Breaking the 'BUSY' habit
Steve was IN it.
That feeling of constantly being busy, always with stuff to do, expectations to be met...
Ah, man, it can be hard.
Even lonely, as weird at it can seem when shit is going on everywhere.
It’s a feeling I know all too well - it’s one of my continual work-on’s running my business; NOT feeling the need to be working and busy ALL the time.
For me it’s more self-imposed, for others, like some of my coaching guys, it’s expectations we take on from others.
Either way, the need to fill space with things, stuff, drama... is overwhelming.
Am I right?
This is where Steve was, a coaching client of mine. He has a great job with a lot of responsibility, and with it, income. He has a loving family, a great fitness habit, travel, holidays, and... incredibly little time.
Upon looking at it, what he found, was he was constantly filling any space that came up.
Got a weekend without the kids, better fill it with as many chores as I can squeeze in.
Half an hour to myself, shit, I’d better create some work.
Waiting for someone to arrive? Better get the phone out...
Steve was never allowing space, down time, relaxation.
He always felt rushed, under pressure, always ‘on’.
In fact, he felt severely uncomfortable with being ‘off’ - and relaxing. Something I’ve struggled with too.
So, we started by simply creating space and purposefully not filling it, or any that came up. He started going to the football, enjoying himself with lighter, more fun activities.
Actually allowing himself to chill the fuck out!
The result ...
Man, is he more chilled, but also more driven, more focused, more on purpose.
The thing is, though, it can be hard to see the light when you’re so buried in the dark.
This kind of common example is exactly why I have created Beyond The Beers, and am bringing it to Brisbane next month (Sep 16th).
What some previous attendees have to say
“MIND = BLOWN! Mike Campbell and his team delivered one of the most powerful, transformative, personal development sessions I’ve ever experienced. Shit got real. Eyes were opened. Fog was lifted…
And it was cool and easy and chill.”
If YOU feel the pressure of constantly being busy and ‘on’, and the idea of sharing a few stories, laughs and beers with like-minded men sounds like heaven... then take the first step and come along.
Early Bird tickets to our event at the XXXX Gold Brewery on Sep 16th are Live.
Grab yours here for Just $14: