Break the cycle
Louie Bernstein

Break the cycle

When I started my business in the 80s my goal was to compete with the big guys and earn a great living. But at one point, I got way too concerned with my business not working out.

I had thoughts of not being able to make enough money for four growing kids, a mortgage, bills, and everything else.

My focus went to what might happen, rather than focusing on what I could do.

It was a series of habits and routines that changed my thinking and helped me persevere through 22 years of running a small business. We had our ups and downs. But I learned an important lesson about avoiding the downs.

If you’re focusing your attention on what bad thing might happen, you’ll go from fear to self-doubt, to worry and end up full of anxiety. And maybe a missed opportunity to do something great.

There’s two questions you need to answer when you feel the anxiety cycle starting to creep into whatever you’re pondering - business or personal:

  1. What is the absolute worst thing that can happen? Be honest with your answers and write them down along with possible solutions. The first part of solving a problem is recognizing it exists.
  2. What is the one action, just one, I can do today to break the cycle and avoid the anxiety? The simple act of moving in the right direction gives you confidence and breaks the chain.

Fear, Self-Doubt, Worry, Anxiety
Fear, Self-Doubt, Worry, Anxiety

So, here’s your Action Item and Mission, should you decide to accept it: If you’re anxious about something now, a change in your career, starting a new business, moving the company into an untested direction, whatever it is, what is the one thing, just one thing, you can do today to take action and break the anxiety chain?

Now do it!

Business success requires confidence. Confidence comes from a calm, focused mind. There's a very old saying that goes; If you are depressed, you're living in the past. If you're anxious you're living in the future. If you're living in the present, you are at peace.

To help any other anxious soul please share this post. Remember, one hand washes the other and together they get clean. Thank you for watching. Have a really rewarding week. And I’ll see you next time.

About?Louie Bernstein

I am an INC 500 Winner for growing sales quickly over a five-year period, organically. I outline all the strategies I used to get me there in Sales System In a Box. You can get it at?

Previous Sunday Starters

At your core

Stress less

Sunny side up

The process is the way

I didn't feel like doing this

Let em' laugh

Ready to commit?

Perfect practice

That's interesting

Zone out

Just flow with it

It's about time



I want that

Stay calm

Head's up

Ain't no stoppin' us

14 minutes to greatness

Yesterday's gone

None of my business

Don't be the schmuck

Mind your mind

Start where you are

Accelerate the inevitable

Do the write thing

Nothing worthwhile comes easy

A moving success story

Don't go up in smoke

Will you commit?

A toxic Rose

Pros or Cons

Don't be chicken

Please, help yourself

I doubt it


Thanks giving


Snooze and you don't lose

A pill for success


Turning pro

Keep pedaling

Time to reboot

The why's have it

Hand off the blame

Building resilience ?

The Sales Success Blueprint for Founders, Entrepreneurs, and Small Business CEOs

Jeri Bernstein

Brewing profits with words.

1 年

Good advice.

Rashid Ali

Software Developer | Programming languages Training specialist | Java | Python| R Programming language| Data science

1 年

It's very encouraging sir ??


Next Trend Realty LLC./

1 年

Thanks for Sharing.


