Breaking Free: Overcoming the Sticky Trap of Bad Jobs Blues??

Breaking Free: Overcoming the Sticky Trap of Bad Jobs Blues??

Why Is Leaving a Bad Job So Difficult? ????

Have you ever been in a poor job scenario yet lacked the motivation to leave? Almost every client I work with shares a traumatic job-related event with me, whether it was due to a nasty or unsupportive manager, a corporation that had unfavorable employee practices, a string of layoffs that caused tension and anxiety, or workplace politics that made them feel undervalued.

They continued to work there despite knowing it wasn't a healthy atmosphere, some for years. Here are five reasons why quitting a poor job is difficult, along with solutions.

Realize that employers engage you to perform a service using your qualifications and talents. The firm will fire you if you stop delivering the value it needs from you or if it changes its aims and no longer needs your abilities.

Now apply the opposite reasoning. Consider how you're helping the business from the perspective of what you need to feel appreciated and fulfilled in your work. Check to see if the business is still giving you the value in life that you need and deserve.??

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You should consider the following inquiries.

  • Does the firm provide me perks and opportunities for growth that will improve my life and career???
  • Do the company's policies take into account my unique needs???
  • Is the business showing its appreciation for the value I contribute by giving me more money, a promotion, a joint venture, or some other significant acknowledgment that matters to me???

A cult-like environment??

Employees feel as if they are serving humanity or the larger good of the world if the organization has a moral goal, such as helping people be successful, happy, or healthy, or helping to preserve the environment. Deciding to quit the organization might seem self-serving or even treasonous as if you've "given up" on the goal that everyone is working toward as a team.

This sense of being an important member of a team or feeling "strong" because you can endure any hardship to accomplish your goals becomes addicting and lessens the negative parts of your work.

How to handle it??

Consider your beliefs and if they are being upheld in the workplace if you're experiencing a strong sense of camaraderie that keeps you from quitting what you know to be a toxic work environment.

To ascertain that, pose the following inquiries to yourself:

  • What matters to me most at work, and how would I characterize that?
  • Which principles are routinely upheld or abused?
  • What can I do to make sure my principles are upheld?

Nostalgia of the business???

You become engrossed in your work when you first start at a firm and have a positive experience for several months or even years. Then something changes, whether it's a new CEO, a new structure, or a change in the company's strategic direction, and you could find it difficult to adjust.

Shock, denial, frustration, and melancholy are all possible reactions to these sorts of organizational upheavals.

Examine if the current scenario still reflects your beliefs and professional aspirations after you've accepted the adjustment. If you're still having trouble at work after a change, think about these inquiries:

  • What was the business like before I joined, and how is it doing now?
  • What would improve my surroundings for me?
  • Can I make any further adjustments or requests to satisfy the values that aren't being met right now?

Finally, consider the counsel you would offer a close friend who was in a similar circumstance at work.

Beating yourself up about why you remained so long in a stressful environment won't help. Quitting a horrible job is never easy, and each person's breaking point is unique. But gaining knowledge from each experience will enable you to take responsibility for your job decisions and quit early if you ever find yourself in a scenario like that again.????

If you need a group of specialists, just let us know; we will be happy to help. You can reach us by sending an email to [email protected] or by messaging us on social media.

MR Rakubu Sefesi

Treasury Specialist | Accounts Payable Specialist | Accountant |

11 个月

Currently people do not leave the job for salary. I resigned from my job without finding another job. I left because i couldn't handle micromanage, bully, not appreciated and rude boss. I end up admitted to hospital spent weeks because i use to work crazy hours and the doctor said to me, "is either you choose your health or your work". It was not easy decision as a breadwinner to resigned without find another job but i choice my health. They evaluated my workload and they noticed is a lots for one person to handle. I resigned after i resigned they hired four people to do my job which i used to do alone. I cried ask myself what did i do to that man but i made peace and i move on. Lesson i learnt, some people hate you because you too smart and they cannot handle you intelligent. Not that you are Lazy or what. I am a hard work and take much job very serious. Ask employers from other companies i worked for they will tell you how smart and dedicated person i am. Even if i struggle to find a job but i have hope and faith that i will find a better job. I am grateful for experience i collected. No one can take away your skills, qualifications and experience. Never give up.

Ivan Ivanov

We transform businesses through technology | Founder & CEO at SnapStack Solutions | Tech Enthusiast

1 年

Looks good, sounds good, it would be even better if we can have a continuation on this topic, but from perspective of an employeer - what can the employer do NOT to make the employees feel traped? Obviously this is a state of mind that none of the emloyees should fall into, and there has to be a communication channel open to address these kind of problems.

Predrag Kuli?

???????? ???? ?????????? @?????????????????? ?????????????????? | We transform businesses through technology

1 年

Sometimes, you're in a work situation that you know isn't doing you any favors, yet leaving feels like a daunting step. ??

Natasha Natalie Penevska

????Unlocking Digital Transformation Opportunities: Empowering Businesses to Thrive in the Digital Era | ??Head of Strategic Partnerships Europe at SnapStack Solutions

1 年

Great post Jovana Cvetkova. ?? This resonated with me and reminded me of a paragraph I read just recently from R.T. Kiyosaki's "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" saying: "It's fear that keeps most people working at a job: the fear of not paying their bills, the fear of being fired, the fear of not having enough money, and the fear of starting over."


