Brazos Valley Book Festival
B. Alan Bourgeois
Book Author Consultant & Marketing for first-time Authors & Seasoned Professionals. Let us help your books succeed. AMI is a membership-based & member-owned org.
Dear Texas, Inc., has teamed up with Aggie Reads, a student Texas A&M based organization to create the Brazos Valley Book Festival for September 9, 2017. Location is still be worked out, so come back often for updates.
Local and state wide authors will be attending the event and presenting a variety of programs for future writers, young and adult readers, plus much more.
For author participation, please go to this website to sign up:
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Drop Everything And Read Texas program consists of many parts. Our donation of books written by Texas Authors, not only gets books into the hands of children and adults who are unable to purchase books, but also supports Texas authors by giving them additional sales and exposure. With both of these concepts combined, we increase the Texas economy in wealth of education and financial growth by an unlimited amount.
Getting books into the hands of children is only part of our goal. After all, having books means nothing if there is no desire to read. This is where our Super Readers program comes into focus. We have created four characters that show the value of reading from an early age through adult hood, as each of our hero’s are able to use what they read for the good of humanity by becoming their own Super Hero. The Super Readers also break down racial, sex and religious barriers.
Book Donations:
2015 - $5,000 plus (libraries and schools combined)
2016 - $4,000 currently and growing.
Throughout each year, we continue to work towards inspiring people of all ages to read more. We have created various programs designed for different ages that are fun and interactive when possible. Below are some of the programs we operate. Please feel free to click on them to learn more.
Author Readings & Writing Programs
Super Readers Comic Book (Coming Soon)
Donations are gladly accepted:
Assistant at Georgia McBride Media Group
8 年awesomeness!!!