Breaking Tradition: The Evolution of Roofing Maintenance

Breaking Tradition: The Evolution of Roofing Maintenance

As explained in our previous Blog post, Roofing Problem Areas: The Troublesome 10%, Belzona’s industry experience indicates that 90% of roofing problems usually arise from a mere 10% of the roof’s total area. In fact, the occurrence of these problems tends to bear a significant correlation to traditional roofing materials and installation methods. Therefore, how can these problems be eliminated through maintenance? This Blog post examines the evolution that roofing materials have undertaken and how roofing maintenance solutions have adapted to effectively cope.

Adapting to change

Charles Darwin considered “adapting to change” the most significant part of his evolutionary theory, a statement that holds similar relevance to the evolution of roofing materials. Historically, roofing materials such as tar and lead have been eclipsed on flat roofs by roll-on materials like single-ply rubber sheeting, bitumen and felt. However, despite being easier to apply than their predecessors, the safety and effectiveness surrounding their application and subsequent maintenance is not increasingly better. Fundamentally, the repair and maintenance of these materials is carried out using the exact same materials, or ineffective accessory products which can create future problems in the long term. As a result, roofing maintenance is evolving once more, and this time it is with the advent of liquid-applied polymeric membranes.

To continue reading this post and for more information, visit the Belzona Blog .


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