Break the steps during this break 2/10
?? Alice Oriane Cordier
Osteopathy for the adult, the child and teen, the musician and the athlete ~ BioGuidance? C-PTSD and feminist informed therapist
In the first article of this serie, I suggested the use of an anchor list.
So, what is an anchor list exactly ? Well... most of us are familiar with these moments when we found ourselves swirling down to the bottom of a dark pond. Most of the time, we have no idea how we arrived there nor when the avoidable journey started. Even less, what started the process. That extreme state is however evitable. Simple steps can help us cut the process before we are too far away down the curve.
First of all... We need to recognize the signs of the whirlpool journey. That will be the subject of our next article.
For now, you need to start writing down what you keep thinking you would do if you had more time, more energy, or -let's admit it- no excuse. Ideally, put yourself to it at a time when you are uplifted. But what matters is that you are ready when melancholy appears. So just start thinking, and writing down. Be specific. Go to details. Your rule of thumb is to leave no space to thoughts as when the spiral hits, your thoughts are only going to be discouraging, leaving you in an even more desperate state as the list of hope would have failed and in the end brought nothing more than the usual negativity. And there you are again, going deeper down the negative swirl.
This list needs to be precise. So that you do not have to think anything when you grab it. For instance, do not write "Read a book". Write the title, take the book out of the shelf or order it. Choose two more, know where to find them in your home or your bookshelf. Leave no space for surprises, as in those times a surprise will most likely lead to disappointment.
Write down the name of one friend to call -not just "call a friend", and who to try after the first didn't pick up and a third one. Then what to do if they all were busy. Take a moment to think of it. It might happen, on Christmas Eve for instance.
Plan activities that you like and would make you feel "different" although all day and every day might seem the same. Write down : take a bath with music and a glass of sparkling wine with finger food you love ; create a playlist at least on paper (I give you one : Le Cantique de Jean Racine written by G. Fauré, beautifully arranged by the Nederlands Kamerkoor as a message of hope during this strange Christmas 2020) ; make sure to stack everything twice so you do not find yourself with no finger food at hand when the time for your festive bath gently knocks at the door of your senses.
These dark moments are particularly challenging for creatives/artists/creators of all kind as they must ensure they will nurture their spirits while their mind is being secluded, perspectives grow smaller as minds friction doesn't occur in social gathering any longer. Perspectives do not come to us, we have to find them within ourselves and find new channels of inspiration. Integrate that as part of your daily routine. Do not back off : there is no excuse. Make it your absolute priority, for 10 minutes: you might get caught up and spend 2 hours on it, who knows... And then just check within yourself how you feel. We will go into more depths in an other article.
Start now, drop a "challenge accepted" along with the activity you will commit to 10 minutes every day without exception.
#Christmasblues #psychology #helpyourself #humanresources #HR #breakthesteps #bioguidance #Ned_kamerkoor
Consultante de carrière pour les femmes qui veulent réussir selon leurs propres règles | Trouve le job qui te ressemble → Redonne du sens à ta vie pro????Ex-recruteuse | Batisseuse de communauté
4 年I didn't make a list per se but I've thought about activities I'm committed to do during the holiday and yes, most of them are related to creativity. And regarding books, I'll take books I haven't read from the shelf at random: not choosing, just grabbing a book and reading it no matter what ;-) it may be nice discoveries or a boring moment, we'll see.
Osteopathy for the adult, the child and teen, the musician and the athlete ~ BioGuidance? C-PTSD and feminist informed therapist
4 年“Let there be light, let there be hope”