Break Free From Limiting Beliefs
Eric Lopkin
Leadership Development & Performance Coach for High Performers. President of The Modern Observer Group. Podcast host, International Best Selling Author, and Speaker.
If you’re not where you want to be right now, it’s not because of a lack of talent, resources, or even opportunities—it’s because of limiting beliefs. Your mind is like a high-performance engine, but most of you are letting a faulty belief system clog up the gears. You’ve got to break those chains and start thinking in a way that lines up with the level of success you want to achieve.
Limiting beliefs are like invisible walls that keep you boxed in. They convince you that “I’m not smart enough,” “I don’t have enough experience,” or “I don’t deserve success.” These thoughts are the real obstacles, not the market, not your competition, not even your background. But here’s the good news: those beliefs aren’t facts—they’re just stories you’ve been telling yourself. And today, we’re rewriting the script.
Identify the Lies Holding You Back
You have to get real with yourself. Start by calling out the limiting beliefs that are keeping you stuck. Maybe you’re telling yourself that you’re too young or too old to make it big. Maybe you think you don’t have the right connections or that success is reserved for people who come from a different background.
Whatever it is, I want you to write it down. Look at it for what it is—just a belief. It’s not the truth, it’s just a thought that you’ve accepted as true. And the longer you hold on to that belief, the more it’s going to define your results. Remember, you can’t change what you don’t acknowledge.
Reframe Your Reality
Once you’ve identified those lies, it’s time to replace them with beliefs that actually serve you. I’m talking about reframing your reality. Instead of saying, “I’m not experienced enough,” start saying, “I can learn anything I need to know.” Instead of thinking, “I can’t afford that investment,” switch it up with, “How can I find the resources to make this happen?”
You see, successful people don’t let negative beliefs run the show. They refuse to entertain any thought that limits what they can achieve. They understand that your thoughts create your actions, and your actions create your results. You’ve got to feed your mind the thoughts that match where you want to go, not where you are right now.
Get Obsessed with Possibility
To break free from limiting beliefs, you’ve got to become obsessed with what’s possible, not what’s comfortable. Most people spend their time thinking about all the reasons why something won’t work. They focus on the problems, the risks, the “what ifs.” But champions? They see possibilities. They think about the opportunities, the rewards, and the upside.
Your belief system should be focused on expansion, on finding ways to make the impossible possible. Stop worrying about failing and start worrying about missing out on what could happen if you truly go all in. When you shift your focus like this, you’re going to find new ways to create success—ways that your old beliefs would’ve never allowed you to see.
Take Massive, Imperfect Action
One of the biggest reasons people stay stuck in their limiting beliefs is that they wait for “perfect” conditions before they act. They think they need to have everything figured out before they make a move. But let me tell you something—waiting for perfection is just another limiting belief in disguise.
The real winners know that you’ll never feel fully ready, and you’ll never have all the information. That’s why they take massive, imperfect action. They move forward even when they’re not sure, even when there’s risk, even when they feel fear. Because here’s the deal: action creates clarity. It’s not until you start moving that you realize how much you’re truly capable of.
Surround Yourself with People Who Think Big
You can’t expect to overcome your limiting beliefs if you’re surrounded by people who think small. If your circle is filled with people who are always complaining, always looking for excuses, always talking about what can’t be done—you’ve got a problem. You’re going to end up adopting their mindset, and that’s going to keep you trapped.
Find people who challenge you to dream bigger, who push you to take more risks, and who make you uncomfortable with playing small. Success is contagious, but so is failure. Choose your environment wisely, because it’s either going to build you up or tear you down.
Commit to Constant Growth
The best way to silence those limiting beliefs for good? Outgrow them. Make a commitment to constant growth, and you’ll find that the beliefs that once held you back won’t even register anymore. Read books, listen to podcasts, invest in coaching, and learn from people who are where you want to be.
The more you grow, the more your mind expands, and the more those old beliefs will feel ridiculous. The only reason limiting beliefs have power over you is because you haven’t given yourself enough evidence of what you’re capable of. So go out there and create that evidence. Push yourself beyond your current limits, and watch how quickly those old thoughts lose their grip.
Don’t Let Your Mindset Limit Your Potential
If you want to achieve the kind of success that changes your life, you’ve got to change how you think. Limiting beliefs are like chains around your ankles—cut them loose, and you’ll find yourself moving faster than ever before. Your potential is limitless, but it’s up to you to believe it.
So stop playing small, stop letting fear control you, and start embracing the mindset that anything is possible. You’ve got to want it so bad that you’re willing to change everything about how you think and operate. Break through those mental barriers, and you’ll discover a version of yourself that’s capable of things you never imagined.?
It’s time to take the brakes off, unleash your potential, and accelerate towards the success you deserve. See how a Modern Observer Group coach can break through your limits.??Schedule a call here?or contact us at the information below. Modern Observer Group programs are based on the Businetiks system as detailed in the book, “The Businetiks Way.”