Breakfast for success
Toby Swallow
Pain-free strength, fitness & mobility coaching for middle-aged men who want to train smart, stay healthy & live without limits
Working out how to eat well in the morning might be a huge step towards meeting your health goals. Typically, the biggest hurdle when it comes to making breakfast is time. Or, a lack thereof. Mornings are hectic, rushed, and there’s certainly no time to make something to eat.
Breakfast has been labelled the most important meal of the day. The one that kickstarts your metabolism and sets you up to be a fat-burning machine for the rest of the day.
- Breakfast can be beneficial for a few reasons:
- It can help set consistent eating patterns.
- It sets a pattern of being mindful of your meals and self-care right at the start of the day.
- Often people who don’t eat breakfast wind up being overly hungry by mid-morning, causing them to overeat at lunch or even make poor food choices for snacks!
- Setting our breakfasts up for success can be a huge benefit. As you will see, this doesn’t have to take a lot of time. Especially if you have a plan and are willing to do a little prep work.
Firstly, some tough love. “I don’t have time to make breakfast.” There’s a good chance you’ve said that sentence once or twice. You do have time. If there isn’t enough time between when you wake up and when you have to leave to make yourself a quick breakfast, get up a few minutes earlier. If you’re “too tired” to get up earlier, go to bed earlier. I know there are exceptions here and there, but if you’re regularly too tired to get up in time to do something that will help you be more successful, it’s probably your fault. Take responsibility for yourself and your health.
There are no fancy techniques, or “hacks”, just some direction to help change your mindset around breakfast, and some permission to do things a bit differently.
Strategy #1: Plan
This will probably come as no surprise to anyone, but one of the best strategies for building a better breakfast (as well as any meal or snack) is to actually plan for it.
Practically, planning means you know what you’re going to make in the mornings, and you have the food that you need to on hand to make those things. This is really important!
Review your shopping list and stock your fridge/ cupboards with food you need; we’re not talking cereals, cereal bars or poptarts here! And then decide what to make with what you have available might feel like too much. If you know what’s to hand, there’s minimal thinking involved.
Mentally, planning can be a game changer. We don’t like our efforts and money to go to waste. If you’ve taken time to plan your breakfasts for the week, and have spent your hard-earned money to buy food for those breakfasts, you’re a lot more likely to follow through.
Most importantly, having a plan helps you stick to the plan...because failing to plan is planning to fail!
Strategy #2: Prepare
Having a plan is crucial to breakfast success, but doing some preparation is a close second. It doesn’t have to be much. Minor things can help the morning go much more smoothly, because if you’re rushed the smallest of things can feel enormous.
Are you going to scramble some eggs? Put the frying pan on the hob the night before. Going to make some toast? Put the toaster on the counter. Again, those may not seem like much, but it gives you one less step to do in the morning.
Here are some simple things you can do the night before to make your mornings go more smoothly:
- For scrambled eggs, crack and scramble the eggs and put them in the fridge.
- If you’re going to have any veggies or fruits, cut them up and put them in the fridge in a storage bag.
- Bacon and sausage can be cooked the right before if needed.
- For protein shakes, have the blender on your counter, your protein powder measured, and your frozen fruit in a storage bag in the freezer-ready to dump in the blender.
Small actions like these can save you a few minutes in the morning. And sometimes a few minutes can mean the difference between setting yourself up for a day of success, and a day of feeling like everything is getting away from you.
Strategy #3: Keep it simple
If you’re anything like me, you can easily overthink things. This is true for a lot of us when it comes to planning and making meals. And maybe this is never more true with any meal than it is with breakfast.
So, what does “keep it simple” look like?
For starters, plan foods that require little to no cooking, or plan meals that only require putting individual items together. Eggs, a piece of fruit, toast, chicken.
“Breakfast is bacon, eggs, and toast with jam. I don’t have time to cook all that!” Maybe you don’t, but maybe you can make some eggs and grab a piece of fruit. Much simpler.
Finally, to keep things simple, focus on getting a good quality protein source. Protein helps you feel satisfied far longer than toast or cereal.
Strategy #4: Keep it boring.
It can be pretty boring to eat the same things over and over. But eating the same things often provides you with one less decision to make and enables consistency.
Some quick breakfast Ideas:
- Scrambled eggs with bacon mixed in.
- Chicken and vegetables.
- Poached eggs, bacon medallions and avocado on toast.
- Poached eggs, smoked salmon and avocado on toast.
- Tinned mackerel on toast.
- Greek yogurt (full fat, unflavoured or natural) with berries e.g. blueberries or raspberries or both if you’re feeling fancy and some walnuts.
- Cooking bacon and eggs only takes a few minutes.
Enjoy your breakfast.
I highly recommend ‘Naked Bacon’ as a brand. They have ‘no nitrates or nasties’ in them (which have been proven to be carcinogenic)....and they don’t cost much more than standard bacon.