Breaking free of Captive contracts to find Success!
Michael M.
? Insurance Pro? 53k of our peers LOVE The Insurance Soup FREE group on Facebook! ?
One of the most talked about topics in our free group of 17000 Insurance Agents and Brokers, Insurance Soup is "what's the process to go independent "
Many agents feel as if the reason they are failing is because of their carrier.
I'm going to ask all of you making this consideration to really dig deep and ask yourself...
Is it really my carrier?
We speak with a LOT of agents....
And most of them are failing because....
They're not quoting anyone.
5-10 quotes a week is not enough. Nowhere near it.
Going independent will not save poor work ethic or an inability to get people interested in talking to you.
There's a learning curve going Indy.
None of your technology speaks to each other.
You now have 5, 10, 20 companies underwriting guidelines to learn.
Paperwork is an understatement dealing with a lot of the smaller carriers that are behind with tech.
When evaluating your lack of success or trying to decide where the grass is greener consider how and if you're watering your own lawn now...
Going Indy isn't the magic pill to compensate for poor work ethic, inability to sell, or too few opportunities..
In fact the first few months will probably be a major curveball for you if you're used to all your tech talking to one another and only dialing in to one company to deal wit an issue.
Going independent is great. Given the choice between captive and Indy my personal choice is Indy.
The freedom, choices, competitive nature of having a ton of carriers, less compliance, you name it.
But examine why you want to or need to make the move.
Jumping from a sinking ship to a burning boat won't save you.
If you're the reason you're failing, own it... And don't dig a deeper hole.
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