Breaking Java Date Comparison: Vulnerabilities and Exploits
Towfik Alrazihi
Tech Lead | Full-Stack Developer (Java, Python, Rust, Express) | Mobile App Developer (Flutter, React Native) | Passionate About Quantum Computing & Cybersecurity | IBM Solutions Integration Specialist
While date comparison seems straightforward, it's crucial to understand that improper handling can introduce vulnerabilities into Java applications. In this article, we'll explore various ways to break a Java date comparison code, highlighting vulnerabilities and potential exploits.
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Solution {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
// Read the actual return date
int D = sc.nextInt();
int M = sc.nextInt();
int Y = sc.nextInt();
// Read the expected return date
int D_expected = sc.nextInt();
int M_expected = sc.nextInt();
int Y_expected = sc.nextInt();
// Calculate the fine
int fine = 0;
if (Y > Y_expected || (Y == Y_expected && M > M_expected) || (Y == Y_expected && M == M_expected && D > D_expected)) {
if (Y == Y_expected && M == M_expected) {
fine = 15 * (D - D_expected); // Fine based on days late
} else if (Y == Y_expected) {
fine = 500 * (M - M_expected); // Fine based on months late
} else {
fine = 10000; // Fixed fine for returning after the year
// Output the fine
Breaking the Code:
1. Invalid Input: One of the simplest ways to break the code is by providing invalid input. For instance, entering negative values for day, month, or year components can lead to unexpected behavior or errors. Additionally, entering values exceeding the valid ranges (e.g., 32 for day or 13 for month) can cause the program to malfunction.
2. Integer Overflow: Since the code uses integer variables to store date components and calculate fines, it's susceptible to integer overflow issues. If the calculated fine exceeds the maximum value that an integer can hold, it may result in unexpected behavior or erroneous fines.
3. Edge Cases: Edge cases, such as dates close to the boundaries of valid ranges, might not be handled correctly. For example, comparing dates across different centuries or millennia could yield unexpected results if not properly accounted for in the code.
4. Locale-specific Date Formats: The code assumes a specific date format (day-month-year) without considering variations in date formats across different locales. Input data in alternative date formats might not be parsed correctly, leading to incorrect date comparisons.
Solution :
To enhance the security of the code, we'll implement robust input validation, handle potential edge cases, and address integer overflow issues. Here's the revised code with security improvements:
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Solution {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
// Read the actual return date
int D = readValidDateComponent(sc, "Day");
int M = readValidDateComponent(sc, "Month");
int Y = readValidDateComponent(sc, "Year");
// Read the expected return date
int D_expected = readValidDateComponent(sc, "Expected Day");
int M_expected = readValidDateComponent(sc, "Expected Month");
int Y_expected = readValidDateComponent(sc, "Expected Year");
// Calculate the fine
long fine = 0;
if (isValidDate(D, M, Y) && isValidDate(D_expected, M_expected, Y_expected)) {
if (Y > Y_expected || (Y == Y_expected && M > M_expected) || (Y == Y_expected && M == M_expected && D > D_expected)) {
if (Y == Y_expected && M == M_expected) {
fine = 15L * (D - D_expected); // Fine based on days late
} else if (Y == Y_expected) {
fine = 500L * (M - M_expected); // Fine based on months late
} else {
fine = 10000L; // Fixed fine for returning after the year
} else {
System.out.println("Invalid date components. Please enter valid dates.");
// Output the fine
System.out.println("Fine: " + fine);
// Function to read a valid date component (day, month, or year)
private static int readValidDateComponent(Scanner sc, String componentName) {
int component;
do {
System.out.print("Enter " + componentName + ": ");
component = sc.nextInt();
} while (component < 1); // Ensure the component is positive
return component;
// Function to check if a date is valid
private static boolean isValidDate(int day, int month, int year) {
if (year < 1 || month < 1 || month > 12) {
return false;
int maxDay = 31; // Maximum days in a month
if (month == 4 || month == 6 || month == 9 || month == 11) {
maxDay = 30;
} else if (month == 2) {
maxDay = (year % 4 == 0 && (year % 100 != 0 || year % 400 == 0)) ? 29 : 28; // Check for leap year
return day >= 1 && day <= maxDay;
Changes Made: