Breakfast Bite: the skill-building culture your managers will thank you for
Your leaders and managers are exhausted and overwhelmed. According to research:
When change happens, complications need to be understood and decisions made. We can put all of this pressure onto already overstretched leaders and managers, or we can give them the skills they need to delegate where they can.
Let’s reframe change
The reality is that change is always happening to one degree or another. Issues develop when that change affects lives, disrupts relationships and fires emotions.
It can be particularly difficult when leaders and managers have to deal with the fallout of decisions made higher up that they had no hand in. They may feel challenged when handling resistance, uncomfortable conversations and tough tangible situations that can’t be altered.
They may come up against fear which is a major factor when people feel:
So it’s not so much the change that’s challenging, it’s the human outcomes, reactions and behaviours that result – whether they’re conscious or not.
So by reframing the situation, we can find new (and more human-friendly) answers.
The sustainable option
Unlock team-wide brain power through coaching problem solving skills. Create space for idea-processing in a psychologically safe environment and you will dial back the pressure on everyone.
Instead of being overloaded, your managers and leaders will be able to:
That doesn’t mean that times of change won’t be stressful or difficult to handle but it will help to ward off the long-term and chronic strain that leads to manager burnout.
Find out more in the Think Tank this month and if you’d like to partner with experts who care, please reply to this email and we’ll set up a time to talk.