Breaking Ground                                  Anthony Gray and the building of affordable housing in Middleton

Breaking Ground Anthony Gray and the building of affordable housing in Middleton

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my entitlement, but not for the four-story building I wanted to build. It was for a three-story building, which meant that I had to get rid of the cottage unfortunately. I needed a bigger footprint because I couldn’t go as high.”

Little did Gray realize that it would take two years for his vision to become a reality. He came in as a development firm of one person.

“I was working with my own money at the beginning,” Gray said. “I used personal resources to get all the way through land acquisition, entitlement and zoning, land prep, environmental

studies, engineering and architectural plans. We went right up to construction. It was an amazing experience. I don’t recommend anyone else doing it.”

While Gray felt that the location was ideal for affordable housing and a development, he had to convince practically the whole city of Middleton that it was a good, feasible project for the area.

It definitely wouldn’t happen overnight and in the end, Gray had to bring in reinforcements.

Next issue: City processes and housing partnerships


