Breaking Bread
Joshua Tyler Berglan
Award-Winning OmniMedia Producer & Intl. Best-Selling Author | Advocate for the Underserved | Empowering Communities w/ 'Media Company in a Box' #DigitalLiteracy #MediaLiteracy #IndependentMedia
And everyone gentlemen, folks online. Yes. folks' watching through through a Amen. It could be also watching live stream via Facebook, YouTube, Amazon, Amazon fire stick. Firestick Roku. Yeah, a three 60 it still in there. Amen. Or through Joshua T Berglan he pumps out there. Yes. Yes. You all know Josh? Joshua Woah. Yes. Is he just called them? But anyway, were glad you're here. We are fortunate to be here. This is a time that David and I enjoy.
Glenn McCoy
Oh, it's phenomenal. It's the time to come and love on you. guys' and basically its the a Sunday night, a MBK teaching convert it into a live stream. Yeah. So we can break Bread and Cher it. Thank you for tuning in. And if God puts it on your heart to a, to give, please give. Yeah, I know that PayPal is in the works. I believe it may possibly be active. You can find that on our website, but a good man. Give of yourself, give of your resources or your time, your energy. Certainly your prayers. Yeah. We love to receive prayer request. Yes. Song request request. Yeah. If you have a loved one that is going through through a challenge out there in the world, that's causing a diction or more a destructive lifestyle, please make a phone call.
Glenn McCoy
And that was one of the less than one. Pray with you and talked to you and see if, if MBK would be the right fit for, for your family's needs. We love you were serious about the ministry of this. We are it's who we are it's is what we're made. And it's daily, it's daily, it's daily and men and you know, through our pastor and the other pastors in the church, the leaders' of MBK that we'd been here quite long time. Yeah. You had been in the Kingdom a long time. Yes, absolutely. And this ministry is all about doing God's work. Amen. And we're blessed to have given away over a half a million pounds of food. Yeah. That almost every member of MBK personally handled and helped with.
Glenn McCoy
Yeah. Amen. A lot of ministry or a lot of ministry handing out boxes of food for, for months. And then as well as ministering, you may have gotten a print out or a card. Are you maybe someone out there that, that got a call, one of the loaf of bread, banana bread banana. And we get a lot of testimonies about the bread. Then people come in to know the ministry and coming to know the Lord through the, through the Bread ministry, we are talking about our banana nut bread. You may have to be a person who loves that. The holidays are coming up. Call in about our banana nut bread and let someone minister to you that way as a man. Right man, its good stuff. Good stuff. Or breakfast, lunch dinner a minute.
Glenn McCoy
We do not have nutritionally endorsed that, but we encourage them to try. I think David is said that we might a at some point half. Yeah. I think a lot to try that. The famous for a change in our set out a little bit. Yeah. This is a prompt up here to break bread with. And that's what we're going to do tonight is to break bread with you. The Bread the word of God or man. Yes. Yeah. Well the David Love on us and higher and farther away.
David Oxley Jr.
Thank you for this day. And Lord, we just ask God that you use us to bring honor and glory to your name. Let us let our minds be your mind or your thoughts. Be your thoughts. Lower that every word that is spoken B only for you guys. We just ask that you touch us tonight, God, down deep with this work out and we're talking about unity did not again, by the way, we just bless you. And we thank you. You deserve all the glory, all of the Praise thank you that your word is still and we'll always be living in breathing and evolving and our lives. God bring us closer to you at maturity and the unity, what our brothers and our sisters.
David Oxley Jr.
Finally, we love you too. Thank you for this time again. And your name. Amen and amen. Hallelujah. Yeah.
Glenn McCoy
Tonight's topic at Breaking Bread is unity is the key to victory. Amen. Unity is the key to victory. What's a key do brother David, ahh, a key that unlocks and locks and it can also lock depending on the circumstance, but in this way we want that victory. So it's the key to unlocking that victory. You heal, you hear and feel that power. Amen. It's among us. It's here. We unlock the powers of darkness tonight to minister to you. You guys, we take prayer requests and all of the services and et cetera. And certainly prayer requests to come in and my family is needed prayers this week.
Glenn McCoy
Yes. I'm sure you're a family needs prayer. And sometimes we just need Praise that's David's department. He leads us and Praise does a awesome job at it. And I just want to think the whole church for the unity that we feel right now
David Oxley Jr.
And when you need prayer. Oh yeah.
Glenn McCoy
Do you need prayer? And it was church is about unity incident. Amen. Amen. We are our brother's keeper this week. Amen. And our pastor is the keeper of the flock he is right now. It's it's so true. But let's talk about some of the meat of why that is white. It needs to be, and we always have notes and research that we've uncovered in things that God has given us either through revelation or, or through the revelation of someone else's if we receive and when we presented, so you are going to enjoy some of these quotes and a lot of thee devotionals it, go out, have quotes in them from famous people.
Glenn McCoy
Yes. And we'll talk about why that's so important. Yes. But brother David let's hear which point on with unity is the key to victory. Yes. Yeah.
David Oxley Jr.
So when likeminded people work together in unison, they overcome great obstacles and reach victory much easier.
Glenn McCoy
That's so true. Amen. That is so true. And there's so much scripture that we could go too. Yeah. And talk about amen. How working together is what gets the mission completed? Amen. You know, we opened up our broadcasts to addressing the pit folks' online and thanking him in here for they're hard work and the woman in the ministry, all their hard work, it takes a team, you know, two things that we've found the Bible early one is, is the Lord will God, God, our creator godfather said, that's not good for man to be alone. Right. And then jesus' later in the ministry would re re present that through, sending them out two by two.
Glenn McCoy
Amen. So we have to work together. Do we not? Yes, yes. We have to work together.
David Oxley Jr.
No, no room for discourse, no room. For addition, not of the body of Christ. All right.
Glenn McCoy
A scripture about men's to ending back to back and get things accomplished and, and things like that. And it's an iron sharpens iron. It's just like, you know, a brother who will sharpen the countenance of his friend and me, you know, and, and sometimes there is friction in that, you know, sometimes there is friction and the sharpening of our skills, of our ways of our lives. You know, we we're so tired of the enemy, convincing people that you are what you are. Yes. Or you're that are going to be the world's given to you or you are, you're the identity that maybe your family is given you or your own lifestyles given you. But God will say until you are part of the body of Christ, if you don't realize yeah,
David Oxley Jr.
That's right. And your true identity is in Christ. Not, not, not anything of the world.
Glenn McCoy
Exactly. And when were not treated, even Jesus felt that he said a profit is honored everywhere, except for it in his own home town. Yes or no. A prophet is a person that hears from God and delivers the words. That's what prophecy is a man hears the word of God. And that's what Jesus was doing at the time. He was, he was sharing what his father had told him. And when he got home to his hometown, he felt that the faith of the people had decreased, you know, brother David and, and, and the story of Lazarus where Jesus wept smallest verse in the Bible. Jesus Went why do you believe he wept brother?
Glenn McCoy
David? Can it, could it be and two contexts that as well, he was in human flesh show. I'm obviously know what you're doing. It was a human is humanity. The humanity was showing and he can be crying out of, out of the pain or he could be crying out of the joy of what took place. Oh. You know, because I'm sure he experienced, I mean, on the crossing, we experienced crews, excruciating pain pain during his whole torture, but we still got to realize, yes, he was, he was a perfect person in the flesh. Yes. But he still had the characteristics of humanity.
Glenn McCoy
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. So he felt the emotional pain and he felt physical pain. I agree with you completely, in a sense of, he, he, Oh, in the Bible throughout the Bible, he wouldn't be an example to us if he didn't represent humanity and spirituality man, and man humanity and divinity was that was displayed through him showing us the kind of relationship we should have with God. And that is part of unity. He was never out of sync with God, never. And to fulfill death and your spirit man to say, wow, this is so foreign. Where are you? God this is the opposite of creation and destruction.
Glenn McCoy
This is yeah. So I think brother that day, I think that day, well we read early on in the way. Okay. So it gets the news, but it continues to minister. To me, there was no fear, no. And to human or the divinity and you know, so spiritually or physically, he wasn't, he wasn't moved. And then is there walking the men we're talking about it? Cause they knew that they had hit her. He had a relationship and yet they didn't see any urgency. And he said, don't worry about it. Right. Our friends' sleep's yes. And they were like, what they were talking about, how you sleep. He is going to be resurrected one day. I mean, we're going to hanging out with Jesus.
Glenn McCoy
We don't get me wrong. We can be a wild ride. His presence would be amazing. And it is amazing when we fill at this Holy spirit and et cetera, but we have the completed work. So Christ except for the last trip. Yes. The last trip. But we have, you know, the completed works on Christ as a human and we can study them and see the aftermath and get revelation. And we certainly have so many tools, brother David. So I think looking at it and this context, having all that information we have and going back and see him being with him would of been extremely confusing. Yeah. And it would definitely take faith as it does today. But I think brother David is the message. He was given their on the way
Glenn McCoy
Was that he was not in fear. He was not hurting now so that people will teach when he saw them hurting what you just said. He has compassion right. Rose in him. But you know, I want to have, say, and believe this has just the revelation I have received on it. And that's just why we come together. And so we can grow and, and you know, and it definitely, you can put jesus' in a box, they try that and he wouldn't speed it and say, okay, but I want to say this, I'm going to say a few times in scripture, we saw them disturbed by a lack of faith. Yes. Yes. And I think that his weeping had to do, in my opinion with Wow I love you on you'd know me and we have a personal relationship.
Glenn McCoy
Yes. And even you, cause you should wear, if you laid him. Right. And they're like, Oh Lord, he stinkers by now. They're going through the steps. That's right. That's right. Okay. Where were you? And not one disciples spoke up and said he was saving lives. He was healing, the sick, he was, he was minister. That is an interesting fact that they wouldn't even step up to back him up and say, Are Lord will. They were confused. They were so confused by it. And, or at least didn't have clarity at that point. But that's what miracles are for you, man. Amen. But what I love, it's just like when, when the disciples I'll put these as a sequence and when the disciples, so you know, the interrupted him and he was a ministry as he always is, they said, Lord, they were getting hungry.
Glenn McCoy
Yeah. Well they were hungry. Are you there was an issue or why did he, you have to tell him all to set down, you know, they were, they were so into is teaching that, okay. Everybody would be seated. We're going to, yeah. So my point is, when those guys said, Lord, they're hungry. And he said, well, feed my sheep, feed them to take care of them, eat them, eat them. Well, what should we do? We get what you have. You're gonna, don't come in to me, EMT hand in and ask me what to do. And I think that's what we've had some empty handed faith. Yes. When he walked in there. Yes. But you know what? At the end of that story, the disciples that questioned his ability or the ability as walking with God to feed them, cared back a basket each day, 12 baskets full the 12 disciples.
Glenn McCoy
He was a heavy, full, full basket of Phish all the way back to town. That's what Jesus walked and whistled and went on about his business. Amen. Amen. Not one complaint is not written. There are any way now. And I believed that was a shift in their faith with, with, with, with them sitting down and him multiplying. But then obviously he's a man of his word. We know that, but he kept telling him, don't worry, I've got, this is not the other hand this he gave the don't know that that's in the camera down there. There's a problem. The same thing thankfulness. Yes. You know, some of the discussion was probably don't bring that up to him anymore.
Glenn McCoy
We just traded more work for us right now. Don't bring that up. But I do think that you're right, because they got to code
Glenn McCoy
What's the right word. That participated go for the miracle. Cause it multiplied when they have a man. And so unit yes. Is the key to victory. Yes. So the visual was, everybody got a fed, but then though the not the lack of believers he had worked to do afterwards and the case of Lazurus where have you laid him? Yes. Oh Lord. He Stanks and whatever it, okay. I understand you're given me the curse side of it. Right. But let me give you the Blessing side of man Lazarus come forth. And he said, now you all and wrap him in, clean him up. He's a stinker than you do when you're a stinker. And next time say a white on may. Last year, it got sick by the power, an agreement in you that he has been raised and were here to have dinner with me.
Glenn McCoy
You know what I mean? Amen. And I think that's what this ministry about. And I think that's what ministry should be. This is a ministry is not a place to bury the sick brother, David. Now this should be a spiritual hospital. That's right. It is. And I think that, yes, I think that working together in unison, we can have the victory of whatever the case, if two or more. Yeah. Talking about you in any of that to me, because only does this say touch and agree with me one thing, but it also says I'm their with, with you. So there's the T yes. This is the power of Christ. Yes. Yeah.
A man. Oh, that's so good.
Glenn McCoy
And Christopher Columbus was an Italian. He was called to Admiral of the CCE and he was known for his exploration. This is pre prediscovery discovery of Americans. You just want to lay the groundwork because I enjoy reading about these things and revisiting them, especially from a context and misalignment by God, but he was a Christian, he was a Christian. And it, it was interesting about this family and all the things I read. But, but what was neat was as a man or as a C a person of the sea who made charts and sailed, he was known for his expiration and all of the maps and stuff.
Glenn McCoy
Everything that he did was a great accomplishment, but getting a commission to go out and do something was, was an amazing challenged back then. So he had to tell them, have the great commodities. That's what would be brought to their individual. Its amazing how people have to be motivated. Sometimes buy the David to do the work of God. But Christopher Columbus gave us some quotes and it, and I've collected a few of them share with us these quotes and just what they mean to you, brother David first one is God gives victory to those who follow his way over a parent impossibilities.
Glenn McCoy
Isn't that amazing? Well, number one, we know that all things are possible through Christ their, again, we have the man had the completed work and we have to follow his way because if we do it our way, we have no chance against the enemy. Because when we do an, our own way, we are doing it in our own strength in our own means. Yeah. That's why we have to remain in him and follow his way to get something accomplished. Brother, David, we have to go through our own lack of faith. Once we get through that layer, yet we got to go through the lack of faith and those around us. And then we had to go through the demonic warfare. That's behind the scenes. Yes. And then we have to have the streets and the power to maintain faithfulness.
Glenn McCoy
You know, Peter did well in the first couple of steps. I was sure out, you know, sometimes we do in row and Bible college or we'll begin to take lessons, have some sort, right. You know, God's putting your heart to, to administer in a different language. Maybe you'll start the classes and then maybe you'll start the seminary or you'll start a church or you'll start. But the faith that continue on brother David, and this is not possible without God. And when he says this, God gives victory to those who follow his way. That's the key. Isn't it? Amen. Anyway. And when you follow his Wei at some point, yes, there are just gonna be a battle. Yeah.
Glenn McCoy
They're may be some obstacles, but you're going to get the victory. Cause who is the way Jesus, Hey man, I like this next one. This has been practiced in my life so many times. Wow and I kind of new it, but in another way, I didn't know. I really thought it was, is going to be something to listen to this one. So go ahead. I'm sorry. Goal's are simply tools to focus our energy in positive directions. These are changed as our priorities change. Amen. So there's been times when God is put something on your heart, all of us. And you'll focus on that for a minute.
Glenn McCoy
Yes. And til more is revealed or something, but it keeps you occupied in a state of faith and hope. Amen. You see, when we read the story of Joe brother, David, he was hit immediately. And the first thing that God took from him was one of his tools to worship. Yes. Yeah. It was cattle. He would sacrifice kettle for his children who had life. So well, they had such a rich life. The Bible says they would go from house to house, celebrating each other's events and birthdays and all of those things. And that was their life. It that made up their life and here's job given sacrifices so that they might not sin against God.
Glenn McCoy
So when the cattle got taken, which he used to sacrifice, that could be directly in a Rupt. Yes. There is time with God. Can it not? Yes. And so the first thing it was taken was the sacrifices that, so in our life it's a sacrifice of praise. Sometimes Satan, with those, something out there that will make us just stop praising. We need that tool. That's one of our communication tools. Amen. And amen. The second thing Satan hits. And according to what we see in job is it said to the thing that I feared the most has to come up on me. He had a fear. He let it be knowns. Right? I did a fear of his children. Possibly you see eye to eye, tell this in some stuff that has to be repetitious because it's worth sharing.
Glenn McCoy
If you don't know the David, the story of would read differently. If job junior had a guide out there for a morning with his dad. Yeah. Regardless of whatever, what else did it come out and help them with the sacrifices you'd be reading. And Joe jr. In his dad saw the slaves come in or saw the worker's coming and giving the reports and Joel and Joel junior said it on the ground. And so he would have been with him. It would have been protected. Amen. And amen. And amen. We found that our spiritual parents, brother David into what they do. And we replicate what they do. We, there is a divine protection. Amen. And that is totally separate. And that is a form of unity. Unity. Yes. There is a divine protection that comes with honor. And your father and mother and my man.
Glenn McCoy
So he said the thing I fear the most has come upon me. How many people out there? And I know I have all, you have been in fear over what their children may or may not be doing or that they may not on our God. Yeah. A, a song writer presented me some music how you had to have to talk about it was yes. So a songwriter, it presented me with some song's this week and I, and I'm looking for them. And one of the top, one of the word's was says that the grand delusion of time is that there is plenty of it that it always exists. The sun always comes up tomorrow Live but you know, for everyone, that's not the case. So my point is brother David, we've got right now this moment, the vapor and then life is just a vaper.
Glenn McCoy
And God spoke to life into us then were called to speak life. And every speaking name as I'm going to have you ever speak in a moment that's right. And when we speak death, we are not in unison with our father. You know, there is no one and this in this auditorium or in a home that ever got into destructive lifestyle by themselves. That's right. That's right. That had to join us with somebody else. That's right there. I said, Hey, let's do this. Oh yeah,
David Oxley Jr.
Yeah. If you didn't wake up one day and said, I'm going to sell drugs or I'm going to start drinking. No, they're there, there was somebody in your path and that is that introduced you to it. And when we joined,
Glenn McCoy
When our spirit is joining us and we become a part of that spiritual problem, yes, we're sending against God, we're sending against ourselves, but we're sending it to our families. And I think once we come to realize that brother David, the battle begins to get free. Does it not yet? So when you're a born again and your cleanse you're delivered and your walking in your healing, the battle is to not have those old thoughts, do not let those old spirits, familiar spirits get into your psyche and you get into it. It would be very easy for me in today's circumstances. What's going on with my family and others that our care about to be down or distracted.
Glenn McCoy
But I refuse to give the enemy any Praise that's right. Listen to me. My family is as well and heeled and love the Lord. And they are going to walk. And in the holiness of God here, I more there either way. It, it will be done. They may come in and that, and I know Joyce Meyer has a teaching out on it and several other individuals, but the battle truly is in the mind that, and that's the only thing that he can get us with the exact who doesn't have access to our spirit. He doesn't have access to our heart. Amen. It's all in mind. Yes. And our thoughts. Yeah. Faith has universal. If you believed something will work, it will work. I eman, if you believe that won't, it won't work.
Glenn McCoy
So wherever we lend, we were created to be, to be creatures of that believed. Amen. We believe we have to believe what God tells us. And when we believe something, other than God, we open the door for a conference. Amen. Adam and Eve. Yes. First curse because they believe something outside of what God had taught them. That's right. And I think it's so dangerous for us to get out of unison with each other and with God brother David, because the very, we do become part of the problem and that's right. That's right. So having those tools to focus on that's what I like about hope. Yes. If you can get ahold of hope, you know, one thing that, that job didn't stop doing, there is a hole in you get in the forties, you know, the 44, one 42 42, you get to know final chapters.
Glenn McCoy
Yes. And it's all about him praying and crying out to God and pray and yeah, listen, you wouldn't pray and talk to a God that you didn't think existed. Know. So even if you, our conversations may not be, have a religious nature, right. Just in conversation with your creator, God bless you. Yes. Because God appreciates that. Like in the time of trouble, who should you talk to you about the David, our father, our heavenly father who loves us. Yes. So whatever it takes to stay in unity with the Holy spirit. And if you haven't felt the presence of the Holy spirit and, and you've never had that experience. Yeah. You keep asking God, because it was a promise that Jesus asked, you said ask anything in my name.
Glenn McCoy
Yeah. Well he personally has to God himself for that authority, for that ad, for that man advocate to get, to come and be here with us. Dan. So the Holy spirit, the presence of God is available to each of us brother David. If we stay in unison yes. And true to the obedience of God, Christopher Columbus set in a prior quote, God gives victory to those who follow his waste over any that's. Right. All right. Impossibility. It's God that does it. Yes. But it's our faith. It has to act out while the other day because its our body that's right. That's our life. Amen. And amen. Without faith. And we got to, the job has got a song called its my life.
Glenn McCoy
You heard this, I have, man has now turned that on the radio and sing it for a blast. We won't be demonstrating that evening out of respect for those that appreciate good music. But I say it's my life is mine. It's my life. Umm it's my life. It's now or never in his words Are these are the author's words. I am not gonna live forever yet when I sing and I see it and I am going to live forever. We are amen. I'm looking my spirit man. And lead the way I'm a man with my body dye. What are the human diet that were amazed to be seen as it remains me saying God. Yeah. But I know in my spirit just going to live forever. And so I seen in my life forever, I'm gonna live forever.
Glenn McCoy
Amen. I think that it has to be our or our focus because if you think about living forever, the only part we can see is what's around us. That's right. That's right. You're in your thirties. Let's say for example. Yeah. Let's see. I am in my thirties. Do you like that? And then I'll say, I'll take that the eye line detectors going off. You hear me out when you were in your thirties. That's how you can see that. Right. Sometimes. Yes. And the flesh, you know? Well when you're a kid. Yeah. Oh man. I'm not gonna make the team. Yeah. Yeah. You can. If you work all summer. Yeah. I'm not going to get that promotion at work. You can, if you know, we're never going to have a child. You can, if you remain faithful. Yeah. You know?
Glenn McCoy
Yeah. Sometimes we can't see No I'll pass are limitations. Right. But if you accept that your, a child of the most high God and your going to live forever. Yes. Look at what that does. It makes all this a little bit. That's right. That's right in this. Cause this is Kingdom work, but it makes the things, the distractions. So we are relevant because we cannot be in unison with God and distracted attorney with the things of the world. Amen. Amen. And amen. And Christopher Columbus, he had this revelation. Yes. What was this third by prevailing over all obstacles and distractions. One may unfailingly arrive at his chosen goal or destination.
Glenn McCoy
Is it not the best definition for faith? Well, by prevailing over all obstacles and distractions, one may unfailingly arrive at his chosen goal are a destination. We can not let anything distract us now in the truth of God, because one, one of those distractions come in, we get off course. Absolutely good point. Imagine this, you know, that's what I love about working with you, man. I love it. Imagine this you're on a sailboat and you don't tak and have no one of those, what that is. That's the adjusting of the cells. If you don't change with the wind, as it changes a balloonist, I didn't notice to a few years ago, you might know this, but I guess we've got Jetstreams and different airways up there.
Glenn McCoy
Right. And pilots figure out best way to cruise. Rob. Exactly. Exactly. So that's where the No and they change it. Right? Put balloons, a hot air balloon said will get back to the boats in a minute. Trains, planes. Not able to build this night show or no, but look, the loon is from the Davids turn. If you do this, they have to find, so you say you're going North, they'd got to find the northbound wind, its up there some way or somewhere there's cross winds and they've got to find, you did not know. And when they get in it and they stay in it and it carries them North and then when they want to go a different direction that's right.
David Oxley Jr.
That it dropped down. And that, that, that pocket of that direct going, Oh wow.
Glenn McCoy
Umm to catch the wind too. It is cool. So if you're an, a sailboat and the wind is blowing. Yeah. And if you don't adjust yourselves, that's right here at the mercy of the, the wind that's right. Elements. And we know from the Bible, Satan has some influence over those things. If we gave up the world,
David Oxley Jr.
What do you have? No idea. Which way you're going to go when that wind starts moving. But yeah,
Glenn McCoy
When you learn how to be an efficient say yes, that wind is your, I mean, it determines everything. When you get there, how do you get their, the route you go to the amount of time and efficiency. I mean, imagine this for other day, but it wouldn't seem like a big deal, but if you've done your charts and you go, we've got 21 days to get there and you catch it the wrong winter. You don't know what your doing and your answer at 30 days. Some days not to eat. Yes. Yeah,
David Oxley Jr.
No, no. Somebody aint going to eat, especially with those stores. Com can, can come if you leave. If we didn't have that taxability to adjust our say amen. Now y'all, that's what he rubbed to. Yeah.
Glenn McCoy
A weeks ago Pastor brought up something important. It's in the Bible. The rudder, no one sees it now it's under, but that's the part that man has control. The man doesn't have part control the wind. No, but if you picture this, if you're a good captain and you're selling your ship correctly, that's right. There are so many good Christians. A song. Oh yeah. There are a lot of what is it? The Those tattered? What is it? The ship is one. Yeah.
David Oxley Jr.
Oh, Oh, you're talking about a, a it's a Ray. Boltz the anchor hold. Yeah.
Glenn McCoy
So the anchor email, sometimes you have to drop anchor in, stay out of the fight. Right. But yeah. I love that song. I but, but my point is this brother David, we are in control. The rudder man is, and we talk about the Bible, talks about our tongue being the rudder. It steers us where we go. Amen. But the Holy spirit has been like into the When just like, if we don't see where the wind blows that's right. Or like a, its like the dove and the Holy spirit descended like a dove peacefully, gracefully just came down and covered crises. It wasn't an actual dust present now, but it was like that the way he had done, he just lands so peacefully. That's right. When a Moses sent a dove out to get an olive branch because they're graceful in there they're there are a sign of peace.
Glenn McCoy
But, but my point is this is that we can't control the Holy spirit. The Holy spirit leads in controls. Right. So if our rudder does it line up Oh by way the Holy Spirit's blowout and end up shipwreck or something. Right. And another port. Yeah. Yeah. That's exactly how we get out of a, out of unity with God don't you believe? I absolutely. So we'll want to speak is so important. That's right. It's so important. If, if I had to sit down and say, you know, my willful sins that I struggle with, it would be being able to attain that in a perfect way because David, do you know, if this, yourself, there was no better feeling and you're calling Imam to sing a song that God has ordained and to be able to sing it with all your heart, say, Hey man, when your a teacher, there was no better feeling than being able to share a revelation or deliver it the way God intended.
Glenn McCoy
It was, there was no better feeling than when we used that same mouse to get upset in traffic. Or did you get here? We are getting better. Hallelujah. What I'm just saying or get it. You know, I think I've got the solution for brother David. We take a steering wheel out. When we put a keyboard in there, I love it. And he can't you cause you can't, you can't get upset with the keyboard and say, okay, now you can write Turn to be down here in an F sharp, you know, saying we needed to stay in our callings. What we do, man, because your a man of Praise whether your driving that's right. Whether you are you're on the platforms. Amen. You're a man. And Praise whether you are visiting the sick or your study and at home, if your called by God to do something, how stay in that state in it.
Glenn McCoy
That's a, that's a statement and it's not using God's name in vain name in vain. But the old town guys would say, Now by God, you do this. Yes. And we would think, wow. Or when you're a kid, you, you promise opera. You are, are you lying? No, I swear to God, you know? Oh, with the swear to God. Oh yeah. And of course we learned later you sit in, swear by some of the things that would be better to swear by. It also says, so my point is, is when they say by God, yes. Yeah. That's a D**e. Okay. God's watching. God's listen. And it's by God, I'll things are created an exist. That's right. We need to operate by me by God. That God's way say, Hey man, Christopher columbus' was aware of This and his, his determination to do what God destined him to do as amazing.
Glenn McCoy
They have discovered that there were some Vikings here, five centuries before a what's his name life. And he has a lucky life. They called him. Cause he's like you like, but, but here's the deal. It wasn't discovering America that we should be looking at for Christopher Columbus. Right. It's the fact that, that it opened up the missionaries. Yeah. And made it to spread the gospel. They did even further. Amen. And amen. Amen. What do we have in the final quote? No one will ever discover new things unless he or she is able to leave the comfort of their shore.
Glenn McCoy
Hmm. All these powerful. What do you think about that for the David? Ah, well, if you're an a, if you never leave the comfort of the, have the shore, that's something that, that, that you're used to, and that becomes a, a pattern. It, it becomes a cycle. Yeah. That never ends because it's comfortable place. But we know that in Christ were moving from faith to faith, from glory to glory. And so that's gonna require us to get out of our comfort because we know, I mean, think about it when you get convicted a When through the Holy spirit, ah, or through the word that's gonna move you. Oh. Is the most moving thing. It was well, put it this way. I didn't call Paul.
Glenn McCoy
I'll say this himself. I have learned to be content in one thing. One thing. No, no everything. All things, which means you can't, you can discover new things. That's right. More things. That's right. Unless I'm buying to a comfort, that's for sure. That's how I like what he says to the blind man <inaudible> or the crippled or any of them are the one had to go wash out. You know what it was, you have something to do to participate here is there is a participation, but he said to him, take up that bed and walk. And in other words, your not a beggar anymore. We know that you were at dinner and that was the best spot. And you need to take up. So take up your old familiar deal.
Glenn McCoy
Yeah. You know? Yeah. That's right. Yeah. So I agree with Krisha for Columbus that in order for us, it's hard too, you know this, but the David to leave a church or to even go and think about because your, your spirits, they transferring that's right. Well, we never really leaves the old church as part of us was groomed they're out there. So we'll you still have a hard for your ministry. So we had learned and grew with each one. That's alright. But if you get comfortable on a shore, I just got to ask you this in the condition, our world's in. How could a Christian be comfortable today? Now I'm not talking about the peace of God. I'm talking about the office. That's right. That's right now, until you told everybody in the goodness of God, ma'am there's no way you should be comfortable.
Glenn McCoy
Amen. Okay. And how can your faith grows? When, if you are, if you're comfortable in doing the same thing over and over, it's a, it would not grow, know it would not be. And that's the QI, that's the key to muttering and bring in that unit T together. He is our faith. Amen. That's the basis of everything, which leads to victory. Amen. Amen. You know, brother slim right now. Oh, he's got his hand up, but I want to comment For can watch us. Imagine he just said, Hey, come here, got, well, we got healed and what satisfied being in an MBK resonant and maybe, you know, a low gravy and that, and that's it. That's it No he couldn't wait to give back out, know amen. Now we wanted to get back out there and take it back to make a major decisions.
Glenn McCoy
Yes. This is a part of this flock. Do I let this one sheep go back out and feed the lost? Yeah. And it's through the change that he saw in Lorenzo's life. Amen. And the marriage, the everything that he's done that you should do, he was able to give him the blessing and the covering of man. So he didn't go out alone. He went in unit. That's right. That's right. That's the ministry. Amen. Amen. And ironically, he didn't know I was gonna bring that up, but he was saying it came up. Yeah. This is an interactive, a night of teaching. And so we, we participate with the live audience or someone was calling something. Brad, let us know if anyone ever was an end, a question or comment or, but is there a microphone that brother Lorenzo can speak to the audience on?
Glenn McCoy
Is there, is there a, Oh yeah. There's a good news for you right now in the back there. You can probably hear him anyway, but this will make sure that no one gets lost as a man in the message. What a great night a cool front is coming home. And it's so nice outside. I'm going to my parents for lunch and she may come for food meatloaf. Oh yeah. But you can, you, as soon as you come out the car, he can smell air. Everybody was what does had, there are fires going and the fireplaces. So you know, a false coming it's here. He is. This is it. It is alive and well folks online, if not now, editorial, you're getting ready. Here are the voice of Lorenzo who ever is, is, is one of the director's here and training and MBK, and also has his ministry.
Glenn McCoy
He and his wife. They may have brother praise the Lord
This evening. I just want to ask two questions. I heard you are speaking out. Cause I've been reading this thing again, Mike, the gateway, it was in a mess, not pick up on my books. And I look for what it is about praise and worship. Now it tells you no praise and worship. Yeah. Are just big. And all the praise and worship is in it. Like your praise and worship to God. I mean, how much more or do you do? You have to have the full of the word when you do on your praise and worship you, your heart got to be, you got to also your present where I just got to be about what you, what you sing and about it. It got to tell up.
Glenn McCoy
Yes. Yes.
And I have some wording. What are your praise and worship? Oh, you just lip service does that. That is true with them.
Glenn McCoy
Okay. So, well first prayer, praise and worship is automatically a sacrifice. It's a sacrifice, sacrifice a Praise exactly. And to our God. And it's definitely a spiritual act. Yes. Yeah. As far as having the word in it that can get into a religion because the bottom line is when the power of God hits you were, you feel like praising, you are going to say the words that they said anyway, all of they were saying was glory to God. Yes, God is so good. When the Holy spirit fell and the day of Pentecost, they talked about the goodness of God, the goodness, God, and you're life is what you Praise about.
Glenn McCoy
So I wouldn't be concerned about a lot of people are taught this, pray the scripture. I agree with that. Yeah. Recite the scripture, but Praise is a free gift. Amen. You Praise freely about what's in your heart, right? He is such it. And it's just, I love this guy. He such, and then the natural is not easy. You have to love in the spirit. He is a giant on it. And so my point is he wants to do it. Right. All you are trying to say right now is I want to do this correctly here. Let me tell you how you've been doing it correctly. Since you gave you a heart to the Lord brother and everything I've seen. Yeah. Amen. Amen. Yes, sir.
And he has said about a man on the ham and you say he was, you know, when we become new creatures in Christ, we post to go out and try new things. Even if we found any cause is going to give us more wisdom and to try and keep it going.
That's right. Amen. Yeah. Yeah.
Glenn McCoy
We go in to all of the world. Yeah. And you're world is where you've been, where you know what you're familiar with, unless God gives you a new direction and your going back to your world, you have already done that automatically. S that was your world. The difference is, as you were of the world, yeah. Now you go back in to that world, but your not have it. That's what we're just in it. And what are you doing? You're praising. But if you were to go to someplace, any of us were, you're not welcome where you are not seeing a fruit and it's not happening. There comes a period of time. I mean, you hear the stories of people that prevail. I would go down on the corner of minister every week and nobody will take any Trax or I'd see I'm on the ground. But I didn't give up until the Lord. Tell me, there comes a time when the Lord tells you, but when you leave, you even shake the dust.
Glenn McCoy
And in other words, don't take any of that with, yeah, that's right. That's right. So there are other Lorenzo, you are free to minister or the way that you feel God, and your truth. I would, I would venture to say that most of us in here would know what to say too. The people that are to minister to right. That's between you and God, but having the principles of the scriptures and translating it into your own way that you speak and trying things new and going new places. He tells a story. I don't know if it's been told by publicly, it, it will be Tonight, but he saw a group of girls out there that, that he would normally interact with and back in the day. And now he just has to send them love. Yeah. Because he knows how much to the gospel, they were received, how much they want.
Glenn McCoy
Right. But he doesn't put time, rods time when he was on assignment with the people that aren't receiving. So you're already doing everything you asked. I man, bless you. Bless you. Amen. But the word helps you because it confirms what in your spirit as a man, different words. Same message. Same guy, man. Perfect. Example of unity. That's right. Amen. And God bless you for the Victor. You walk in, Hey man, I share that with the other guy's pushes to get the victory they need. Cause it's easy to get comfortable and a pro Oh yeah. Is it? Oh yeah. Cause it feels good. It's right. It feels excellent. Another question from, we introduce yourself, sir.
Glenn McCoy
First name is plenty. I wouldn't have Praise. And he was talking about what might be a personal, personal as well. There's personal Praise and there is public. There's a personal and corporate personal incorporate. And I believe it's that, those, that, those intimate moments that ground us and for my us end to that deeper relationship and I believe the further and they both reciprocate each other. The, the more praise and worship you do, you're going to become more intimate with Christ. That's automatically. You are going to want more of the word and vise versa. If you are, if you're gonna, if you are getting, if you are diving into this word daily and its, and its, you know, your renewing your mind daily, its gonna, it's gonna shift.
Glenn McCoy
And the area praise and worship is where I'm going in deeper and in that realm as well. I believe that's why he's the praise and worship leader. I would say this there's a time to go. And your private prayer closet and the minister, and you may find yourself in song. It talks about singing songs and Praise is in the hands. Also singing them together. The Bible talks about that, but I'll put it this way. When power of God hits you, you want refrain, you overflow. Amen. And living waters will flow out from you, whether it's word or song or a brace. And then, but I'll tell you this, it's a natural response to the experience of God, Jesus put it this way. If you're not moved by what's going on, you don't Praise are God rocks will cry.
Glenn McCoy
The Rock's are going to cry it out. So yes and yes. Yeah. Privately is intimacy publicly. His is what you'd call witnessing her testimonies or sharing as a man. It's your, it's the blessing of God. And, but you cannot contain, God bless you, Dave, you got something brother. Yeah, I got, of course anytime somebody says the president Wars, but the first thing that comes to my mind, like you're getting up there, songs, praise and warrants like that. But if am I wrong and thinking that that present Warsaw is not just singing my praises. You can praise him Wars with God. Just like just send a thank you. Thank you for helping me.
Glenn McCoy
Yeah. Just speak to you. Your Praise. Yeah. Amen. And the, and the, and the scripture is very clear that the true works. The first is going to worship him in spirit and in truth. So the truth is you've been delivered yet. So you may have worship about that while you may Praise about that and the person next to you, you can't relate. Doesn't understand. Right. And don't get it right. But if they're a true Christian, they'll fill the spirit and hopefully be convicted about praising God in thanking them. Yeah. And there's a gentleman here that says, I wanna thank the Lord and advance for bringing in my children in one day, my, my end, it goes to his lineage. Wow children, grandchildren, a nice nieces, nephews, et cetera.
Glenn McCoy
But there was a time when he asked God to draw them closer to himself and closer to him, to, to himself brother Dan. And it was three months after me here and him put that in ever prayer requests. One of every meeting that we attended the man within, within three to six months, both of his boys had come to live with them for a while and then got to go to some of the meetings. And you know, we can't make everything happen and God won't go against our freewill. But I saw his prayers answered. Did they get closer? Sure. They went to meetings. Did they get closer to him? Sure. That came home. We lived under this roof. Yes. Yes. So prayer works, proclamations work and everything. And when it's done in the form of praise and worship and a man, It it multiplies.
Glenn McCoy
Amen. And amen. Amen. That's passionately. That is unity as a man. Amen. If someone tells you Let let's do the opposite of that. What's this a little light of mine. All right. Yes. I'm going to let it shine. You don't hide it. That's right. Amen. That's all right. It's elementary. Yes. Very elementary. Very elementary. To be free to Praise God yes. Yeah. Amen. So we took some or some questions from folks who, if you have questions, call them in or get them to Brad up there. There was work in the board or raise your hands if you're in the audience. But why do we care so much about people's quotes and their sayings and input from one another.
Glenn McCoy
Wow how does that read by the David? Why do we, why do we treasure crows from historic figures? Because people who have accomplished great deeds inspire the common man to explore his possibilities and thereby grow. You see, we are examples for one another. We're called to be examples from one, for one another. And if our life can be an example of the life of Christ and that's what he was trying to tell us as a human in it, brother David. Yes. I mean, that's what Jesus said. You know, even that there are, there are a doctor ruins out there and religions that will grab a point and, and, and the whole ministry just Stan's on that one point in one of the points I'd like to point out, because we're going to talk about unity is the oneness of Jesus.
Glenn McCoy
If you've ever heard it, teach that that Jesus is God in God is Jesus in Jesus is the Holy spirit. And, and there are just different forms of God or whatever. It's truly more personal than that. Yes. There are three separate person's and scripture point's to that. When Jesus come up from the baptism, he didn't throw his voice and go my own son who am well pleased to know that was the voice of God. He was silent. Yes. There was a voice that came down from heaven. And then when the angels cried out at his birth, he manual, well, God, with us, that was heaven singing that God's will, was done on earth.
Glenn McCoy
Now my son is on earth. Yes. To accomplish when he was there to establish and then immediately eval was stirring to counteract it then. Yeah. Yeah. But my point is, is when he looked up and said, are father who art in heaven? He wasn't talking to himself. Jesus is his own entity. But his spirit came out of God. Yes. And he was so committed to fulfilling the Collins life that you couldn't just to tell one from the other No that's how close is closer. You can possibly be without being two entities. How do we know there were separate some of the things I just said on the Mount of transfiguration, two of the witnesses were changed. We've had, we've had both Elijah and, and Moses, there are a glowing then Jesus starts.
Glenn McCoy
Yeah. But that doesn't stop there. Another great Lite came down and everybody went down. There was over with, he was lights out because God actually joined them with his presence and his spirit. They may know that God had to pass Moses and his spirit form. So my point is his, if we get into a confusion brother, David about Christ we're to be in unity with Christ. Christ was a man that walked the earth who happened to be fathered by the Holy spirit, through a woman as the purpose and calling to save mankind from the curse of death. Amen. That comes with disobedience. So the life of Christ, Jesus of Nazareth, as our example and humanity, Jesus Christ is our example in spirituality, Jesus sent in his spirit man and went back to heaven and sent the Holy spirit to be with us, to help us complete that walk.
Glenn McCoy
That's right. See, he was never a separate from the Holy spirit. That's exactly what it meant when he said, I don't want them to be left alone. So I'm sending the advocate, see you, man. He mad that we couldn't make it without the Holy spirit. That's how he asked God to say, it's the Holy spirit. So I want you to understand the Holy spirit when, when God has handed down the word, I I'll never leave you and forsake you. So God was hear in the beginning of his spirit mood and God was here. Yes. And I want to believe all three of us here. We made in our image of our likeness, right? Unless they become like one of us, right? So I believe he's talking about the Godhead, but God was here. Then when he left, Jesus was here. And when Jesus left the Holy spirit, his here, we're not alone gentlemen, but when are we going to join in unison yet with our father and with our brother Christ, our savior and our Holy spirit.
Glenn McCoy
So we have a responsibility to live like Christ live. We have a responsibility and live the way Jesus lives. We have a responsibility to pray the way he prayed, the way he taught his disciples. Surprised. And without that unison will never unlock the key to our addictions, to the abuse, to the, to unforgiveness Please David ad. Well, what, what do you think that it would be, you were talking about modes. Just a moment. I go back to when they run the, you know, they were in the wilderness for 40 years and, and they were only so many miles away. Do you think it is because there are discord or disharmony and the lack of unity as to why they kept going around and around instead of going right to that promised land, it said there are murmuring and complaining and just so BD it.
Glenn McCoy
So yeah, the number one thing is what was coming out of their mouth. They couldn't guide that ship through the desert. Cause the rudder that's right. He was stuck on. Negativity are complaining. If you see it was OK to complain in Egypt. Everybody worked all day in captivity and went home and complained every dealers. I mean every, every addict has done it. Yeah. Everybody had, it gets home, consumes, whatever product they're addicted to then complaints, man. I can't believe that Brahms don't stay open all night. Or man, I can't believe, you know, the, the da the dope man closes today. He won't do nothing any more after dark. It is getting too hot. You know, whatever it is. Well, that's the way they did it. They come home at night and complain.
Glenn McCoy
Oh yeah, man, they worked as hard today. They stayed in their existence. They didn't want to leave the shore. And then you come from now try a new thing. Cause there's, at least they knew they had a, they had a place to stay and they had food. Dr right. But there's the exactly. And that's what they later said. So the murmuring and complaining guys. That's why praise is so important. Amen. Hey, you know, all the old thing, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything, say anything at us. And I say, you, there's plenty just to brag about in the kingdom. And we should brag about our father. That's right. Because somewhere today, somebody has given there heart to God and it says the whole, all of heaven all celebrates. When that happens, you were part of heaven. So celebrate, celebrate. No.
Glenn McCoy
When somebody is getting fed to choose, somebody is going to deliver it. Somebody is getting a sin free. Hallelujah. Yes. You know, brother David and the gospel is so full of life. And it's so full of examples of everything that we speak. Yes. And say, when we're speaking, that's right in unison with God. Amen it there. And it feeds us. So the importance of Praise is to break the yolk. Yes. Right. To bondage and all of that. It's speaking to your destiny. That's right. You know, what I like is Praise is when you raise your voice when it's really, really yes. When you release and you cry out to God and man, listen, Moses went up on the mountain for a recent, he had to raise him where he was.
Glenn McCoy
He couldn't be around here anymore. We got to pick up. So he went up Christ's at the end of each day, often would go up to the Mount of olives. Yeah. You know, we knew, needed to be seeking, going on above. So you got to raise your boys above. Everybody's going, Oh yeah. The joy out of the Lord. If you got to scream it out, because that's what you need and your light's right. So that's what you feel are screaming out. Cause that's for God. And he's like, yeah, but you might watch the people around you catch fire. Their is a motivation to a praising God. Yes. Are not responsible to motivate the absolute song to praise the Lord. So that's your responsibility. Yes. Yes. Amen. Yes. And, and, and when you are talking about praising that there, there there's that price, that glorification of Praise and then there's that warfare Praise or where you're from your, your, your, your fighting tooth and nail.
Glenn McCoy
Not, not, not with Christ, but there, there are evil for it to the round here. And that's the first thing they did when they went out to battle the praisers and the musicians went before them, they were praising and worshiping God before they went, as they were going into the battle. Amen. You know, jet was there for front line and that is when you speak it of Jericho in a book of Joshua, that Citi was one bye Praise and surprise attack. No, wait a minute. Surprise attacks. They March for seven days and all they can see I'm from the towers, have their castle. They can to see you I'm out there. That's right. Yeah. But they didn't figure because the walls were impenetrable yet. So they weren't, they weighted today, Mount there battel, they were getting prepared, but they weren't gonna go out til it was time to go out.
Glenn McCoy
And they were in, in confusion. But that is part of the country had been excavated and modern times. And they're is archeological proof yet. And it collapsed on itself. Yes. Yeah. And then he had signed to is saying that it was the vibration, have them marching and sing it. I don't care. What's science, God used to do that. It came down. There has never been another one history now. And obviously people banging on the walls, it has movies. That's what I was in. Go up there with weapons and everything. Catamaran and yeah. And those waters didn't fall. Now these fell. That's how it goes to people in town brace and the power Praise we'll break down the walls. They let, you can step in the territory. You were supposed to tear it and it would be good, but you will never get off your Island or never get off.
Glenn McCoy
You're a former place of comfort. If you don't seek out the newness that God has for you, you got to believe there is a new life. When Jesus said I'm going there and prepare a place for you. Yes. Listen, wouldn't it be rude. Let's see my prepare a place for you. And you are not show up. I'm trying to keep it. Hey, that's real. That's what I'm saying. Keep it in a real simple. We know what I mean. If our saviors is I'm going to have to prepare place for you. Yeah. It was not. So I wouldn't have told you, he made a point. That's right. Jesus is up there preparing your place event. There is no reason to be stuck here.
Not one, not one, not one, not one.
Glenn McCoy
So I want to encourage us to be a newness, right? I love new year in the morning when you'd get up and make up your bed. Let me remind you something. If you're an MBK, have your anywhere. That's true. Anywhere the Lord has given us angels. These are celestial beings that are to walk in our life and be a blessing to us. Stay in guard over us, get up in the morning and say, hello. Would you, you know, just get up and thank God. It's just good morning. Holy spirit. I know that you're here. That I believe you've sent a blessing into my home. Thank you for it. And send out your data that way. Forget about Folgers. You can see, you can wait a minute. That's right. That's the best part. The waking up is Folgers and my cup. Yeah.
Glenn McCoy
And anti-Christian campaign. The best parts of waking up is at the glory of God, has in your lame man. So go in and exercise. You may men. I want encourage that. How they let me get up and say good morning and Holy spirit, good morning. God whatever's in your spirit. Yes. I remember an old man in this one church I used to speak at and he would say was a little country church in this testimony was at the same every week. And it was just want to thank the Lord for waking me up this morning. And I was young. It took me a long time to get a hold of that until I was sick one morning. And then I was like, wait a minute. I can't get up. I can't Wow I started doing that and it really is what I'm sharing to you in the ass, get up.
Glenn McCoy
And Praise him. Hey man. You know that hobbled to the kitchen and in the bathroom, wherever you're heading might be able to go to a spring and your staff, if you praise them, how many people today, you know, when this story, many of those watch and the first thing, what are you woke up? There were a man. I got to get out of bed today. Yeah, I, and, and there, and they're disgruntled. They're there murmur and there are complaining. Well that, that's the first thing that came out in your mouth. That's gonna set the tone for your day. Amen. And you know what, brother, David, we can either sleep in or rest in, Hey man, rest in him. Not to sleeping. That's right. Amen. Amen. I have always been that little nut that was like, I don't want to miss anything. So I stay up at the night and got a bit of early too.
Glenn McCoy
Now at this age, I gotta have a nap somewhere. I'd find myself usually taking when I'm driving somewhere, you know where, you know, one of the big fleet drivers are not sleep and sleep. Drive it to be the outcome of our expansion, unity with God. And man must first exist. Yes. Godly man will always further the efforts of their friend. Amen brother David. How true is that? Oh, the That godly. Men will always further the efforts of their friend. That's that? That's my brother's keeper. That's my sister's keeper where we're, we're working together for the Kingdom sake. Not for our sake. Yes. But for the kingdom, say, let me tell you something.
Glenn McCoy
When he turned on your life, if you have to make an appointment and I'm talking about an exhaustive. Yes. And he's also a process to make an appointment with your Pastor there's other pastures OK that are available. I am not talking about at our church because our pastor is always available. Yeah. Yeah. That's right. If he's on an assignment, he will be available. You can see him Sunday after the service and less he's in a, on a boat. I'm saying if you're an, a church where you have to make an appointment to see your pasture, there's a couple of things wrong. If he's so busy, he can't see you. And it takes months to get an appointment. Then the church needs more pastors.
Glenn McCoy
Okay. And true. The thing about it is, is a pastor's number one job is to take care of his sheep. So make sure that your, a lawful obedient sheep, because a passenger would be so distracted by a man of God or a woman of God would be so distracted. If they're not minister and to someone that surely has a hard for God, but I want to let you know, and I'm going to say, this is the pastures. We have no greater responsibility than to love one another. And if business is becoming the forefront of your ministry, pray about it and get him to sync with the word line up with the word. Because I know here that when other churches were starving, we were given food out.
Glenn McCoy
And I'll tell you what, being in unity with God will allow you to do. Yes, you'll do that. And you will house people and you care for people and you'll come in to unity. Yeah. When the new natural ways and resources have dried up. Amen. And amen. Amen. And why do I say, I say that because our church operates on an amazing budget. When you look at the Now. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. When you look at the numbers, what it costs to be one person in this ministry to be here, to live here, to get, well, I'm talking about MBK and my sister's keeper. I'm talking about the whole, the worker's to staff. The whole works the way this budget has been steward over it. It will, it will blow you away.
Glenn McCoy
And man, it's, it is so amazing how being in unity with God has maintained this ministry. Yeah. And, and what can we do with more? I'll tell you what we could do with more, there should be newer facilities that it would be upgrades, or there would be more buildings that were house more painful. And then our campus would be updated. And the needs that we have should be updated and upgraded. Why? Because we've gotta work to continue. If you look at what's going on in the world, the need for restoration ministry is only gonna grow. That's its only gonna grow. It's the need is going to be greater and, and growing up and working in mega churches in my career in ministry, I can tell you this.
Glenn McCoy
I had a hard time with it. I didn't understand a $40 million facility. And I thought, why not have $41 million churches instead of one $40 million church and God spoke to me and he said, When in the next season. When I call my believers home, that people are going to run to the church's and flood them while you better have a daycare, you butter have a youth minister. You better have, you better have all of the folds of the ministry because people are gonna flock to the church. I was looking for answers. Yeah, you guys, we have the opportunity to overcome that. Right now we have an opportunity to teamwork together and to let people know that their need for God, its right now. And that's what unit he is. Yes. And that is the key to victory.
Glenn McCoy
Victory over your addiction, victory over your finances, victory over your relationships, victory, victory over your body. Amen. And if you've got to call a God on it and you were walking in the net call, God will not let you go down. He would not let Paul go down now. Even not let some of those apostles go down matter what? No, they didn't go down. That's why he was able to sleep. And the bottom have a boat. Yeah. You all got too much work to do for me to where it about this. This is just a piece of cake. Peace be still. And everybody goes back to sleep. Okay. Let me tell you something. If you're not walking into a way that pleases God and you are not in a relationship, that's covenant with God. If your marriage doesn't honor, God, he's not qualified Don or your marriage. No if you're not Breaking, if you're not honoring your covenant and you don't enter into a godly covenant, God has not in it.
Glenn McCoy
That's how can he B so if you are saying I'm a Christian and you're not trying to learn about Christ and you're not trying to walk in the ways that Christ walked and then please reevaluate your commitment and get into that place where God can be activated in your life where the Holy spirit is the result of the power in the time did you spend with God? Cause it truly is the result. Isn't not, David absolutely the unity that were speaking of. Tonight just first and foremost with you and God, this comes next. Yes. But if you ever cry out to God, keep your peripheral vision opened because two days are to happen. Yes. And the enemy had come and steal the seed. Yep. To try. And we read that in scripture, but also there'll be men and women of God put in your life to help you with your path.
Glenn McCoy
Brother. Dan knows about that dad and I administered each other and in, in hardship and otherwise and Praise and celebration. But at the point is his, we can stand us and we can, we can go in and live the life we're called to live. If we will unify ourselves into spirit. Amen to God himself. Amen. Amen bro. David it's time for a scripture. Yes, it is. Everything we spoke about was crucial, but at this time to get into the word, Hey man, Hey man, please turn to Ephesians chapter four. Yeah. These things for you have heard some of this coming out of the pulpit from Pastor Philip and you heard me coming from others' and David and I have touched on it.
Glenn McCoy
Yeah. But tonight we are going to give you a new dose to the whole Oh the Holy ghost. Amen. And amen. With explaining why this exists. Cause we're going to say man, cause confusion is the enemy. Amen. Yes. Yes. He's the owner of confusing this exactly right. Hey man, we are going to start in verse 11 of Ephesians four, Ephesians four. Now to me, this past his talking about the unity of the body of Christ and then in the offices, because I believe that this five fold ministry. Yes, it, it crossed the nominations.
Glenn McCoy
Every church should be taken apart with these because they each have their own place. Exactly. Amen. So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers verse 12 to equip his people for works of service so that the body of Christ may be built up 13 until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the son of God and become mature attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. Amen. We are going to revisit that were going to ask you David, what version is at your rate?
Glenn McCoy
That is NLT. Okay. Okay. New living translation. So let's look at this verse. 11 says, now these are the gifts that Christ gave to the church. The apostle from the David explained to, to the men and women, the ladies and gentlemen, what an Apostle's primary responsibility was to do the apostle Paul was the one, especially, you know, when you think about a possible, then there are teachers have them in, in themselves, but its a broader scope and, and they're there breaking down the axle scripture like getting inside the end of the Foundation they worked with describe.
Glenn McCoy
So making sure we had written here for sure. Amen. What is the job? Have a prophet. Oh wait a minute. Let me back up show an apostle. If you're a modern day calling is to be an apostle, but I'm not saying that you do or do not. This is up to you. The title that you Carrie is between you and God and how do you want to express yourself? A lot of people introduce themselves in their office. Yes. And they do it for various reasons. I just want to say this to you. If you're introducing yourself in your calling and you are truly walk on that integrity, it's a statement of telling the world who's you are who you are. News you are.
Glenn McCoy
Yes. If you walk in your own ways and proclaiming office is very confused and that can be hurtful to the ministry because if you are not operating under a calling, but yet you claim that title. Yes, it is not in unity with the Holy spirit. I'm just like when we talk about confusion. So living like the devil and calling yourself a Christian is a conflict of the truth. Only one of those is shirts. Right? Proclaiming in an office in the church has a serious responsibilities. Yes. So an apostle, a modern day apostle would be someone that studies the word received the revelation, writes the revelation and delivers that word.
Glenn McCoy
Amen. And we've met apostles modern day apostle and there are committed to doing exactly what you said, studying and writing and studying, writing for the purpose of teaching and NFM and charge a profit. My brother David Shera problems with a prophet specially, especially in the old Testament, there was a period where people didn't hear from God. He had to use the profits as his extension. Yes. And especially
David Oxley Jr.
In today's when you think about prophecy and all of that. And I, and I know a lot of people speculate that profit has PRF It but a true profit. It's a declaration. A lot of times it can be a, a, a, an empowering word or a it's a things to come. Yeah. Mmm. And the supernatural that, that, that bleed over into the physical, but the profit is actually a foretelling. Yes. Okay.
Glenn McCoy
Who wants to come? Exactly, exactly. Yes. So as David said, in the old days that profits were needed to be the voice of God in the absence, absence of God, because he wouldn't dwell at an unclean place and Mann had sinned. And then he dealt with that sin through a curse and through putting the blood on those folks. Amen. But what ended up happening was the profits became the voice of God as David explained. So a modern day prophet would be the same thing. Now the key to the office have a profit is spinning time alone with God. Yes. And I'm talking about the majority of your time. Amen. So many conspiracies are burst out of so-called profits.
Glenn McCoy
Come on, come on. Now, let me tell you something. I know this is hard to understand sometimes when you're learning about God, but I wanna say this to you. There is a spiritual world and there is a natural world and they pair allow each other. When you see a house where their, where it looks sketchy, mm. Stick around. There is something sketchy going on their own. You know, where there's smoke. There's fire. When you see someone whose car is full of junk. And then our house was full of junk. And our life is full of junk it's because spiritually there are they're junked up.
Glenn McCoy
<inaudible> you see it? It is impossible to, to be free and be bound at the same time, but it's not impossible to be tour Minot. The torment comes from a false prophets who we'll tell us something, brother, David, where they not and they'll claim to have authority. And they'll tell us something, Hey, we need to prepare for this. If you have a spirit in you that draws you to conspiracies. And how can you tell conspiracy from a true prophecy? How does it end? Yes. How does it end? That's that that's the fruit can be followed back to the route as passionate as a man's.
Glenn McCoy
Right? Amen. Here's the deal. If you're a card is cluttered up, but if everybody in the car Love's each other or is that a problem? I don't see the problem there, but if your car is cluttered up and everybody's fighting. Yeah. You know, I started with cleaning out the car. That's the easiest thing to do. Amen. But later I'll get to work on the relationships. Yeah. You see is not about that. Satan would love to distract us, but these are signs when people don't begin to take care of themselves, that's a sign that you just don't care enough. And why is it about you try to be attractive. No, it's about presenting the gospel. You represent the gospel, right? So having a breath mad, you know what I mean? Or whatever it does it make sense to not represent the gospel in a Lite.
Glenn McCoy
Now you can overdo it, but that's getting in the flesh two. Yes. Yeah. That's a false prophet. We'll always lead us into, do you see if you say repent Now or you'll go the hell, is that a true statement? You need to repent or a real go to hell. Yes. But there's a way to present the gospel that says receive Christ now and live for every man. And if we don't tell both sides of the story, brother, David. Yes. We're just minister. And so I don't want to hear about what the curse is going to do and stop there because I'm not going to be around for the curse. Where is my promise? It's a prophecy. Yes. So my point is if a prophecy or a conspiracy that you're hearing about his is directly related to the doom and gloom.
Glenn McCoy
If you need to take it to God and ask him yes. To let the Holy spirit counsel you in that. Yes. And I'll tell you something being attracted to conspiracies is very dangerous because it's witchcraft. Cause you might not mean anything by it. And you might be excited about, have you heard the latest thing about the chip or about this or our money or what's gonna happen? Hey listen. Maybe you're just the person that likes mysteries. Right. But I will tell you this, the, the author of that, they're also all of that confusion has a plan. It distract you. Yes. From the truth. If your into conspiracies or prophecies, I've got to book for you that is loaded with it. That you got to remember something.
Glenn McCoy
Yes. The, it says there's a scripture that says those disciples and those old prophets would love to have the experience we had Today guys. They would love to see the gospel spread as far as it's gone. Yeah. They would love to thank, well, what we said is on television. Well, we said was, you know what I mean? That's right. That's right. All the profit is probably the most serious when it comes to spending time with God that one can get him. And I'm not trying to put things in order no, in a hierarchy. And that I'm seeing it. If you think you got the call, a prophesy, if you are seeing dreams and visions and you want to write this, you give me a favor, put it on your blinders too. The rest of the world, walking in obedience to God and receive all that he has for you because the body needs it as a man.
Glenn McCoy
Don't we, we, we need fresh prophetesses for us. We need to know what God's saying to his people at any time, any time a prophet speaks, it's always, always if they're or a true prophet, it's always going to line up with the word. Always, always going to bare witness with you. I'm glad you said that. Even when somebody gives me a word. Yeah. It doesn't matter if it's all full of fluff or if its sometimes as a pastor stepped
David Oxley Jr.
On your toes, I've got to go back to that word to make sure and replay that over and over and make sure that it lines up. And also speaking of, you know, doom and gloom. Yes. That's a source of fear that is, and they're, they're using fear and, and, and they're coming at us, you know the light, but in the end, its just turn up fear to get you to, to fall for this or buy this or prepare for it. And I'm not saying don't get prepared, but they take it to the, to the too far extreme
Glenn McCoy
Too. And they want to make themselves the source of information. Yeah. Tune in next week. Watch out for the next video. Guy can we do this? Do that. Let me explain something to you. Exactly. Jesus Christ had followers and he was worthy to have followers man, and man. So people out there trying to gain followers and what are called Today ironic term. Not fan's not friends. Followers, followers to be careful who you are following. I mean amen. Hallelujah. Amen. Yeah.
David Oxley Jr.
And then we have evangelists building. They travel to and fro man,
Glenn McCoy
They take it on the road. Yeah. Take it on the road to spread the gospel. Amen. Maybe they do that with the bread and maybe you go out to vandalize. Maybe Joshua T Berglan on our digital evangelists podcasts. They may have ever, he goes, he's been called recently him and his almost said his wife. Yeah. I'm not a prophet, but that God gives you a good thing. The Bible says is a good thing. It is a good thing. Or a man and God puts it on your heart. God bless you and Jessica right now, there's there Cole serving as the director's have a ministry. I don't get it. Right. It had caring hearts, caring. I want to say, but look up Joshua T Berglan on his website and you can find it, but they are bringing us food resources.
Glenn McCoy
Don't want to get this wrong. You have to look up on Joshua T Berglan website. But I believe as is a leader's in that ministry, they're taking supplies, hygiene products, all these things. After the homeless and a, I had a word and get shared it with Josh. He said, I just bought a speaker today. So he is going to be ministering Live and, and taking this yes to the masses. Then they have people calling them now to get, to bring resources, bring resources.
David Oxley Jr.
We wouldn't be able to operate the way they're operating without the unit.
Glenn McCoy
Amen. And, and, and we talk about this some of this weekend, but that's what we are talking about tonight. Watch, This say you have a heart to feed the poor and you pull your pockets out. There was nothing in there, but the lint that's the time to have faith. Amen. Yeah, because watch what God gives them. Joshua was given me some numbers, but there are delivering thousands of dollars in food. Yes. Materials, supplies that are needed to survive on the streets you see today in America, you can go down the street and you can read people, a cardboard signs, four this or against that. But only the ones that are feeding you in ministry in life. Do you and telling you a good news, you are the ones that are doing the work for the Lord.
Glenn McCoy
Amen. Amen. And I'm not criticizing people that feel strongly about a particular relief. I'm just saying, if you can stand out there in the rain and hold up a sign and honk your horn for this person on that person. Right. Or you can deliver some goodness to the people of need. Always, always. I know our church participates in that and I couldn't be more proud. So evangelists, they get out and they spread the gospel. They preach the gospel at all times. And when necessary they use words. Yes. The rest of the time is with their hands and their hearts. And then congratulations, Josh and you guys in the direction of your ministry. He knows how much we love him. And I think know he doesn't talk about a lot. Cause he's got plenty to talk about, I guess, besides you and I, but he is told me, he said, I'm taking you out on our network.
Glenn McCoy
So yeah. Oh yeah. Apparently there's other people to an end to the Breaking Bread comedy. Our that's right. We are getting the word out their amen. And that was the joke in itself. So right now and one in it that's all right. How many hours a day I leave Angela sir, have a huge part of, of ministry and American throughout the world today. Amen. Amen. What's your next brother? We got pastors just like Pastor Philip. He feels, he fills that the pastor's and teacher, because he, he, he breaks down the word, you know, as far as pastoring and then he breaks it down towards teachable where any, any, he has any, any words, those same hats, a lot of times at the same time.
Glenn McCoy
But the pastors, their job is to lead that local body of believers, a flock or even those that are a part of an online church. Their responsibility is making sure the flock is safe. That, that, that, that they're there they're fed the unfathomable word of Christ. The there it's based on the award. It's not be based on a man's, you know, belief for the nomination belief. It's the true work of the spirit through the word of God. Yes, sir. Amen. Amen. And in our lifetime, we have seen many great pastures and many of these offices, yes.
Glenn McCoy
The greats are going to be with the Lord. Amen. They really are at a, at a somewhat of a rapid pace. You know, guys, we've had to get this in our spirits with a man when we're fed by man of God, like pastor Philipp or any of you, pastors, it comes in your Pastor Ricky. My mom, you know who, whoever the pasture NIC or, or whomever is a speaking in that RO we have to be fed and receive it and let that grow in us. Do we not brother David? Amen. I mean, cause one day the one who taught you may not longer may not be in your life. And in the only way to honor them is to take what you've been taught. Yes. And to honor them by sharing as a man, that our words amen, your man, their responsibility with all the offices that David denied just mentioned.
Glenn McCoy
And the scripture it's to equip God's people to do is work and build up the church of Christ. Amen guys, man, we have to build up the kingdom. Why? Because of the need, the world is dying at a rapid rate. The enemy is creating a new diseases all at the time to take out God's people. That's right. But you know, in the world and a broken world we live in to live is to suffer, but to dies, to gain. Yes. Listen, when you're in community and with the Lord and you're in perfect unity with him, brother, Kyle, your last breath here is your first breath there. And I'll say that to every one of you, my brother, David, that's it. You're your last breath here is your first breath there now going there to receive instruction or to be judged or were the case may be that you might want your last word to be favorable for the kingdom of God mad.
Glenn McCoy
You know, I don't know of anybody to ever died from sitting there some with a hammer, but I would encourage you to learn to say the right thing. Hey man, Hey man, you don't want to be in front of the Lord. Explained to him while you were cursing. Something that he created. That's right. That's right. Amen. Amen. Jesus. Yes. Yeah. Verse 13. This will continue until we all come to such unity and our faith and the knowledge of God's sign that we will be mature in the Lord measuring up to the full and complete standard of Christ. Would that be in God's word? If it wasn't a possibility, but it would be absolutely.
Glenn McCoy
It, it wasn't a attainable. It wouldn't be in there. This is for every believer. All right, I'm going to go to it. Slow. Amen. This, these are all of these offices. We'll continue to operate on until we all are. Yes, yes. Come to such unity. What are we talking about? We're talking about you. Unity were not talking about, you have to be a genius. You have to re remember everything. That's not what God is looking for. Now. God's looking for people that are unit unified in their faith. Amen. And knowledge of God. Notice that the unity, which is a commitment and the faith come before the knowledge ever get there. Wow if you have all the knowledge, they need faith to you.
Glenn McCoy
You know, I think about that one. Right? And that unity is a commitment. We talk about this all the time. You know, people turn on a light brother, David, I have no idea why, how electricity works. That's right. I mean, I can set here and maybe take a couple things, but it hasn't that don't ask me. Why is that? All we know is that it works. It doesn't work. Say if you hit that switch and you know that you are already started in the room. Yeah. Right. But a couple of things have to happen. Number one, you gotta hit the switch. That's that act of faith. Your bill has to be paid up, but your effort and your commitment came out when you paid your bill, right? That's right. That's right. So we have were participants in faith.
Glenn McCoy
If we come across prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. If we come across these people and we aren't drawling from them, we're not spiritually. Wow coming and getting in unity, listen, you should agree or disagree with every word that goes your ears. And the word that you disagree with, you ask the Holy spirit to protect you from them. And until you can receive the counsel that you needed is yes, but the ones you receive should be changed. And our hearts and minds Daly, we should be getting in our minds, renew daily. And then only then are, you are truly in unity. And then she, a lot of us will get fed something and we'll go past her. That was a good word on Sunday. Thank you for that. And a month later, we meet someone in trouble that needs something.
Glenn McCoy
And we say this man, we talked on that sometimes back. Somebody told them that I wish I could explain to you, but if you will go to the church, well that's good and fine and dandy, but it wouldn't be so much better if you could deliver what was delivered to your man. Amen. Cause Christ's said, these are my words, but my father who sent me us, how could he possibly know those words? Easy. He was in 100% unity, man. We have the same Holy spirit desiring to be in unity with us. That's where the faith comes in to the knowledge of God's son. The knowledge have a son. You know how knowledge comes? It comes through spending time in the presence of God. That's how you can get the knowledge. Have a son. Yes. That we will be mature in the Lord.
Glenn McCoy
If you don't have to know the Bible cover to cover, this is not about intellect. No. Now this is about unity in spirit. Yes. Amen. The man being in unity with Christ will have you measure a, to the full and complete standard of Christ. Why? Because all Christ wants you to do his, love him and believe in him. Yes. And understand that his God was Sirius when he gave him up, you know, Christ's was so selfless when he was here. Jesus was so selfless that he never complained, but he knew what a sacrifice his father had made. Yeah. He knew he needed to get back to his father that he needed too, to really reach us and accomplish the mission he was sent for.
Glenn McCoy
You know, the man Christ praised unlikely candidates. Did he not brother David name's some people in scripture know that he praised or whether it was our office or whatever. I mean, you know the Centurion, what do Christ's say about him? Yes. When you say is no greater faith, or if I ever saw a greater faith that I've ever seen, that God didn't, didn't recite the Bible. He did know pledge allegiance to the church of Christ. Now all he did was say, Hey, I have so much respect for you this as a matter of authority and your field, Hi two of them, a man of authority. I am so, so that was great faith by just saying, I believe, I believe if you just say this to me and I said it to someone else though.
Glenn McCoy
Ill. Yes. Well how much work is being pumped into us? Yeah, yeah. That we would not, I would be remiss not to share. What's been pumped into me. And what about jesus' when he met with the tax collector, he dined with a tax collector, messed everybody up. But the result of that demand was converted. Yes. People we're blessed and it started to change. It did, there are still going today. That's the woman that gave it just too little money to have that in mind. Why did he not see that as humanity? Because he knew yeah. The spirit in which he was giving yes. Weather, it was hopeful for a commitment or what it was. He saw the unity in a spirit.
Glenn McCoy
There was a sacrifice of Praise. Let me take some time. And if you're sitting their before, before offering in, this is something that I'd like to see change it. And our church somehow is as if the motivational scripture's and teaching on, on all offering we're giving before the call for all, for us. Because I can't tell me how many times I've said, Oh yeah, sorry. Yeah. And my heart been changed by someone teaching me what God and their hearts. Because a lot of times we are finished up the scripture and the teaching while the gentlemen are already sitting here waiting for our prayers. I think that sometimes we need to hear the word of God. So we understand that again and then put it with the sea that's right. Because you see, this is not unity. When you get in your pocket, why there are other offerings coming up?
Glenn McCoy
This man, this is, I get to keep, this is where the kid that is not unity. That's the vision. Amen. And amen. That's the vision when we begin to separate the dollars. Yes. Amen. Yes. Amen. So a man. So getting into unity with God, brother David is about hearing from these offices. Yes. Yeah. And receiving the truth's and walking in and man amen. And amen. Verse 14, then we will no longer be immature like children. We won't be tossed and blown about by every wind of new teaching. And we will not be influenced when people try to trick us with lies. So clever and they sound like truth. And Stan, we will speak the truth and love growing in every way more and more like Christ too was the head of his body, the church.
Glenn McCoy
So my brother David was talking about while ago, when you were talking about conspiracies, always have an element of fear. Yes. Yes. Conspiracies come from a false prophets because of their collecting information and delivering it that doesn't line up with God or God's word, man. And man, it's easy to take a scripture and say it so easy to take your scripture and say, for example, well, this is in the word of God. You can, you can find it and it covers this or come close to that. But the truth of the matter is contextually. It has to go with the flow, see the Holy spirit flows throughout the scripture all the way through there. Ma'am it's a constant flow of revelation.
Glenn McCoy
Yes. And so for someone to pick an obscure thing and say, Hey, have you seen that? Walmart's sitting up more hugs. You have, they can all be converted to Morgan in 24 hours. So when this happens, when that happens, Wow where is God? And that nowhere where as you were speaking doom and gloom. So my point is conspiracies work against the word of God. Yes. And they were there based on in maturity. People that are immature will search out conspiracies instead of studying the word of God. Yeah. Guys, we have to answer to God one day for what we've sought out, what we've unified ourselves with the unity, the good relationships we've made in how we have a connected our spirit to the other spirits.
Glenn McCoy
Right. The other day, man. Amen. So was very important that we conduct ourselves only to the thing's approved up by God. Yes. Okay. And that's a wrap this scripture
David Oxley Jr.
And then he makes the whole body fit together perfectly as each part does its own special work. It helps the other parts grow so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love. Yeah.
Glenn McCoy
If I'm studying something off the wall. Yeah. And it doesn't further your walk, how am I edifying? You are the body of Christ. You're not only benefiting you. If your ministry is a ministry of complaints, how are we on the right?
David Oxley Jr.
Like you're not, or not. There is a ministry.
Glenn McCoy
What are the complaints? So the weight to recognize if we are walking in unity with God. Yes. Is it strictly by what comes out of our mouth and what's in our hearts and what are we doing with our hands? Amen. You know, our, we are, we're seeing it stay back or were saying, let me help you. Are we saying, I love you. Are we saying down with this or down with that? Yeah. You know, Christ tolerated everything that went on around him. Amen. And he focused on delivering Blessing healing and feeding and man and tell him the people, the truth about God, our lives needed to resemble that. Amen. Amen. Amen brother. David I've enjoyed your company to now. It's all the way.
Glenn McCoy
So this was great. My brother, cause we are in now.
David Oxley Jr.
Yes. We're committed to that's right. Amen.
Glenn McCoy
God, we love you. We thank you for that people online. And we know sometimes it goes lengthy, but I'll tell you something. There's a message that needs to be heard by everyone out there that's that God loves you. And he cares for you and he has a place for you. And he has a job and an assignment for you. And this ministry is committed to equipping. Yes. Using it as many offices and the church as possible. We have, if you have a gift and you want to share it, come be with us. Amen. If you have a colleague on your life and your not part of a church, go to come, listen to what's going on at word of God and visited with that. Our team hear and see if maybe God's given you a church home threw some of these broadcasts. I know that, that we accept everyone.
Glenn McCoy
That's a believer. Yes. And that is such a diversified as a congregation here. And we have a ministry for everyone Please too. Or the website is yes. You can go to w O J O G WLG it's on your screen. But if for some reason you can't see, I just want to say that it's WLG Yeah. Or yes,, go to one of those websites that somebody's helped you or YouTube. All of them you give, you can share. You're gonna be a part of this ministry. Yeah. We certainly need your help in all of those areas. We are thankful to be a part of the body of Christ representing word of God man. Breaking Bread ministries. I'm so proud of our MBK and everything that this ministry does.
Glenn McCoy
Yes. Everyone's welcome here. Yes. Please look us up in Oklahoma city. Word of God. Church. Give us a call in man.
David Oxley Jr.
And, and we'll be here for you as well. And yes. Yeah,
Glenn McCoy
We will. Yes, we will. We want to tell you tonight and thank you brother. David, would you please? Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
David Oxley Jr.
God I'll just ask that this teaching of unity is the key to victory. God, but not, not just individually the within, within the church, God, within our families, within our jobs, God unity must be the upmost in front most so far that we asked that as we continue this week, ah, this, ah, we have a new way by the year where it says that your mercies are new every morning. So father, we have the opportunity every day to have a clean slate, hallelujah father, to, to, to be a witness for, for, for your Kingdom to bring honor and glory. So Lord let this teaching of unity father grow and take hold deep within our being a father Lord That that we can pursue You that we can pursue as, as the church being of one body, one spirit in unity father to, to proclaim your word to the world.
David Oxley Jr.
God I ask that you bring somebody within our, our, our, our, our midst everyday God that we can be that light. The word. We can be that salt God to where we can show the people who you are. That father it's. Now it's just not about us farther. Yes, you do use us, but it is all about you bring in glory and honor too. Your name and people can see that you are a miracle worker. God you are the healer you are to deliver. Father is we go our separate ways to not God give a safe traveling mercies God until next time as we break bread together, Lord, your name be praised right now.
Glenn McCoy
Amen. I want to say real quickly Rosanne and we're paying for you and your family and that's my sister. Yeah. Other prayer requests who have come in were praying for everyone. Yes. Pray for peace with my nephew. He will be delivered for what he is going to raise for our family from a to Z. Yes. He'll it for Rhonda. Rhonda, you may have, you've got to call and you're life will be fulfilled in every family in here. That's representing. God bless you all. Tonight yes. See you next week.