Breaking Revelation: Unmasking the villain behind the world’s financial problems.
This is not a prank. There is a culprit behind the world’s woes of poverty, unemployment, economic stagnation, mass migration from developing to developed countries, crime, child labor, and all ills that emanate from financial and economic deprivation.
Today, you and I are going out on a tough mission; to smoke out the villain behind the world’s heart wrenching problems. We will take no bribes; we will not negotiate with suspects.
We are determined, focused and single minded in this resolve: to unearth and reveal the culprit – whatever it is, whoever it may be.
For the millions of people in poor countries whose lives are described by the phrase ‘Life is misery – Live with It’, this mission is especially meant for you. To emancipate you and future generations form life-sucking poverty.
For the rest of us whose lives are summed up by the phrase ‘Life is a struggle –Accept it’. This is our mission. We may not do much about the length of our lives, but together we can do much about its quality. Life may be short, but we can make it ‘one long party’.
After today’s mission, I will release the solution - And the solution is good, very good. Its like ‘out of this world’. You will love it.
Let’s get started.
We will take the most widespread problem and run with it – Unemployment.
What is causing unemployment? – Lack of Jobs and scarcity of employment opportunities.
What is causing this scarcity of employment opportunities? – This scarcity is caused by high employable populations and comparatively few jobs available.
In other words, the population of the world has increased very much while resources (such as employment opportunities) have either grown marginally or remained constant.
Population is the variable factor, while employment opportunities are the constant factor. The problem is in the variable, not with the constant. The population has outgrown the resources.
Let us continue.
What has caused the world population to grow so much and exacerbated the problem of unemployment to the level it is today? – Basic economics dictate that human population will grow quickly if certain conditions are conducive to that growth.
What are these conditions that have caused massive population growth?-
1.???? Advancement in medical and medicine technology has increased lifespan and reduced mortality rate in all age brackets.
2.???? Ready availability of food and numerous distribution networks for all types of food. Unlike in centuries past, one does not need to grow his own food; he can get all the food he need from the shops, supermarkets and open markets.
3.???? Ease in earning a livelihood.? All you need is money and you can live a completely?? rounded-up life. Cars and public transport has led to the growth of big cities that have many job opportunities and numerous other ways to make money.
4.???? Comfort of modern life. With electricity, sewerage and drainage systems, tap water, and cooking gas, our homes are self-contained and a perfect place to live and raise families. Add to this household equipment; Televisions, home theaters, radios, fridges and freezers, electric cookers, and you live the life everyone desires.
WE ARE NOW CLOSING IN ON THE CULPRIT. Do not let it escape, whatever it is, whoever it is.
Now we want to know what (or who) brings about these good conditions that induce wholesale population growth.
a)???? Who are behind the advancement in medicine technology? Is it Governments? – Governments have vested interests, but do not manufacture medicines and medical equipment. Government interests are limited to the health of their citizens; their livestock and the productivity of the land. Governments are facilitators. Medicine and medical equipment are manufactured by businesses, distributed by businesses, and sold to the consumer (or to hospitals) by businesses. Goaded by thirst for profits, pharmaceutical companies have manufactured every form of medicine – good and not so good, safe and not so safe – in colossal quantities. They have made numerous breakthroughs, and thanks to them, life expectancy has gone up. Thanks to them, deaths from previously untreatable diseases have been contained. Thanks to them the world’s population has grown.
b)??? It’s a????? wonderful thing how food has come close to every one of us – neighborhood-shops, retail stores, food kiosks, supermarkets, etc. Its obvious that these outlets are run by business men and women. We owe this life support progress to businesses. You can eat almost anything you fancy as long as you have the money to buy it.
c)???? It’s now very easy to earn a living and a comfortable one at that – as long as you have money. To get money, all you need is a job. Where do you get a job? Who gives out these jobs? You work;
2. ??????An employee of a non-governmental organization
3.?????? As an employee of a private business
?????????? Let’s dig a little deeper. Governments employ and pay its employees from taxes collected from businesses and individual citizens. Governments do not always operate business. Governments do not create the wealth that would enable sustainable mass job creation.
Non-Governmental organizations normally operate as charitable non-profit organizations.
Businesses (big and small) are the chief source of jobs. They are also the source of money that enables governments and Non-Governmental institutions to create their jobs. BOTTOM LINE; Businesses are the source of all jobs – whether directly or indirectly.
d) We all know who make and maintain the facilities, systems, equipment and gadgets that are so convenient to life and make life comfortable –BUSINESSES. House-hold appliances, cars, airplanes, trains, tap water, drainage and sewerage systems, home heating systems, are made, serviced and repaired by businesses-you name it.
Wait a minute; Instead of unmasking a devil, we seem to have unmasked an angel.
Our simple concise and foolproof detection strategy has zeroed in on businesses as ‘our man’. We will conduct some form of forensic audit and in-depth investigation. These businesses must have two faces, double personalities – the face of an angel and the face of a devil
?????????????????????????????????????????????????? GUT FEELING
We scorn at the statement that businesses can be angels. Our gut feeling tell us that businesses are no angels.
Businesses use the word ‘market’ to describe the general or a specific section of the human population. Where there is a community of people, there is a market for business to harness. People are the prime resource that businesses exploit for profit.
Businesses have become adept at harnessing the human resource (market).
They use every tactic in the book to turn people into their customers. They will inform, persuade, cajole, lie, coax and use subtle warning .They unleash trained salesmen, advertise relentlessly, and form powerful marketing entities. They have refined and perfected their game. They want the customer’s money – by hook or by crook.
The results are evident; after decades, centuries of such relentless pursuit, the world population is complete enslaved to the business sector of society. Businesses are the source of products and services that make life possible – and they are basically the source of the money that you must have to buy those goods and services.
Has anybody ever stopped and seriously wondered whether this greedy, relentless and smothering exploitation has negative ramifications. IF they have, have they ever gone further and considered what mitigating measures should have been instituted.
You may choose to explain the situation otherwise. But the fact cannot be explained in any other way – businesses have the livelihoods of every person in the world in their hands.
It’s reminiscent of the famine in biblical Egypt. Everyone was gathered into cities to make it easy to distribute relief food. There is no free food today. We have gathered into big cities to work for business, and give our money back to businesses. The need for money and lure of city comfort is irresistible - and necessary,
The deadly part of this real scenario is; it is becoming harder and harder for billions of people to make money.
When a resource is being exploited, laws, ethics, and morals require that adequate mitigating measures be taken to counter the negative consequences of such harnessing and utilization.
When a mining company identifies land for mining gold, coal iron or any other mineral, there are environmental assessment reports and laws and regulations to adhere to. Even after the mining is completed, any open gullies and pits will have to be leveled or filled up and trees planted before the company moves on to another location.
????????????????????????? Once upon a time
Let us look at sample of what businesses have done.
There was this rural community in certain part of North America back in the mid nineteenth century. It was a farming community. The people lived off the land - doing farming, rearing cattle, pigs, chicken and so on. Life was not easy but they managed.
Then an oil mining company set up shop in the neighborhood. The company started hiring the locals and the wheel of change started turning.
As the company’s operations grew, more people, especially the young abandoned farming and came to work for the oil company.
Money brought an easy, comfortable and a seemingly better life. The population started growing as more people moved in form other areas. A new town started taking shape. An urban community started forming.
A wide variety of smaller business mushroomed and residential areas started coming up.
Farmers started selling off their idle land to new comers.
Within twenty years or so, the once independent rural community was now relying on the town for its survival.
Smaller businesses started moving out.
You can imagine the consequences; unemployment, crime, poverty, inability to earn a living.
Where do you point the accusing finger in this resultant situation? The Business community was after profits. They obviously knew that the oil, which was the anchor of the new way of life, would not last forever. They had their own exit strategy in case that happened. They never cared one little bit about the people who were natives to that area. They never cared about the people who now had families and dependents.
Whether knowingly or unknowingly, the business community – led by the oil company stealthily and craftily uprooted a community from a sustainable way of life into a life that totally depended on money – money that originated from the businesses in form of salaries and wages and which returned backed to the businesses in form of payments for goods and services. They enslaved the community into a way of life that was designed to serve the businesses’ own selfish gains.
The oil company should have had a little forethought when starting operations. It should have led the other businesses in instituting mitigating measures to prepare the farming community for a possible negative eventuality.
Some preparations and some funds would have enabled the community leaders and politicians to lead the community in developing a farming hinterland and open up outside markets to local produce.
Ignorance is no defense in a court of law.
Businesses have explored, harnessed and exploited the human resource in a selfish, exploitative, ruthless and with reckless abandon – without any regard whatsoever to the negative consequences of their greed:
·??????? Unchecked growth in human population and mass migration to cities and larger towns where the people are totally dependent on money for survival without any guaranteed way to earn that money.
·??????? Reliance and complete dependency on money which is only generated and sustained by businesses from business activities.
·??????? Marginal growth in money making opportunities, which is not parallel and commensurate with the increase in employable population.
The result is what we have today. If you have no money, survival becomes increasingly hard and even outright impossible for you and your family.
You need money to stay alive. Life is a prime and fundamental human right.
By driving the human race into a situation where survival is becoming closer and closer to impossibility, businesses are literally taking the right to life away from millions of people. The business community as a whole has a case to answer.
Businesses have driven us to where we are. We are completely enslaved to them.
No, we are worse than slaves. Slaves owners make sure their slaves are fed, clothed, and sheltered.
Businesses provide the jobs that enable people to earn money to buy the necessities of life from the same business. They no longer provide enough jobs, yet they must receive money for them to release food, clothing, shelter, medicine, etc.
If you have no money, you are completely useless to businesses that hold the means of livelihood. You may as well go curl yourself somewhere and die.
In and employee/employer contract, a salary is not enough. The employee receives terminal financial benefits, has a pension fund that the employer contributes to every month, medical insurance, training, etc. All of which cushions him when his job ends.
The seller/buyer contract on the other hand is actually a predator/prey arrangement.
Business entities assume no responsibility whatsoever for the havoc they have wrought on the lives of people the world over.
Do you know how many people die every month in developing countries because they cannot afford medicine and medical care?? Many are refused admission to hospitals because they cannot raise the admission fee. Others sell their land and exhaust all their savings to pay pilling hospital bills. Others resort to begging for donations from the general public.
I’ve heard cases where sick people are abandoned in hospital by their loved ones when hospital bills become too high for them to pay.
Business entities, big and small, have collectively reduced our lives to the pitiful state we are in today.
By ruthlessly and? relentlessly exploiting the human resource and failing to institute mitigating measures that would counter and? ease the serious negative effects of their exploitation, businesses have committed a serious atrocity against mankind.
?????????????????????????????????????? THE SOLUTION
Our social-economic system was never designed. It evolved naturally from the time of batter trade. It follows the law of the juggle- SURVIVAL FOR THE FITTEST.
The crux of the problem lie in a small simple ‘document’ called ‘Basic Sales Contract’. This document is a tripartite agreement between the seller, the buyer, and the regulator (government).
When you buy an item in a store, you enter a temporary contract with the seller and the government. It’s a bidding contract and its clauses are bidding in a court of law.
I have added a fundamental clause in this contract that will fully mitigate the negative effects of the exploitation of the human resource by the money hungry commercial entities.
This simple addition is enough to reshape the global social-economic system.
This simple clause will effectively overhaul the current social-economic setup.
This simple change will effectively end poverty, unemployment, economic stagnation and nearly all money related problems facing today’s world.
This clause comes complete with its own implementation machinery, its own system that is meticulously designed to ensure successful transition.
A website, which will be the center of action, is coming up within a month or so from the date of this article. The mobile phone (smart phone) will be a key Customer Interface Unit.
Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the term C.I.Cs. It’s going to be a household term, starting this year-2024.
The meaning of that abbreviation will be revealed in the website.
The improved way of life that C.I.Cs will bring can be described in one sentence – THE WORLD HAS NEVER HAD IT SO GOOD.
????????????????? Highlights of the Coming C.I.C Economy
The C.I.C system is a vast money making industry that has the individual consumer at the center.
1.???? As the C.I.C system gains mass acceptance, millions of employed people who are not contented with their work are expected to quit in favor of the effortless and better remunerating C.I.C money making avenues.
2.???? Millions of unemployed people will stop looking for jobs and instead start earning a comfortable livelihood from the C.I.C system.
3.???? Millions of college graduates, High school leavers and other entrants in the job market will already have money and impressive portfolios of investments. They are bound to focus on managing their investments instead of looking for jobs.
4.???? The increased purchasing power of the individual consumer will automatically spur business growth on a global scale. This will create a demand for more workers.
The C.I.C economy will create a diminishing demand for jobs while the growing global economy will create a demand for workers.? This counter situation will quickly and effectively eliminate unemployment. The same situation will create better pay and attractive work terms for those who will choose to work as employees.