#Breaking! via? www.WhoIsQ.US #QAnon Updates Part 2 January 2018

#Breaking! via? www.WhoIsQ.US #QAnon Updates Part 2 January 2018

“We do the guess work of filtering all the lies from the ‘Main Stream Media’ and discerning Breaking Real News so You don’t have to Since 2011” by Ashtar R. Sheran, Editor-In-Chief@BreakingREALnews.COM

Ladies & Gents:

Happy New Year 2018!! = 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 11 = Magic + Angels + Miracles + End of darkness = Universal Powerful# ~ Welcome Aboard to JANUARY’s Gate = 1 = New Beginnings! Great PORTALS OPENINGS DAILY Meditations Portal Openings from day One on New Year’s Super Moon then Daily until The Super Blue Moon & Eclipse on JANUARY 31st @ 11:11AM & 11:11 PM + DAILY! @ Your Local Time. You are The Temple in <3

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Who is Q? (Look For Q’s VIDEO UPDATES Every Other Day!) by: www.WhoIsQ.US

Intel Puzzle Drops on 4Chan by Individual(s) with Highest Level ‘Q’ Clearance Saudi Arabia (+++), Rothschilds (++), Soros (+) For over two months now 4chan |pol| has received messages and “breadcrumbs” from an anonymous source claiming to have ‘Q’ level clearance. “A Q Clearance (or Q-type clearance) is a United States Department of Energy (DOE) security clearance that is roughly … Continue reading


#Breaking! #QAnon Updates Part 2 January 2018 via www.WhoIsQ.US #QAnon + The Storm Update January 2018. via www.WhoIsQ.US The last information coming from QAnon are pointing out potentially some very bad news for traders and pedophiles, not the least of which is an unprecedented number of flights to Guantanamo Bay. It is worth mentioning Arizona National Guard military police deployed to Guantanamo. This Arizona … Continue reading


#Breaking! British Actress: Oprah Winfrey ‘Pimped Me Like A Whore’ To Rapist Weinstein+Hypocritical Speech + Ivanka’s Tweet Praising Oprah #TimesUp #United A British woman has accused Oprah Winfrey of pimping her out to sexual predator Harvey Weinstein when she was a struggling actress in Hollywood. Following Oprah’s deeply hypocritical speech on Sunday night at the Golden Globes, a report about how actress Kadian Noble was raped by Weinstein after being coerced by Oprah to go back … Continue reading


#Breaking! Trump Exonerates Assange: “He’s Free To Come To America”+More Wikileaks News President Trump has cleared the path for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to enter the United States without fear of arrest or deportation. The exoneration comes after days of unexpected and unusual developments surrounding Assange. On Tuesday, Wikileaks posted a tweet announcing that the U.S. government had finally ended its eight-year-long grand jury proceedings against … Continue reading


#Breaking! Former CIA Pilot Claims There Are Over 250 Million Citizens On The Moon Former CIA pilot John Lear claims that that the Moon is not only habitable but has more than 250 million citizens. He describes the Moon’s citizens as humanoid aliens, adding that the alien race known as the greys also live there, but they stay under the Moon’s surface working in enormous laboratories. Lear also … Continue reading


#Breaking! (Video) Honorable Canadian Defence Minister: ETs in UFOS Have Visited Earth For 1000’s Of Years!!+Doing Business with Governmets Globally. Former Canadian Defence Minister Paul Hellyer claims that at least 4 known species of aliens species have been visiting Earth for thousands of years. At Multiple Conferences in Canada, Paul Hellyer claimed that when he was Minister of National Defense in the 1960’s, he worked with extraterrestrials who he said were in contact with high-ranking government officials … Continue reading


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