Breaking News in the World of Digital Marketing
I AIM - Marketing and Social Media
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This week in digital marketing, TikTok has once again topped the charts as the most downloaded app in?Q1 2023, according to data from This comes as politicians continue to discuss the possibility of?banning the app, making this achievement even more impressive. Instagram came in second place in?worldwide downloads, followed by Facebook.
TikTok was also ranked #1 in consumer spend and #5 in?monthly active users. In other news, Instagram is testing the ability to play full-length Reels within?Stories. This will allow users to take full advantage of Reels in their Stories, as opposed to only being?able to see the first 15 seconds of Reels.
Twitter, on the other hand, has been dealing with a source code leak. It appears that an ex-employee?leaked Twitter's source code online, allowing hackers to identify and exploit vulnerabilities in the app.?
Twitter quickly took action to have the leaked code taken down by sending a copyright infringement?notice to GitHub, where the code was posted. Twitter CEO Elon Musk also announced that, starting April?15, only verified accounts will be eligible to be in "For You" recommendations, and that Twitter will?remove legacy "Blue Checkmarks."
In the world of SEO, Bing Chat was found to be preferred over Google Bard, according to an unscientific?poll conducted on Twitter. Additionally, Microsoft recently fixed a bug in the Bing Webmaster Tools API?that had caused missing data for a week. Google Ads is also making changes to better track the?customer journey by rolling out a comprehensive cross-channel conversion credit import feature that?includes all conversion data, even from non-Google ads. Google Search Console has also made?improvements, allowing users to export bulk data across multiple properties.
Overall, it's been a busy week in the world of digital marketing with notable achievements, security?concerns, and updates to various platforms. It's important for businesses and marketers to stay up-todatewith these changes in order to stay competitive and relevant in their industries. By keeping a finger?on the pulse of digital marketing news, businesses can make informed decisions and stay ahead of the?curve.
As always, it's also important to take action and capitalize on opportunities presented by these updates.?For example, businesses can begin to think about how they can implement Mother's Day marketing on?Reddit, as the platform recently released a guide on the topic. Additionally, brainstorming ways to take?advantage of new features, such as the ability to run product feeds as Discovery ads on Google, can help?businesses stay ahead of the curve and stand out in a crowded digital marketplace