Breaking Barriers: Enhancing Availability and Effectiveness of Coach-Delivered Leadership Development

Breaking Barriers: Enhancing Availability and Effectiveness of Coach-Delivered Leadership Development

Making the Case for Leadership Coaching

Quite simply, the demand for skilled leadership coaches far outstrips availability.??The world has changed radically since the onset of the pandemic. The demand for effective leadership training was at a high before the COVID-19 pandemic. Then the health crisis, the global economic downturn, and "the Great Resignation" have all contributed to an even greater need for effective leadership development. Coaching has turned out to be the most effective method for just-in-time leadership development and fortunately coaching via videoconference and telephone fits perfectly with the work-from-home trend.?

Coach-Delivered Leadership Development Works.

1.?????Leadership coaching holds leaders accountable for their own growth and development. Coaches help leaders set goals and provide ongoing support and feedback to ensure that they are making progress toward those goals.

?2.?????Coaching is more effective than standard leadership training programs because it is personalized to the specific needs and goals of the individual leader. Coaches work one-on-one with leaders to identify areas of improvement and create customized development plans that are tailored to their unique strengths and challenges.

?3.?????Coaches can modify their approach and techniques based on feedback and progress, ensuring that the coaching is always relevant and effective.?

?4.?????Coaches provide customized feedback, By providing developmental assignments customized to the situational factors at hand. This helps leaders to determine progress and make real growth from their leadership development.

?5.?????Coaching helps leaders to develop new habits and behaviors that they can continue to use long after the coaching relationship has ended. This long-term impact greatly strengthens the organization’s leadership bench depth providing a significant competitive advantage.

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Restricted Access to Leadership Coaching for Those Who Need It

Limited Supply of Trained Coaches -- While there are many people who are interested in becoming leadership coaches, there is a limited supply of coaches who have the skills and experience necessary to provide effective coaching.

Increasing Demand for Leadership Coaching -- The demand for leadership coaching has been increasing in recent years due to factors such as globalization, technological advancements, and changing business models. As a result, the current number of leadership coaches is not sufficient to meet this growing demand.

Limited Accessibility: Leadership coaching is often expensive, making it inaccessible to many smaller businesses and individuals who could benefit from it.

Limiting Belief: leadership coaching is reserved for senior leaders and executives. Coaching may be the single biggest resource that contributes to those with newly assigned leadership responsibilities.

Continued Reliance on Class-based Training : even though studies demonstrate that "butts in seats" with "spray and pray" classes with the hope that something sticks is expensive and ineffective.

Aging Workforce = The workforce is aging, and many experienced leaders are approaching retirement age. This means that there is a need for more coaches to help develop the next generation of leaders.

Increasing Complexity of Leadership -- The nature of leadership is becoming more complex, requiring leaders to have a wide range of skills and competencies. the variety of coaching needs such as executive, career, performance, start-up, and business coaching makes it difficult to match coach resources with needs

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What Needs to Be Done

Expand Online Leadership Coaching Platforms: Expand technology to create online platforms offering leadership coaching services. These platforms can provide a wide range of coaching resources, including virtual coaching sessions, self-assessments, and interactive tools. By making coaching accessible online, individuals from across the country can access coaching services conveniently and affordably.

Create Collaborative Partnerships with Organizations: Encourage partnerships between leadership coaching providers and companies, government agencies, and non-profit organizations. These partnerships can offer coaching opportunities to employees and leaders, making coaching more accessible and widespread.

Establish a National Leadership Coaching Registry: Provide access to coaches based on location, specialty, fees, delivery method, training/certification, and other related information to assist selection.

Implement Peer-to-Peer Leadership Coaching Training: Peer-to-peer coaching can be implemented in various ways. It can be structured as formal programs within organizations or as informal arrangements among colleagues who voluntarily engage in coaching conversations. The coaching discussions can focus on specific leadership competencies, goal setting, problem-solving, or career development, depending on the participants' needs and objectives.

What You Can Do

  • If you are a business coach or consultant -- expand your services
  • If you are an experienced leader, consider leadership coaching
  • Subscribe to this newsletter to engage in discussion regarding building broader access to leadership coaching
  • Share this article with anyone interested in leadership coaching invite them to join the discussion!


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