Breaking Norms and Stereotypes!
Today, I feel like taking a walk down the memory lane of my career. I relish every memory and joy ever since I started out as a plastic surgeon. A long journey where I met a lot of people and their stories. Every passing year has rippled down the changes in societal beliefs and the more inclusive attitude of people towards cosmetic surgery. And, it gives me immense pleasure to have witnessed these changes over the years!
Along with embracing such changes, I feel it’s particularly necessary to track them too. An insightful comparison will help us move ahead and bring about more essential impacts in society and its years-old bias towards cosmetic surgery. Now, as we go back into history, the roots of plastic surgery in India can be traced back to Sushrutha Samhitha, written by the father of plastic surgery Sushrutha.
Improving body and face shape & aesthetics for better functionality and good appearance is quite common in India these days. Besides the unwanted beauty standards set by society, hundreds and thousands believe in boosting their confidence through enhanced looks. Especially, for people suffering from “stubborn fat” liposuction, tummy tucks, and body contouring surgeries seem to be highly useful.
People are becoming better aware of their bodies and are slowly feeling confident to opt for cosmetic surgery without fearing judgment. In particular, women coming forward and taking decisions on their bodies is truly remarkable. Probably, this is a reason for the rising number of mommy makeovers nowadays. Breast augmentation and tummy tucks are the major surgeries requested by most mommies. Men also prefer cosmetic surgery these days without much inhibition. Conditions such as gynecomastia, hair balding, etc. are treated precisely, helping a lot of them cope with social anxiety as well.
While there has been an improved outlook toward plastic surgery, there is still a sense of tension amongst many patients. And, it’s quite NORMAL! Being concerned about your health and body is necessary. However, you can put your mind at ease with a heartful conversation with your doc. Learn and understand how you need to prepare for the surgery and take care of your body post-surgery. De-clutter your mind and come down to a decision with clarity and awareness. This will push you a long way through to lead a happy life.
With increased preferences for cosmetic surgery among the Indian folks, this domain has advanced to greater heights technologically. Also, gone are the days, when aesthetic surgery was looked down with a frown. Today, people happily embrace their decisions for a mommy makeover, tummy tuck, or facelifts. Let’s grow further to being kinder to each other and our bodies too. Because all of us deserve it!