Breaking the Chains: Why Money Controls Your Life and How to Take Control

Breaking the Chains: Why Money Controls Your Life and How to Take Control

Money has become the cornerstone of our existence, much like food was for early man. Just as a starving person’s entire focus was on satisfying their hunger, today, it’s money that dictates our every move. In ancient times, if you didn’t eat, you wouldn’t survive. Fast forward to the modern world, and if you don’t have money, your survival is at stake. You need it for shelter, food, security, and everything else. But here’s the catch—most people feel that money is hard to get. They think that wealth is some distant, unattainable dream, reserved for the “lucky few,” and this mindset keeps them trapped in a cycle of mediocrity.

Take a moment and reflect. How often have you heard people say, “Money doesn’t grow on trees,” or “I’m not cut out to be rich”? These are ingrained beliefs, fueled by the societal conditioning we’ve all been subject to since birth. Most people end up spending their entire lives in the 9-to-5 grind, believing that their only path to income is through time-limited jobs. They work, they struggle, and they live paycheck to paycheck, just trying to make ends meet.


Why does this happen?

The problem starts with our education system—the one accessible to over 80% of the population.

Schools don’t teach you how to build wealth. Instead, they teach you how to become an employee.

You’re conditioned to think that working for someone else is the only way to survive.

You scramble at the basic level of the wealth ladder, where the hours you put in directly correlate with your pay.

The truth is, this system isn’t designed to make you rich; it’s designed to keep you in check, to keep you dependent.


But here’s the secret:

Wealth isn’t just about working hard. It’s about operating on a higher level of the wealth ladder.


Let me break this down. There are four levels to building wealth:

1.????????? Implementation: This is where you trade your time for money—like most people do.

2.????????? Management/ Unification: At this level, you manage or organize people or activities.

3.???????? Communication: This is where things get interesting. You begin influencing others—convincing, persuading, leading, and your impact multiplies.

4.???????? Innovation: Here, you’re creating products or services that serve millions of people.


Most of us are stuck at Level 1—Implementation—because that’s what we were taught to do. We trade our hours for money, and as a result, our earning potential is capped.


But imagine operating at Level 3 or 4, where your skills allow you to reach and serve thousands or even millions of people. Your income is no longer tied to your time, and your potential for wealth skyrockets.



Take a note from Zig Ziglar, who famously said, “You can have everything you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want.” This is the simple, yet profoundly overlooked key to success. It’s not about grinding away for a paycheck. It’s about serving large amounts of people and adding value in ways that multiply your income potential exponentially.



But here’s the thing—most regular people, myself included, have failed to apply this thinking. Instead, we scramble for scraps by slaving away in low-level jobs, where our income is tied to the hours we work.


But that’s not all. The skills we have—the ones we were taught in school—can only serve a limited number of people at a time.


And this is why most people remain stuck at the bottom of the wealth ladder. We sell our time to corporations or bosses in exchange for a paycheck, and that paycheck is based on the limited value we bring. But what if we changed that? What if we developed skills that could serve thousands of people at once?


And then, there’s another layer: Money Management.

Most people have no idea how easy it is to grow wealth through simple investments, compounding interest, and developing a healthier psychology around money. ?


If people actually spent as much time as the spent getting a degree in school to study about money, they will be so rich they would retire before the age of 40.??????


People are often ruled by fear and greed—they spend too much when times are good and panic when things go bad. But if they understood the simple truths of money management and the potential for wealth creation through wise investments, their entire financial outlook could change.




Religious Conditioning – “God Will Not Give Your Money”

Now, let’s address the religious conditioning many people have received about wealth. How often have you heard phrases like, “The love of money is the root of all evil” or “It’s harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God than for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle”

These biblical teachings have been misunderstood and, at times, misused to discourage people from pursuing wealth.


But the truth is, God never gave anyone money. Not even in biblical times. Whether it was Solomon, David, or anyone else, they didn’t receive money out of thin air. They generated wealth by offering value—through wisdom, governance, trade, and leadership.


Even today, wealthy pastors and religious leaders are not rich because God blessed them with material riches directly. They made money the same way everyone else does—by selling something, offering services, or creating value in exchange for income. Wealth is a byproduct of service, value, and problem-solving.


The Bible also tells us in Deuteronomy 8:18: “But remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you the ability to produce wealth.” The key word here is “ability.” God gives you the capacity—the talents, skills, and opportunities—to create wealth, but it’s still up to you to act on it.



So, what’s holding you back from wealth? It’s not a lack of opportunity—it’s a lack of the right mindset and the right skills. It’s time to question everything you’ve been taught about money and success. If you’re willing to shift your thinking and start learning high-income skills that allow you to serve more people, wealth will follow. It’s as simple as that.


I’m here to guide you on this journey. Together, we can break free from the limiting beliefs that have held you back for so long. The future you’ve dreamed of is within reach, but it all starts with a shift in thinking.


Let’s challenge the myths that have kept you stuck. Wealth is accessible to everyone who is willing to step outside their comfort zone and serve others at a higher level. Ayou ready to take the first step? Let’s begin the journey to financial freedom together.


What do you think is the biggest reason people struggle with money today, and how do you believe we can start changing that mindset? Please share your thoughts below in the comments.


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