Breaking News: Clickbait is Dead ?? and I Couldn't Be Happier!
Daniel ?? Bennett
Helping Entrepreneurs, Professionals, and Creators Look & Sound Great on Camera ?? ??
Clickbait Has Finally Died and I for One Am Ecstatic ?? ??
I have been waiting so long for clickbait to die and leave us all their valuable possessions. Not the house in Maui, not the cabin in Nebraska...
But the viewers who expected more when they clicked!
Now I know clickbait isn't dead in the sense that we don't see it lingering around anymore... I think it is more in a terminal state because customers, readers, and audiences are simply "over it".
Just like MLM pyramid schemes, it will hold on for dear life, but as entrepreneurs, we can simply choose to ignore it if we want. ??
Research has shown that audiences are becoming more and more skeptical of clickbait headlines, and are demanding more genuine and authentic content. A recent study by Forbes found that?43% of millennials say?that authenticity is more important to them than the content itself. This shift towards authenticity is a win for video content, as it allows for building more meaningful and lasting relationships with customers.
Now clickbait being dead doesn't mean that we can just rest on our laurels and not do anything else. Instead, we can focus on being able to elicit an emotional response from your consumers and significantly boost attention and sales, and this psychology also applies to your content. All of the old-school ways of thinking still apply...?Be Authentic, Be Yourself, Tell The Truth, Treat Others How You Want To Be Treated, Follow Through, and Give Great Customer Service.?And guess what, it works!
Clickbait: Something (such as a headline) designed to make readers want to click on a hyperlink especially when the link leads to content of dubious value or interest.
"I Came, I Saw,?I Conquered?and You Won't Believe What Happened Next!?” -?Julius Caesar (If he lived in 2023)
Using emotion to get clicks... ??
Just because you’re not using clickbait titles, doesn’t mean that there aren’t any tricks to help you engage readers!?Research?has shown that being able to elicit an emotional response from your consumers can?significantly boost sales, and this psychology also applies to your content.
Emotion is a powerful cause of user engagement, and being able to create genuine and meaningful content will do more for your customer engagement and loyalty than clickbait ever could. While using words like “unbelievable” may get someone onto your page, it won’t keep them there or help establish an emotional connection.
But share a relatable story about how you found something unbelievable, and ?? you just might keep someones attention throughout the entirety of your content.
Click and Ask Any Video Question You Want!
Each week I will be sharing some video idea prompts to make sure you are never starting from a blank page. These prompts leverage the power of storytelling in video, which is something I believe and teach.
This week's?prompt?is:?"Maybe I Was Wrong"??? ♂?
"Maybe I was Wrong" falls under the Content Category of?"Misconceptions"
I am?SUPER STOKED?to announce that all playlists are live on my?YouTube Channel!
Including brand new videos in my Video Storytelling Tips! playlist.
You will see content rolling out each week on this super important topic over the next few months and it is definitely worth a bookmark. The first video available is "The Solar System Methodology Explained" and I am really, really proud of that video!
Click below on the playlist so you can bookmark it!
Rose ??-?Audiences tiring of clickbait means that they are primed and ready to engage with more meaningful content. That means people like us can take advantage of the current online environment and make genuine and lasting connections with "our people"!
Bud ??-?If you haven't been focused on creating content that is meaningful and using emotion in your headlines and titles, now is the best time ever to start.?Experiment?with putting more of your authentic self into your content and see how your audience responds.
Thorn ?? -?Sharing your personal thoughts, putting yourself out there, being authentic, being transparent, being contrarian, taking a stand... All of these things are quite terrifying to embrace and can really take a toll on your well-being and mental health. So we all need to tap into our self-awareness and make sure we aren't doing more than we are comfortable with.
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Thank you so much for reading this report and thank you for trusting me to share my knowledge of Storytelling and Video. I can't wait to see how you all implement this knowledge and grow your Confidence, Audience, and Revenue as a result!
See you on the other side,
Dan Bennett