Breaking Bread
Breaking Bread
Acts 2:46 (NASB)
46 “Day by day continuing with one mind in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they were taking their meals together with gladness and sincerity of heart.”
Thousands of people found Christ on the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2, and suddenly a huge family was born in Jerusalem. Perfect strangers became instant brothers and sisters, and former foes became friends. The population of Jerusalem suddenly had a community of people who claimed citizenship in another world, and new habits formed among them. One was going to church to worship Jesus, and another was breaking bread from house to house.
These traditions have never expired. We need our larger family gatherings each Sunday as we assemble to worship Christ on the weekly anniversary of His resurrection day. We also need time with family and friends who share our values, for we draw strength from each other. Time with other believers provides the encouragement we need to be faithful in our walk with the Lord.
Do you have another believer with whom you talk and pray? Do you have a small group with whom you can fellowship and grow? These aren’t optional disciplines; they are an essential part of the Christian experience.
J. Vernon McGee said, “There is a brotherhood within the body of believers, and the Lord Jesus Christ is the common denominator. Friendship and fellowship are the legal tender among believers” (Acts 2:46).