Break Free: Turning Quirks Into a $50K/Month Passive Income ??
Adrian Brambila
My new book is out! Start Thinking Rich grab a copy wherever you buy books!
Embrace the difference + Ad strategies inside!
Good Morning ?? ???
I'm back from an intense business trip from Iowa and excited to chill this week. I missed my cold plunge and daily routine. Let's get back to routine and crush it this week :)
How Unleashing Your Inner Wild Child Gives You Permission To Try
When I first moved to Dubuque, Iowa from San Diego at 18 years old, my nickname was "culture shock." Winters, Hy-Vee, brats, and a card game called "Euchre" were all new experiences for me. I met people who grew up on farms, and people who grew up in small towns with less than 50 people in their graduating high school class. Right away, I felt I was developing a new personal character among my peers as someone who was just a little bit "different," which was a drastic contrast from high school where I was pretty "safe" in my box (despite having bullies).
This personality trait of being "excused" to be different because I wasn't from Iowa allowed me to try silly things, and people didn't make fun of me... they actually expected it. Like the 3 months where I started wearing long white T's like rappers. Or the time I wore a black bandana 24/7, including during business classes. Or my brief stint of wearing a do-rag. Or piercing my ears with the largest fake diamond earrings you can buy at the mall (which my dad nearly killed me for).
I'm really glad all these phases ended, and I'm really glad the other wildly different thing I started doing in Dubuque stuck... learning how to dance the robot.
I got so addicted to it that I stopped going out and partying, and instead stayed in to watch YouTube dance tutorials to learn to dance. At that time, everyone already expected me to be "different," so when I started dancing, it was just played off like, "Oh, that's Adrian for you," which... I liked.
Do you feel like the people you know and your reputation with them stifles you to try new things or encourages you to explore?
That's what I loved about college because I feel like I went from living in a safe box to being the kid who was different.
I remember after one year of dancing, I performed at the college talent show - my first time dancing in front of my peers. Here is the video from that first show.
Dancing for friends led to dancing on stage with T-Pain, which led to dancing on YouTube and starting my first business teaching people how to dance the robot.
Today, I still feel encouraged to "be different" without worrying about what other people think of me. The truth is, you don't have to move all the way across the country to feel comfortable and confident enough to try new things and be different.
You can start today. It doesn't matter what other people think or say about you. One of the top regrets of the dying is "living a life untrue to oneself and based on the opinions of others."
That's how I used to live. I'm so glad I don't anymore. Today and every day, you are "excused" to be different. You have my explicit permission to be different, to try things, to be weird, to be YOU.
(Photo below from my trip to Dubuque with my first mentor Craig Marty He finally retired from teaching this year)
Breaking down my paid ad strategy that makes me +$50K profit every month passive income as an affiliate.
Get ready because what I’m about to share is the?good stuff.
Originally I started affiliate marketing as a place to ‘practice’ marketing so that when I did paid ads as a service to my clients via my marketing agency I wouldn’t screw up a clients money and results.
Affiliate marketing became my playground for me to test and fail learning at Instagram, Facebook, TikTok ads etc.
But something I never expected started to happen. My ‘practice’ field of affiliate marketing started to sell a lot with the little time I was investing in it.
I’ll never forget the day I launched one particular campaign on YouTube to promote a female fitness company called LadyBoss because later that night when I checked my account I had made over $1,000. This was the first time I made over $1,000 in a single day from affiliate marketing. Here is a real screenshot of the 3rd day from launching that campaign with LadyBoss:
These experiments of affiliate marketing started to grow more and more to the point where they are now bigger than my agency and I’ve had to hire staff (including my parents) to help me run it all.
My paid ads strategies have changed drastically when I started. What I’m about to share is the secret formula for how I’m able to promote over 500 different affiliate offers at once without having to be glued to my laptop looking at ad dashboards all day long.
The best part about this formula is that it is incredible SIMPLE.
Here is the formula followed be an explanation:
(Product + Vertical Video + Organic Output) / +75% Watch Time = Qualified Audience / Affiliate Offer Ad
There are people who run ads from scratch and are able to run ads to what marketers call ‘cold traffic’ and find success.
I have tried this many times and I can say with confidence I am NOT one of these people.
I need data. I need a handicap - a starting place for my ads audiences and traffic.
Running ads cold has usually made me lose money. Marketers call it ‘testing’ but testing can get expensive.
So I’ve changed my strategy to eliminate the risk of the beginning of launching ads.
What I do (or my team) is create an organic highly engaged TikTok style vertical video. For example this following TikTok of mine promoting Acorns is the perfect example:
I’ll create multiple videos about this product/service/offer. Whether you get 100,000 views or 1,000 views it doesn’t matter. All of that is warm traffic.
On the backend of an ad dashboard when you select your targeting you can then select all the people who watched all the content pertaining to that product/service.
With videos you can select parameters to create an audience of people who have at least watched a certain percentage - I usually select at least 75%.
Essentially from the organic content I get to curate a very small but very qualified audience about the offer. Then I simply create a follow up video that is more call to action or offer. Or sometimes like in the case of the Acorns TikTok video which has a solid call to action I can just keep retargeting the users with the video.
This unique form of retargeting is one of the most cost effective ways to run ads. That’s how I’m able to get leads in virtually every industry for under $1.
That’s also why sometimes I get an affiliate payment just like the below:
It’s because the audience size it’s so small I make just make one sale - but the cost to make that sale in this example was $0.25.
That’s incredibly profitable! A return on ad spend (ROAS) of 7.2!
It’s such a simple strategy that I’ve outsourced the entire thing! The ONLY problem with these ads is because the audience are so small it isn’t scalable.
But… I’m totally great with that! I could be making more money but trying to focus and scale each offer but I full understand two things:
As long as #2 stays the same I will always keep this strategy and continue to grow it and see how big it can get!
What I'm Working On
I’m confident to tell you the following masterclass strategy of mine because the amount of effort this is taking and transparency is a level that most ‘coaches’ and ‘gurus’ run away from.
I'm making a new section in?Brambila Method 3.0?which is a real life documentary of a variety of people just like you starting out their journey in online business where I fly out to them, listen to their dreams and aspirations and help them build a online business using the principles in?The Brambila Method.?
In these open conversations we talk transparently about money, business, real life challenges of what it takes to start a side hustle.
In?Brambila Method?3.0 you will get to dive into the stories of some amazing people who are struggling or seeking a different lifestyle and trying to make it work.
Then in about 6 months I’ll update this section of the course with the plan I built for them using The Brambila Method 3.0 and do an interview check in see how much they have grown.
Or… the scary reality of the transparency is if they don’t grow! I’m NOT doing the work for them. I’m just teaching them the Brambila Method. It will be the ultimate test of transparency to follow these people along their journeys as they implement my strategies.
I’m so excited and confident that Brambila Method 3.0 is going to change many lives and this new documentary series will give a more real life perspective with real people to help inspire you to do the same.
The Brambila Method 3.0 launches June 15th. The price will increase so I recommend if you haven’t joined to do it now before the change by?clicking here!
Random Personal Bullet Notes:
Commercial/B2B/Dubbing Voice Actor ~ Story Crafter ~ Communication Nerd
1 年"With videos you can select parameters to create an audience of people who have at least watched a certain percentage - I usually select at least 75%." Is this feature only on TikTok? What about IG?
quality Engineer at sl lumax
1 年How ,