Breaking the Chains: Habits That Hinder Transformation
Martina Keast January 13 2024 2X4ft Spring is coming

Breaking the Chains: Habits That Hinder Transformation

Transformation is a journey of mind, body, and spirit renewal. But too often, we find ourselves stuck in habits that hinder the very change we long for. These habits keep us in a cycle of fear, doubt, and self-reliance, leaving little room for the freedom of trusting in faith.

1. Life Without Trust in Faith What does life look like when we’re not trusting in faith? It often feels like:

  • Carrying the weight alone: A constant striving to control every outcome.
  • Overthinking: Allowing fear and doubt to dominate decisions.
  • Isolation: Pulling away from others due to feelings of inadequacy or shame.
  • Exhaustion: A never-ending cycle of doing, achieving, and proving, yet feeling empty.

Without faith, life can feel like an endless uphill climb with no rest in sight. Life in isolation may be painful, especially when there is a loss of relationships.

2. Recognizing Habits That Hold Us Back Some habits may seem harmless but subtly keep us from transformation, such as:

  • Perfectionism: Believing we must have it all together before we can take the next step. This point is one I talk about in my FaceBook Live dated January 12, 2024.
  • Negative self-talk: Repeating lies like “I’m not good enough” or “I’ll never change.”
  • Busyness: Filling every moment to avoid facing our fears or listening to God.
  • Over-reliance on self: Trusting in our abilities while neglecting to lean on God.

3. The Power of Trusting in Faith Trusting in faith shifts our perspective. Instead of relying solely on ourselves, we lean into God’s promises, allowing Him to lead us. Faith isn’t about ignoring challenges; it’s about facing them with the assurance that God is with us.

Practical steps toward building trust in faith:

  • Daily surrender: Begin each day by giving your worries to God. A simple prayer can change your mindset.
  • Replace lies with truth: Combat negative self-talk with Scripture. For example, replace “I’m not enough” with “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13).
  • Build quiet into your day: Spend time in reflection, prayer, or journaling. Listen for God’s guidance.
  • Seek community: Surround yourself with others who encourage and uplift you in your faith journey.

4. Walking Toward Transformation Transformation doesn’t happen overnight, but each small step leads us closer to the freedom and peace God desires for us. Trusting in faith allows us to release control, quiet fears, and embrace the unknown with confidence.

An Invitation to Begin What habits are holding you back from trusting in faith? Today, I encourage you to name them, bring them to God, and take one step toward transformation. If you’re unsure where to start, I’d be honored to pray for you or offer encouragement. Let’s journey toward freedom together.

Please email me at [email protected]


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