Breaking Cannabis News: Full, Unredacted August 29, 2023, Memo from Health and Human Services to the Drug Enforcement Agency Available Here
Julie E. Steiner
Professor of Law and Director of the Institute for Legislative and Government Affairs at Western New England University School of Law
By Julie E. Steiner
Professor of Law and Director of the Institute for Legislative and Government Affairs
Western New England University School of Law
Here is the complete, unredacted August 29, 2023, memo from Health and Human Services to the DEA recommending marijuana be taken off Schedule I of the CSA and instead be moved to Schedule III. Credit to Attorney Matthew Zorn , who spearheaded the Zorn v. U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Serv., FOIA litigation against HHS.
I have not yet had time to read all 252 pages, however, here are some salient findings from my perusal thus far:
·????? “Marijuana has a potential for abuse less than the drugs or other substances in Schedules I and II.” See, e.g., p. 62.
·????? “Marijuana has a currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States.” See, e.g., p. 63.
·????? “We conclude that there is accepted safety for the use of marijuana under medical supervision for the treatment of anorexia related to a medical condition, nausea and vomiting (e.g., chemotherapy-induced), and pain.”?P. 64.
·????? “Abuse of marijuana may lead to moderate or low physical dependence or high psychological dependence.” See, e.g., p. 64.
·????? “OASH’s Part 1 analysis confirmed that more than 30,000 [Health Care Practitioners] are certified to recommend the use of marijuana for more than six million registered patients, constituting widespread clinical experience associated with various medical conditions recognized by a substantial number of jurisdictions across the United States. For several jurisdictions, these programs have been in place for several years, and include features that actively monitor medical use and product quality characteristics of marijuana dispensed.” P. 84.
·????? “None of the evidence from the systematic reviews included in our analysis demonstrated substantial safety concerns that would argue against the use of marijuana in any of the indications where there exists some support for its benefit. However, generally, data on safety from both clinical trials and observational studies were sparse.” P. 200.
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