breaking through the barrier of fear
So often, after all the effort, when we finally get a Buyer teed up to sign, or so we think, the following happens –
a) "We recognize your company’s credentials, but are not taking on any new suppliers at the moment."
b) "Thank you for your presentation, but we are already getting this from another vendor."
So, how do we break down these massive barriers?
Try these two (almost) fool proof strategies -
1. feed, never present
Instead of listening, really listening to your Customer, & fully appreciating his underlying needs, you may have made your presentation too early.
How do you feed fish in a pond? One crumb at a time, right?
Exactly the same should apply when presenting your solution to a Customer. Just feed him a titbit at a time.
Just enough for him to want to hear more!
This strategy is a game changer.
True sales Professionals draw the Customer in, as an “accomplice”, into believing they have found the solution themselves.
Sure, to be able to present in this manner, takes work & research. If you don’t know your stuff, you will surely be caught short & flunk the deal.
How can your opposition compete in a situation where you & the Customer have colluded in meeting his needs?
2. timidity comes second
Too many salespeople present their solution & then leave it up to the Customer to make a decision – or NOT!
When it comes to the point of putting pen to paper, we all freeze – the bigger the purchase, the greater the reluctance. It is simply human nature.
It is your job, at this critical point, to help your Customer overcome this unsubstantiated fear, by guiding him & reinforcing the benefits of the great deal he has done, & the gains to be enjoyed by embarking on this deal.
No, it is not rude, neither is it underhand. If you truly believe that your solution will benefit him, then it is your duty to hold his hand & lead him to the other side.
When the benefits show, he will be grateful you did, & will be back for more in the future!