Breaking Up the Budget
Jermaine Barton
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Now, take a look at the dollar amount for your budget and do a reality check. For instance, a $10,000 budget means you can spend $600 on flowers. A $30,000 budget means you can spend between $1,200 and $2,400 on wedding rings. It’s simple math!
Once you figure out how much you can spend in each category all decisions suddenly become much easier to make, which means the entire wedding planning process will flow more smoothly.
Are you and your fiance footing the entire bill for the wedding? Great! That makes things easier (well, maybe not financially, but for making a wedding budget it does) and you can skip this section. But, for most couples, each set of parents still pays for the majority or the entirety of the wedding. Fortunately, it’s no longer tradition for the bride’s parents to pay for the entire thing – costs tend to be divided up a little bit more evenly.
You and your families will need to figure out a system that works best for you. Sometimes parents offer to throw in a certain amount and other times they’ll dictate what they’d like to pay for.
Here is a simple and traditional way to split up the tab:
And the groom’s side also tends to pay for the honeymoon. Although, it’s also becoming more popular to ask guests to donate to the honeymoon fund as their gift to the couple, if you’d like to go that route.
Again, this is just a breakout of how many couples typically divide up the budget today, but adjust as necessary to fit your individual situation.
Now, you can fully enjoy?your wedding knowing that you and your families won’t be going into debt over your special day because you knew your budget and you stuck to it!