Break-even point analysis - Production Planning & Control (PPC)
Sheetal R.
E-Learning Specialist | 7+ Years Managing Engineering Courses on Udemy, Coursera, Skillshare & More
The Break-even Analysis is the technique used by management to calculate their monthly or annual sale or returns, to cover their costs. The break-even point is that point at which gains equal the losses. It is the point where the total costs equal total revenues. The break-even point helps calculate the minimum profit for a business, when setting margins. It helps determine after what point a business will earn a profit. The break-even point analysis is often mistaken for the Payback Period which is the time taken to recover an investment.
A number or costs must be taken into account when performing a break-even analysis. A brief description of the types of costs is given below. The total production costs are categorized into fixed variable and mixed costs.
Limitations of Break Even Analysis
Any past or future losses cannot be made up for with a current break-even. It is sometimes difficult to gather the information required for break-even analysis, especially the variable expenses. It is even more difficult to classify expenses into the fixed or variable. Break-even analysis can best analyse one product at a time.
This calculation also assumes that the number of products produced and sold remains the same. It also assumes that all the products will be sold at the same price. Based on the response to a product, the company may have to increase or decrease its price.
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