Breaking the Glass Ceiling

Breaking the Glass Ceiling

Bias and inequality continue to hinder women’s progress in technology and AI. But our Apliwomen are always hungry for a challenge.

Women make up only 22% of the AI workforce globally, even when it is one of the fastest-growing markets in the tech industry. Apparently, three main factors stop this tiny number from growing compared to other sectors.

No enthusiasm from a young age – a male-dominated culture - no flexibility

So we asked the female 1/3rd of Apliman’s workers in AI (a number we’re always seeking to grow) how they faced these difficulties and what they did to overcome them. Here is the key takes we got.

Heba is a VAS & Journey Builder Developer working amongst a small team (mostly consisting of men). The skilled engineer’s answers are a must-hear:

“Don't be afraid to speak up and assert yourself. Make your accomplishments known and seek out opportunities to take on leadership roles. Women often face a confidence gap, so advocating for yourself is very important. We should not refrain from showing off our expertise to demand respect and credibility in the field.”

Carole is our Development Team Leader who’s been at Apliman for 13 years and counting. She believes that capacity and potential drive excellence, which prevails with hard work and consistency.

“Women should employ a variety of techniques to overcome difficulties in a profession that is male-dominated, yet there are always colleagues in the industry who are committed to gender equality and extremely supportive. In big part, this helped make my 13-year career a success."

Where our engineers see that AI mainly performs in favor of men, they ensure our customer engagement system accurately detects a recipient’s gender before starting a conversation. Where there are obstacles, we make up the best way to jump over them.

Women have achieved great things in the last century to grow their opportunities and shrink gender discrimination. When there’s still a lot of hard work to get done, we take it upon ourselves to follow in the resilient footsteps of our precedents.

We take big and bold strides today so that future generations can take the results for granted.



