Breaking in Red Shoes
The third week in July 2017 -- a week that will live in infamy. Incredible emotional lows... amazing professional highs... screaming kids... flustered parents...
This may be the shortest... Least profound LinkedIn post of all time but the pillars of Red Shoes Living are simple:
Awareness. Gratitude. Everyone has a Story. Respect. Put Yourself Out There.
Like all high quality shoes they are uncomfortable at first... I promise you this.. Break in a pair of high quality shoes and you've never been more comfortable. This week was tough for me... I tried to practice the pillars but my environment wasn't as welcoming to my "footwear" as I would have hoped.
One thing I've noticed... They write books about great leaders... And about great fathers... But not about great husbands. My guess is that regardless of the subject of the other two books you/I needed the support of a great family so one doesn't come without the other.
Thankfully I met some great leaders at the ELE Leadership Conference and experienced a community of leaders who all agreed to engage. explore. and evolve. I know I did all three of them and I'm forever grateful for the experience.
I can't wait to come back for the next one... This year I was a taker but I'm hopeful that by next time my "shoes" will be broken in and I will have grown enough to contribute for others. The breaking in takes time... I hope I'm the kind of quality that can't be rushed.