. Yes, you exist for bigger reason. Bigger than all your current problems.
You are special.