Breaking Point and Then.....
This didn't happen suddenly. It'd taken several months to build up. I found myself suddenly getting angrier at others, and feeling in a constant state of stress. Small things rapidly became big things.
It was a bad place.
You're a wise, travelled sage. You know what I mean.
But then something happened.
As I sat there, suddenly something clicked into place.
Almost INSTANTLY, everything turned around.
My crazed, stressy, panicking breakdown... suddenly dissolved into a chilled, zen-like state that has remained ever since.
I like to think of it as my own little Christmas miracle.
Let me explain what happened inside my head.
My brain rapidly, crazily searched for ways out of this mindspace.
Should I start my CBT therapy once again? Perhaps I could get an emergency appointment for tomorrow? "Now, even??"
Or how about meditation? I'd forgotten the practice over the previous year, and it showed. "Why did I stop!!!"
Medication maybe? Anti-depressants? But, what about the side effects...
And maybe I really needed to see a psychologist, or a psychiatrist, to figure out what was going on... and to bring just a semblence of sanity back to my daily life.
"How do I get rid of this constant anxiety?!?"
My brain was on the edge of reason. Worried. Confused. Rambling. A little manic.
And then I suddenly considered this...
The ultimate goal of all such treatments is to get you to a place of saying: "It's all good." ??
Now, I'd love for you to really think about that for a moment.
The ultimate goal of all such treatments is to get you to a place of saying: "It's all good."
I could probably indulge in six months of intensive therapy. And that might give me the perspective to conclude with something like:
"Sh*t happens. It's life. Life is big and beautiful. I have so much to be grateful for. Chill out. It's all good."
I could take pills from my doctor. Which would increase the serotonin available to my brain. Which would eventually lead me to conclude:
"Sh*t happens. It's life. Life is big and beautiful. I have so much to be grateful for. Chill out. It's all good."
I could read more books, buy more courses, restart my daily meditation practice. And after some time, I'd probably conclude:
"Sh*t happens. It's life. Life is big and beautiful. I have so much to be grateful for. Chill out. It's all good."
And so...
Sitting on that balcony -- panicking, shaking, crying -- I suddenly realized...
* Why bother waiting? *
I could just skip forward right now to feeling good. ?
Why threaten my brain with all of that hard work?
Instead, I can simply make the decision right now to be happy. It's all good.
No need for frills. No need for "systems" to get me where I need to be. That's all superfluous.
Instead, I can dive straight to the source.
I can simply allow my brain to realize that, despite everything:
It's all good. ??
And, suddenly, it was.
Months of gray clouds suddenly cleared. The heavy weight inside just lifted. The stress and panic attacks dissapeared for good.
Change happens. We're changing all the time. And that change can happen quicker than you ever thought possible.
Now, whether you're stuck in the dark depths of depression, or just finding yourself irritated by the usual stresses of daily life...
Consider just fast-forwarding straight to the happy.