Breaking Free of Should

Breaking Free of Should

Should is a nasty word.

It limits us, keeps us in a repetitive pattern of thinking and behavior. We aren't focusing forward when someone says should. We're usually backtracking.

Our parents used the ‘should’ word to teach us their version of right and wrong. Some ‘shoulds’ are good things. We should be responsible, contributing members of society. We should follow the important guidelines of humanity. We should brush our teeth:)

The problem?

‘Should’ limits our new thinking and behaviors.

An early mentor told me to listen to my inner ‘shoulds’ for a day and then ditch the ones that needed to go bye bye. It was an unforgettable experience. It still is, every time I listen.

I learned that my ‘shoulds’ were creating a battle in my mind. They wanted to keep me and my behavior in line with the accepted norms of the day. Not one single should was supportive of being different – or distinctive.

As a Rebel, I wanted a different path. I drove my shoulds nuts, and vice versa.

  • I should stay in my job, not build my own business. I was too young, it was too high risk. But I want to be a consultant and help many companies. I believe in me. So I started my business.
  • I should work fewer hours, stop traveling and settle down.But I love my work and want my freedom to explore this world of ours. So I did.
  • I should be afraid to travel to alone. But I want to climb the Himalayas, see Machu Picchu, dive in untouched waters, fly new mountains. So I did.
  • I should work 5 days a week, 8-5 and live a normal life. I don’t want others’ normal – I want my own lifestyle and pace. I want to be free. And I am.

I began to break free of my ‘shoulds’ when I started my consulting business at 29 and never looked back. I worked my tail-off and found fulfillment in my own way.

I traveled to Nepal and climbed through amazing mountains – including a chance to climb the Tibetan side of Everest. I dived with sharks and kayaked with whales in the middle of nowhere. I flew a wing over mountains and skied steeps and deeps.

I work a lot of hours, but on a very different schedule than the norm – one that supports my life priorities.

My point? I chose to abandon the ‘shoulds’ in favor of my truth in my life in my present.

Business ‘Shoulds’ Are No Different

A simple word, ‘should’ keeps us stuck in our status quo bias.

When you hear someone say ‘We should’, it’s a surefire flag that we’re thinking based on some old rule or belief. It’s a harbinger of programming based on the history of our business, of business in general and ‘the way we've always done it.'

Ask yourself? How many great companies or people were great because they did things the way they should.

Not too many.

We already know the fundamental principles about honesty, integrity and doing the right thing.?That’s the primary value ‘should’ brings.?

We should all kick ‘should’ out of our lives and businesses. Beyond the fundamentals of right and wrong.

To be successful, we have to think forward,?about what we can do that is new and different, exciting and innovative.?You’ll never find that associated with 'should.'

Instead of asking “What should we do?”, ask something much more powerful.

“What if we do something new? ”


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