This famous phrase comes from a Roman poet, who actually, literally talked about “games” but in our translation from Latin language came as circuses or pageants.
The meaning of the phrase is, in order to satisfy the people, the ruler has to provide the people bread, but if the bread is short, to provide them constant show to watch, and that is what is providing the current administration successfully to us. In ancient Rome the rulers were providing constant games like animals and gladiators games in the Coliseum that attracted thousands spectators.?
Our rulers gave us now the whole big show in Europe, that kept us in trance for months, what will happen, will the conflict in Ukraine escalate, will the atomic bomb fall, was our favorite for months. And adding to the scenario lots of blood, like 200-300 people killed every day, adds the spices to the American style show “Purge”, when people from every corner of the world gather to kill each other without mercy or prosecution.?
Then happened the big explosion of the pipeline, the thousands protesters around Europe. When the protests were about to die, immediately new replicas were included as increasing the age for pension in France, or the strike of the garbage collectors, that made the décor overwhelmed with anything from the household shits to the furniture of a whole university thrown in front the building, on which was written “Vive la communisme”. Then all kinds of ideologies mingled in one choir, Fascism, Communism, Islamism from Iran head covers, Zionism from Israel in Palestine battles, and so on.
In the USA the attention was on Trump prosecuted around the country and “aha” to be indicted and arrested, including few fakes about his arrest. Then came the FTS, the biggest crypto coin pyramid, and the biggest sex scandal with minors with the biggest political and economic figures on the board of the Lolita sex plane.
We, the spectacles, were watching with hold breath how much violent and how much victims will fall in the show, the same way as a journalist is writing his story that could be the next bestseller if it is more violent and bloody.?
One of my first reportages in the TV was about the gangster wars and the police, where the police were the gangsters, and where on the scene was left lots of blood, in which I was moving my crew under the light of hand lighters and chanting a text compared to a criminal thriller. After that episode my director of the news declared that I already became a journalist and the journalism is in my blood forever, and “When you see a corpse, you will just think about how well is fallen down to adjust better your picture” told me the boss, reliable expertise by a professor in Journalism from the University.
The show is really impressive that we forgot about the COVID, the millions dead, the lock downs, the financial crisis, the rising prices, and were just waiting when the Russians will drop the atomic bomb.?
When finally the Ukrainian conflict looked like lost cause and the Ukrainian army close to defeat, now the administration is trying to advert our attention of the 115 billions spent in the black hole in Ukraine and their losses and further collapse, and the scenarist immediately again pinned our attention away from the rising prices and our misery to another circus, the fall of the banks, that shook even the usually calm audience. That even diverted our attention of the future presidential candidate Trump going to jail, January 6th scandal, and Trump having or not having sex with the sex bomb Stormy Daniels.
I, as a writer, think that this administration is producing its bestseller that will stay in the history, even without the atomic bomb.