Do you own your own company or run your own business?
Are you involved in Sales and the exchange of goods or services?
Do you find there are days when nothing goes right?
Well listen up because this is very likely something that will add value to all that you are doing and all that you would like to achieve.
For most of us running at 100% efficiency is nothing more than a fallacy and a fantasy and for those who do it, well, it simply isn’t sustainable for extended periods of time.
So let me ask you this ..
Can you think of a time when you felt stuck, I mean really stuck where you couldn’t improve your results, or where you couldn’t increase your sales or where you couldn’t realise any growth beyond where you were currently at?
Well you’re not alone and whilst this may not be you personally, I’m sure you could think of someone who works really hard to have a better life but never quite seems to get there.
See, for many of us we have a desire to have more and yet even when we know how we just don’t seem to be able to get off the starting blocks.
We have good intention and fervent desire but at the end of the day for all that we have and all that we are the results we are getting do not change – or they get worse.
How many of you reading this now can identify with this?
Inertia is an insidious mental state that prevents us from building energy and activity that helps us get the result that we really want.
Think of it this way …
If you had to push a car the hardest part of all of that would be getting the car to move initially but once you get those wheels moving it gets easier.
Well motivation is also like that and building a resistance to inertia is also like this. It takes effort and you have to work at getting the result you want. The car won’t move by itself … it needs a little help but once you get it rolling it will be easier to keep it rolling.
So how can we change this dysfunctional state that prevents us from enjoying the continued growth and development that we really want?
That’s right, know what you want as your outcome before you do anything.
Prioritise the steps required to get from where you are now to where you really want to be and act on them.
Consider what might get in the way, what might stop you from achieving your objective and eliminate those considerations from your thinking and from your plan.
Yes YOU !
Hold yourself accountable for your actions and your inaction and make it your business to find an accountability partner who will keep you on task, on point and on track.
A large part of my business is spent keeping responsible people accountable to themselves and their activities and actions.
With every day and every activity measure your success against your expectations.
What gets measured gets done, and even if it doesn’t get done there is a degree of accountability there that cannot be avoided once you commit to achieving your desired outcome.
These 5 Tips are simple tips but are also time tested to help you stay on track and to help you regain the momentum and the motivation that rewards you with everything you want.
Yielding to the psychological oppression of inertia will render you ineffective and will steal away any possibility of true success so decide today that you will find an accountability partner who will hold you responsible for your actions and commit to investing every fiber of your being into achieving what others consider is un-achievable.
The impossible we do today and the improbable we will tackle tomorrow – CMS
Get yourself ready for 2020 find yourself a coach, find yourself a mentor or an accountability partner and watch your results compound.
Decide to make a quantum leap from where you are now to where you really want to be!
Make the change right now – you will like yourself so much more for doing it!
I’m Christopher Shaw and I’m wishing you continued success!
SYD 1300 822 090
Don’t enter 2020 without a plan or a goal or at the very least a purpose for doing what you do.