Breaking Down The Fancy Corporate HR Terms
Ever heard someone in HR say something and thought, "What does that even mean?" Welcome to the world of corporate jargon! It’s like a secret language that HR professionals use to make everyday things sound more complicated (or important) than they really are. Let’s decode some of the most common HR buzzwords and phrases, so the next time you hear them, you won’t feel like you need a translator.
"Circle Back"
Translation: Let’s talk about this again later. When someone says, “Let’s circle back on that,” they’re just postponing the conversation. It’s not a fancy strategy—it’s just procrastination with style.
"Touch Base"
Translation: Let’s check in. No, you’re not playing baseball. This is just HR’s way of saying, “Let’s have a quick chat to make sure everything’s on track.”
Translation: Time or energy. When someone says they don’t have the “bandwidth” for a project, they’re not talking about Wi-Fi. It just means they’re too busy.
Translation: Learning new skills. “Upskilling” is a trendy way of saying you’re going to take a class or attend a training session to get better at your job.
Translation: Use. When HR says, “We’ll leverage our resources,” they simply mean, “We’ll use what we have.” Why not just say that?
Translation: Agreement. Getting “in alignment” with a team or goal means everyone agrees or is on the same page. It’s a fancy way of saying, “Let’s make sure we all agree.”
"Low-Hanging Fruit"
Translation: Easy wins. This phrase refers to tasks or goals that are easy to achieve. It’s like picking fruit from the lowest branch of a tree—simple and quick.
"Strategic Pillars"
Translation: Main priorities. These “pillars” are just the important things a company wants to focus on. It’s a structural metaphor, but it’s really just a list of priorities.
"Culture Fit"
Translation: Will you get along with the team? When HR talks about “culture fit,” they’re evaluating if your personality and work style will mesh well with the company’s vibe.
"Feedback Loop"
Translation: Ongoing communication. This is just a fancy way of saying, “Let’s keep talking and updating each other.” It’s not rocket science.
Why Does Corporate HR Use So Much Fancy Terms?
You might be wondering, "Why can’t HR just speak normally?" Good question. Sometimes, jargon helps make processes sound more professional. Other times, it’s just a habit that’s hard to break. The good news is, you don’t need to learn the entire HR dictionary. A little decoding goes a long way.
So, the next time you hear someone say they’ll “leverage their bandwidth to touch base about alignment,” you’ll know exactly what’s going on—and maybe even have a good laugh about it!