People have many bad habits, and it would take much too long to write them all downYet, there's one habit that will hold you back more than all the rest, and we all fall prey to it.
If, however, you work on breaking this destructive practice, you'll fill with a joy that'll have you dancing around the living room!
It's the habit of hesitating when you should push forward!
Hesitating is a verb. According to Webster's dictionary, hesitating means pausing before saying or doing something primarily because of uncertainty. To be reluctant.
In our new book, One Belief Away, Dr. Joe Vitale talks about the importance of quickly taking action when a moment of inspiration appears. He says it's why he coined the term, "Money loves speed!"
Dr. Joe states, "When the universe whispers instructions for how to get what you want, the instructions may not make sense at first. Let's say, for instance, you decide to improve your health and suddenly get the urge to call a friend.
If you take action on this urge, you'll soon discover your friend just started a new walking program and was looking for someone to join him. That's the universe supporting your intentions.
The difficulty occurs when you do not act on your gut feelings, and instead, hesitate."
Dr. Joe says, hesitation pulverizes dreams, and he is right!
Many notable events occurred in my life this year, even amid a worldwide pandemic.
I analyzed what happened before, during, and after those exciting opportunities ensued, so I could consciously create more good luck instead of moving through life with fingers crossed.
Whenever some miraculous event occurred, it was proceeded by (1) a moment of inspiration followed by (2) a precise action!
For example, a few days ago, I had the idea to go for a walk. So I took the stroll, rather than talking myself out of it because of the cold weather or because I had other work tasks that needed completing.
While walking, I had the idea to ask a renowned author to endorse my latest book. When I got home, I immediately mailed him a copy.
Two days later, I had the feeling that I should send a follow-up email thanking him for his potential endorsement. Right before hitting the send button, the idea to attach the pre-release E-Book popped into mind.
At first, I hesitated about sharing the E-book. "What if the E-book got out into the world before the release date?"
I shrugged the thought off because so what if it gets out early. That just means somebody will get the tools for transformation faster.
I invest a lot of time making each day more fulfilling instead of wasting my imaginative powers on conjuring worst-case scenarios that rarely occur.
Thus, I attached the E-Book, and 24 hours later received this reply.
"After over half a century of working in the field of personal growth, I'm totally convinced BELIEF is the stumbling block for the masses. This book will open a whole New World for you. One Belief Away can change your life forever. Tim Shurr and Joe Vitale are friends of mine. They are about to be your best friends!" - Bob Proctor, author of You Were Born Rich and 12 Power Principles For Success!
I was so excited that my book received a glowing endorsement from Bob Proctor, I started dancing around the house! Six months ago, I was a fan of Mr. Proctor, and now we are friends, and he sends me emails with quotes for my book!
This miraculous endorsement manifested because I trusted my gut and immediately took action on the idea when it appeared!
It would have been easy to think, "Why the hell would Bob Proctor endorse ME? Do you know how many people ask him to do that! Just stick with what you have Timbo, and be grateful for it."
It took me a long time to trust my gut feelings and act on them with intention and purpose. I had many good ideas over the years but never took action on them for various reasons.
"It's not going to work out anyway, so why bother."
"I must be insane thinking I could have _________ in my life."
"Who do I think I am? Thinking I'm so special that the universe is trying to help me succeed. I must be delusional."
"What if I take that action and nothing comes from it? I don't want to waste my time or be disappointed again."
Here's the unsettling truth.
Your brain doesn't want you to do anything uncomfortable because it's been programmed over millions of years to avoid pain. Your mind thinks it's protecting you, but it's often only holding you back from attaining your dream life.
Your most significant breakthroughs are hiding in the places that make you most uncomfortable.
According to TV coach, Mel Robbins, you have 5 seconds to act on the impulses that will produce the results you desire in life. After that, your brain will talk you out of the idea, and the opportunity will pass.
Of course, you'll have another opportunity. There are always more opportunities. Yet, if you get into the habit of hesitation, you'll keep talking yourself out of taking action until procrastination becomes the norm.
We aren't talking about taking massive steps. Success occurs when you take action on a bunch of little activities that accumulate into huge breakthroughs over time.
A 1,000-mile journey begins with the first step. Then one more step. You can't take 100 steps at once, so just take the next step, and then one more. Eventually, you will look up and realize you've walked 1,000 miles one step at a time!
That's how dreams transform into reality! That's how people lose 100lbs, end up with $100,000 in savings, or fall more in love with their spouse after 25 years of marriage.
Here's your plan if you chose to accept it.
When you get an idea that moves you closer to your goal, act on it within 5 seconds.
Give yourself a countdown. Say the following out loud, "5...4...3...2...1...Go! Go! Go!"
Celebrate taking action, so your brain associates pleasure with taking action. Your cerebral cortex enjoys pleasure and will engage more proactively to your conscious demands in the future if you do this!
If you want to improve your health and get the urge to go for a walk, DO IT! Go for a quick walk around the house or outside right then and there.
Remember, your brain may not want to do this after five seconds, so you've got to move quickly!
Most make the mistake of waiting to feel "motivated" before taking action, yet that feeling doesn't come until after you've created momentum.
If you get the idea to order vitamins, call a friend, purchase a book, start a new savings account, organize a drawer, write a letter, or collaborate with a new potential business partner, DO IT!
ACT QUICKLY because you have 5 seconds before the procrastinator inside your brain wakes up and tries to persuade you from making a successful move.
Practice this technique this coming week. If you have a great idea but cannot take action on it immediately, right it down along with a time for when you WILL take action.
Otherwise, when you get an impulse to take some sort of action towards attaining your goal, DO IT! Or, start a countdown out loud, "5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Go! Go! Go!"
The first five or ten times of doing this, you'll have to push yourself. But then something magical happens. You start to WANT to go! "5, 4, Go! Go! Go!"
Want some early Christmas magic? Apply this strategy and watch what happens. Then let me know what makes YOU dance around the living room!
Love and Laughter,