Breaking Free: The Virtues of Whitebox Infrastructure
In today's dynamic and AI-driven business IT landscape, performance, agility, cost and efficiency are paramount. Traditional IT infrastructure, often dominated by proprietary hardware and software, can hinder achieving these critical success factors. Enter Whitebox infrastructure – a modern and alternative that offers businesses unprecedented performance, freedom and value.
Performance Leadership Unleashed:
Whitebox infrastructure, built with open-source software and commodity hardware, empowers businesses to optimize performance in ways previously unimaginable. The hardware leverages the billions of dollars of R&D investment by the world's largest networking chip makers (e.g. Broadcom and Marvell) and the software leverages thousands of open-source developers from more than 500 companies involved in network operating systems. Whitebox is all about leverage and is not simply an academic exercise or technical curiosity. It's the driving force for modern business with most of the world's hyper-scalers and large enterprises already deeply entrenched in the use of Whitebox as their primary data center strategy for more than a dozen years!
What they found is by decoupling hardware and software, they gain the flexibility to:
Choosing Your Own Operating Environment:
Whitebox infrastructure breaks free from vendor-imposed limitations, allowing businesses to: