Breaking Barriers on Two Wheels: Africa's Mental Health Awakening.
Today's training session was exceptionally meaningful, thanks to the surprise visit from Marvin Lindsey , a distinguished mental health practitioner currently visiting Accra. Marvin stumbled upon our Success In Motion Bike Challenge, designed to raise awareness about mental health. With over 40 years of invaluable experience in the mental health field, Marvin brought a wealth of insight and wisdom to our discussions with the Zen Riderrs.I was personally astounded by the concept of mental health first aid, something I had no prior knowledge of. After some quick research, it became clear that this is a crucial aspect we need to introduce and leverage in Africa for our personal development and overall well-being.It's truly remarkable how the universe aligns to bring exceptional individuals and resources to support our mental health initiative. As discussed with Marvin, we are actively exploring collaborations with him and his counterparts in the United States to enhance mental health education and resource sharing.
To all those reading this, I extend an invitation to join hands with Zen Riderrs in raising awareness about mental health. Your support, whether in the form of financial contributions or in-kind assistance, is deeply appreciated. You can make a difference by visiting our GoFundMe page at and exploring all the details about the Success In Motion Bike Challenge, including rider profiles, at
Our 10-day, 1300-kilometer bike challenge starts from November 1st to November 11th, 2023, and it promises to be both educational and entertaining. For those who want to know more about me and connect with me personally, please visit my website at
Let's unite to spread the word and make our world a more beautiful and mentally healthy place for all.
With heartfelt appreciation,
Michael and Zen Riderrs