Breaking News: We are all in The Hunger Games now!
Shelley Roxanne
Media Producer; Award Winning TV Show Host |Network Executive | #1 Best Selling Author | named National Woman of Influence | Queen of Optimism
Did you see that movie or hear about it, at least? The premise of the Hunger Games movies was about a cruel Government who punished the people for a revolution in the past and thus it created The Hunger Games. Essentially, it pitted people against each other and put them in a scenario in which they had to fight to the death. It was survival of the fittest. Doesn't this sound familiar?
I don't care who you are, what your religion, belief or spiritual practice, you best believe we are ALL in the Hunger Games right now. This COVID19 Pandemic is something that none of us have ever experienced before. It does not discriminate - young and old; rich or poor; black or white; believers and non-believers are all in this fight together. There seems to be no rhyme or reason as to who gets it and who survives it. Anyone with children has their kids looking to us for answers, and we've got none. It's crazy.
So what do we do? Well, I'll tell you this, there’s a line from one of my favorite movies of all time, The Shawshank Redemption, that serves as a mantra to sum up this time we are living in right now. It’s the line spoken by Tim Robbin’s character, Andy Dufresne, when he says... In life, you really only have two choices, you either “get busy living or get busy dying”. Which one are you doing and how's that working for you?
Ok, so, you are asking me, Shelley...What do you do when you don't know what to do? Well, that's the subject of tonight's Happy Hour with SheRox.
Join me for a very serious - yet optimistic - talk tonight at 7pm.
For those of you not yet on the Happy Hour VIP list, text the 31996 to get your access to tonight's very special Happy Hour. This is life or death talk for grown folks only.
I hope to see you tonight at 7pm.
Don't worry tho, The best is (still) yet to come,
Shelley Roxanne, Queen of Optimism
About the Author. Shelley Roxanne is a #1 Best Selling Author, Founder of Optimistic U - a Personal and Professional Development Company. She is an award winning Talk-Show Host who has interviewed some of the world's most fascinating people, and is known globally as The Queen of Optimism. During this COVID19 Pandemic she hosts a weekly Happy Hour with SheRox. It's an online gathering of like-minded folks where she offers tips and tricks on How to Thrive in Challenging Times. It's interactive, fun, enlightening and entertaining. For more on Shelley, visit.