Breaking Free from Digital Bondage: How to Recognise and Avoid False Idols; be an Innovative Maverick Lama

Breaking Free from Digital Bondage: How to Recognise and Avoid False Idols; be an Innovative Maverick Lama

Greetings! Bonjour! 您好!?

I am Gareth 王, and I am thrilled to welcome you to this edition of the newsletter, where I share my innermost thoughts about whether we unknowingly worshiping false idols in the digital age?

From influencers and politicians to celebrities and business personalities, the rise of social media has made it easy for people to be led astray from their values and beliefs. The article explores how even Reality TV stars has been touted as a role model, despite his dubious business history and ethical standards. It also highlights how celebrities may endorse harmful products, and political idols may spread false information. But don't worry, the article provides actionable steps to avoid falling into the trap of false idols. So, if you want to learn how to be more mindful of the media you consume and the messages you receive, click through to read the full article! These are some of the questions I try to answer in this post.?

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TechBro False Idol as imagined by Dalle2

In today's modern world, worshiping false idols still poses a significant threat to our well-being. It can easily misguide us and exploit our vulnerabilities, leading us astray from our true purpose.

False Idols in our Digital Age

In the past, when religion held sway over the world (medieval church was richer and more powerful than governments!), the worship of idols was considered a grave offence that could even result in death. However, even today, we continue to face similar risks, especially with the advent of digital technology.

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Season 4 GIF By Rick And Morty

With the rise of social media and other digital platforms, we may inadvertently give too much attention, money, and power to those who do not deserve it - the modern-day false idols. As we become more and more dependent on these platforms, we may lose sight of our values and beliefs, falling prey to those who seek to manipulate and control us.

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pagan dance from outlander (for real!?)

We must recognize that false idols are not just limited to religious figures or deities. They can take many forms, including celebrities, influencers, and even politicians. As we navigate through the digital landscape, we need to be mindful of who we follow and who we allow to influence us.

Reality TV Business Idols

One prime example of this trend is the glorification of business personalities, such as Reality TV Donald Trump, who have created an illusion of success through staged performances & soundbites. Despite his dubious business history and ethical standards, Trump has been touted as a role model by certain sections of the media and society (though declining). Nevertheless, his presidency was marred by incompetence, extremism, nepotism, and disregard for democratic norms, culminating in his impeachments and latest NYC criminal indictment. (even Shark Tank contestants got defrauded and business celebrity got sued, same self proclaimed 'mr wonderful' promoted FTX received payment in bitcoins, conversation below is great interview by Andrew Ross Sorkin ).

Who's at fault though?

While Trump could argue that he merely continued to do what he had been doing for years, the responsibility for his rise to power lies with the people that gave him attention & money, and the media outlets like Fox News, who created the illusion of his importance & superiority (all could end soon like news of the world!?).

Celebrity Idols

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Tom Brady and Giselle at Met Gala

Celebrities often leverage our attention for personal gain, sometimes at the expense of our well-being. They may endorse harmful/ unproven products or lifestyles, or simply seek attention for its own sake.

This can have serious repercussions, such as the promotion of risky & expensive health practices or the propagation of misinformation and unregulated cryptocurrency schemes that have led many followers to lose millions. From A-list athletes like Tom Brady and Giselle (no surname needed super model) to B-lister Lindsey Lohan and YouTube stars, rappers, even micro-celebrities have been caught promoting web-3 scams and are currently facing fines and lawsuits.

Political Idols

Political idols, such as Hugo Chávez, Alex Jones, and Steve Bannon (who's motto was to overwhelm the media with shit), have garnered significant followings due to their ability to captivate audiences with their long television shows and podcasts. These figures have used their platforms to share their political beliefs, ideologies, and agendas, which have resonated with many individuals across their political spectrum.

Misleading audiences, Note: “The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show“ replaced “The Rush Limbaugh Show” after Mr. Limbaugh’s death in 2021.Source: Brookings InstitutionBy The New York Times
Misleading audiences diagram: Source: Brookings InstitutionBy The New York Times

However, while their influence and reach have been significant, it is essential to recognize the potential negative consequences of following these political idols blindly. Many of these figures have been accused of spreading false information, promoting conspiracy theories (awarded $965m damages to Sandy Hook families), and perpetuating divisive rhetoric, which can have a harmful impact on society.

To avoid falling into the trap of false idols, it is important to be mindful of the media we consume and the messages we are receiving.

Here are some actionable steps we can take:

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misinfo caution

A.) Exercise caution with sources: Prior to accepting information as factual or trustworthy, conduct thorough research and authenticate the source (although it is getting more difficult with many journalists going solo on substack). Numerous media outlets and personalities have vested interests and may not present a neutral or precise viewpoint. With Twitter's new policies, under Elon Musk's leadership, there are no more trusted verified accounts, making it a highly unreliable source for news (as is Facebook, best to avoid both).

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B.) Limit exposure or learn something new: While it may be tempting to consume hours of media content each day, this can be counterproductive and even harmful. Instead, try to limit your exposure to a few trusted sources, and focus on quality over quantity, or self challenge to learn something new. I've read Brad Feld 's great book on venture deals, but doing his Techstar's course this week myself.

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C.) Challenge authority: It is not safe to assume that someone in a position of power or authority, or perceived as an industry leader, can be trusted. The cases of Bernie Madoff (ex-chair of NASDAQ, ran a $64 billion Ponzi scheme) and Mary Jo White (ex-chair of SEC, now serving as Sackler's personal lawyer) demonstrate that regulatory authorities themselves can be swayed by financial interests. Therefore, do not rely on reputation alone; conduct your own research and make informed decisions.

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D.) Look beyond the surface: It's crucial to look beyond the surface when evaluating business leaders like Richard Branson and Elon Musk. Branson's Virgin brand, for example, may appear successful with ventures in numerous countries and industries, but many are joint ventures using other people's money (and MANY failed, including latest Virgin Orbit). Similarly, Musk's Tesla heavily relies on the trust in future profits, despite losing more value than all legacy car makers combined at the end of 2022 (partly due to selling his shares to buy Twitter). Yet, as of 4th April, he is still ranked as the second richest man globally.

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Tesla's Market Cap Drop Is Bigger Than the Legacy Car Industry
Don't be fooled by the headlines; delve into the financial and ethical practices of these individuals and their companies.
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Mind body spirit of Bruce Lee

E.) Follow your own path: Find & stay true to your values and goals, and don't get caught up in fleeting trends or hype. Seek out people and organizations that share your principles and are actively making a positive impact in the world (or why not start one?!). Additionally, consider doing your part to make a difference, whether it's helping your loved ones with household tasks or volunteering to assist an elderly person in need. Even small actions can make a significant impact on your immediate environment.

By taking these steps, we can avoid the dangers of worshiping false idols and create a more informed, responsible, and impactful society. It's time to take back our attention and use it for good.

In summary, we need to focus on our own unique path to success, rather than trying to emulate the successes of others. We should identify our own strengths and weaknesses, and develop a plan that is tailored to our own unique talents, abilities and circumstances. By doing so, we can achieve success on our own terms, without relying on false idols or the advice of others.

Be a Maverick Sheep!

Key to intelligence is a refusal to follow the herd, researchers find

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Those embedded in a herd were more likely to follow the behaviour of those around them

In conclusion, the danger of worshiping false idols like reality TV stars, celebrities, and successful businesspeople is that we risk losing sight of what is truly important in life. We become consumed with the pursuit of wealth and fame, and forget about the things that truly matter. But by being aware of the tactics that these false idols use to exploit us, and by focusing on our own unique path to success, we can protect ourselves from their influence and achieve true success on our own terms.

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most precious thing in the world: our time & attention

Let us not forget that our time and attention are valuable commodities, and we should not give them away to those who do not deserve them. Instead, we should use them wisely and invest them in things that truly matter, such as our relationships, our health, and our personal growth.

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Be "Maverick the Lama" as imagined by Dalle2

In the end, the key to success is not about following the advice of false idols or seeking out shortcuts to success. It is about developing a clear vision of what we want to achieve, working hard to make it a reality, and being true to ourselves along the way. So let us take control of our own lives, and not let the false idols of society determine our path to success.

What are you focusing on?


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warmest regards,

Gareth 王



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