Break Something and Write About the Pieces: Episode One 'I loathe PowerPoint'
Dr. Barnaby Taylor
I design learning experiences that encourage collaboration, creativity, and problem-solving. Why don't Classrooms look like Coffee Shops?
Two Beginnings
I loathe PowerPoint and find myself constantly looking for different ways [not] to use it.
PowerPoint's greatest strength is using it to teach people how not to use it.
Here's the start of a list of things I associate with PowerPoint - feel free to add your own.
- Low resolution images, normally of strange alien creatures holding question marks or with light bulbs above their heads, all designed to make some kind of [normally team-related] point.
- Smart Art diagrams promoting networks, relationships, and systems.
- 'Inspirational' quotations used to 'inspire' audiences.
- Default typefaces, text and image boxes.
- Huge chunks of text to be read out in real time without interruption.
- Bullet points.
But what else can we use PowerPoint for?
Databending is 'editing the underlying data composing digital images, videos, and sounds to create something new.'
vertical bar - test (voicesonfilm, 2017)
Here's an extremely crude experiment using PowerPoint to make an experimental film:
- Download free wallpaper image.
- Import image file into TextEdit.
- è′±??qˇ÷ìù?≠<.ó?:ùc?aˇè?ü??′?èRá?ˇ_?∫???áR?????ˇ1<±a??”úˇ8>¥—y)ì?G?˙T??O?ò?g?á???^√?????O?}^]€ó2??q?ˇ??Pgn√??*???€è”?ò′_f??ylaˇ]??˙}*6¥ò???á?è?zsˇ???xˉn?=?OMAJ?ó?%~è??iˇ√êAè?4??]π?ú>Gó‰?ˉ?4?è?üè'??”?á?R??/ú???\‰w??Z?£ˇé?B?wOà????áúüˉì#/í€?á??á8?ù?l*??ˇ?μ?¥a≤”?ˇ??òxˇ?r?¥??i?Y?óáé???z?è?|0óü?t????_ˇU\U???3ˇí≠è·???*μ?_ò€êeR¢??;v?ΩR?/èh"?Q”?S??Zí5O??q??~3M?,ü(6q?ˉtá?˙?e/?·?∫ì?…y?á∫?:ˇW—??r???˙?ê?‰??áL[?c?≠è°??’(doC???è??a)?V{????ùl?{?à?∫?ld'w?Lqèˉc”?è???˙’r°í>w¢ú?á?ò?>#??Vìèú???μo∑q”?ú?¥÷?}:ZˇáQ?oˇ?ˉìQ^ò;??íw_ü?’≈$???ò,QQ,?[?O|v<z [Sample Text]
- Export/convert text to speech and save as mp3.
- Set downloaded wallpaper image as background for PowerPoint slide.
- Insert mp3.
- File > Save as Movie.
- Upload [or not]
#PowerPoint #Experimental #Film #Microsoft #Experiment #Databending #Play #Digital #Content #Media