BREAKING NEWS: You're Not Over It
Michelle Barone
? Emotional Liberation Coach ? Guiding you through releasing limitations and learning to work with your emotions so that you can show up more fully in every area of your life.
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If you’re just getting to know me, my name is Michelle and I am an Emotional Liberation Coach.
I guide clients through releasing limitations and learning to work with their emotions so that they can show up more fully in every area of their lives.
You know those times when you've said one of the following about a situation…
What happens when that same thing happens again?
Maybe it’s connected to your job, a friendship, a family member, or your own internal thoughts. Maybe it’s someone or something else’s behavior that you’re reacting to.?
You get wrapped up in the same old routine. It upsets and annoys you. You’re frustrated and questioning why you’re “here” again. You think back on how you put your foot down to yourself saying it wouldn’t happen again.
Yet there you are. Triggered like it’s the first time it’s happened. You let it bother you. It eats away at you inside. Then a couple of days or weeks or months later, you’re back to your story of “I’m over it.”
But are you really? Are you being truthful with yourself??
If there are emotions still coming up, you’re not over it. If you feel a knot in your stomach, you’re not over it. If you respond the same way every time it happens, you’re not over it.
You are more than welcome to keep trying to convince yourself that you’re fine, push the emotions down, and hide the tears and frustration, but I’ll tell you bluntly - you’re only prolonging it. You’re only turning it into a pattern that will continue over and over again.
You might be thinking, “I’m not totally over it, but I’ve cut that person out of my life!”
That’s a great first step, but what about when another version of that type of person comes into your life?
What if you can heal from the situation altogether and learn how to effectively manage your emotions to create a version of yourself where it’s a non-issue, no matter who’s involved?
Again, this could be a work situation, a situation with a partner, friend, parent, or kid, a fear or phobia, or anything else that elicits an emotional response within you.
Think about it this way. Imagine there is a food you know upsets your stomach. Let’s say it’s tomato sauce for this example. After feeling ill, you declare, “I am never eating tomato sauce again!” A few weeks later you go out to dinner with friends at an Italian restaurant. There are plenty of options on the menu that don’t include tomato sauce but it doesn’t even occur to you to consider this because you’re having such a good time. Uh oh, your stomach is upset and you spend the rest of the evening in discomfort. Once again, you swear off tomato sauce…until next time.
Are you catching my drift?
The same thing holds true with people, places, things, and habits.?
The questions to ask are why and what. What about this is bothering me? Why is this bothering me? What is the lesson?
An even bigger question, if this is a repeat offender -?
Why am I not learning the lesson? What do I not want to face or give up? Why do I keep thinking I’ve learned the lesson??
It’s not always comfortable to look in the mirror, but the few minutes, hours, or days this process takes is a lot less painful than a lifetime of repeating the same pattern.?
By taking responsibility and dealing with our own emotions, the need to cut people off becomes less necessary. Sure, there are cases where that may still be needed, but once you learn to navigate and process your emotional responses, the same things no longer bother you.
It also inspires those you love to want to grow along with you.
A fun example of this is when you say you’re going to an event and your partner says they don’t want to go. You get ready to go anyway, they see this, and their response changes to, “Well if you’re going to go, I’ll go too.”
Back to you, this is all about finding your inner harmony.?
What happens when you don't do any of this??
Well, these emotions keep coming up and getting pushed down, festering within you. Soon enough, you don't feel good, you don't feel like you're in the right place in your life, and you constantly feel like you’re behind, forgotten, or not good enough. None of which leads to the success you seek.
And who's holding you back? Is it those people or situations? Or is it your attachment and reaction to those things??
Once you learn how to process effectively and get the ball rolling, it becomes easier and easier. You may have something else bubble up along a similar thread, but it’s easier to nip in the bud. And when you can finally let go, you’re free. Free to move on.?
So when that situation or something similar arises, you handle it with little to no emotional upheaval. Each time getting stronger. A topic comes up that you don’t like, you move forward without emotional arousal. Your calmness supersedes everything else.
You get to sit and be in the moment and not allow it to emotionally affect you. That is pure freedom.?
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