Breaking new ground
Ehsan Shaheen, Co-Founder & CIO of Click Aviation Network, on the company’s prospects and plans
Q: Click Aviation Network’s business model is something of a new concept in business aviation. How would you describe it?
ES: The inspiration for founding Click is that today, to a greater and greater extent, everything is connected. The internet and beyond this, the internet of things, is changing the way that everyone does business. We saw the opportunity to promote the idea of a network that was both a network of people and an interconnected IT network.
As the founder of Click, Aiham Bader says, Click is revolutionising the aviation business through end-to-end control of the value chain. Everyone who has a service to offer, every company with a specialism of interest to business aviation, is a natural partner for us.
We are introducing a single unified approach to aviation where players operating in the aviation sector – from Charter Brokers, Operators, Suppliers and other service providers – can come together under one “virtual” roof to explore business opportunities and enable ways to increase efficiency, explore opportunities for business growth, eliminate risks, enjoy operational consistency, reduce costs and build credibility.
We launched Click in 2016 and it is fair to say that Click is now a well-known and well respected brand in the aviation industry. We create business opportunities, along with our partners, and serve mission-critical flights using our experienced teams and technologies.
Q: You recently launched the Click Omega Platform, what is that about?
ES: The Omega platform and the associated technologies really communicate Click’s message of connectivity to the industry. We do not compete with our partners on the platform, rather, we set the landscape for everyone to co-operate and compete for the benefit of the overall industry. We have a foot both in the IT world and in business aviation, and both of these are very dynamic spheres, with constant change and development characterising both.
The Omega platform is particularly strong in trip planning and the obtaining of permits. This is till the most critical element for successful flight operations, along with safety, of course. What Omega introduces is the work that we have put in to develop advanced artificial intelligence. We are proving the case that advanced AI and machine learning, along with the support of our operations team, can vastly simplify the process of obtaining permits.
We have tested the system on live flights and it is now in regular use. We’ve expanded the Instant Permits side of this for public availability. In recent months we have increased the geographic coverage of our Instant Permits system.