Is Brazilian Jiujitsu a Super Power

Is Brazilian Jiujitsu a Super Power

I recently watched an episode of the Joe Rogan Podcast and his guest was Retired Navy SEAL Commander and Brazilian Jiujitsu (BJJ) Black Belt Jocko Willink. The guys were talking about Jiujitsu and Jocko told a story about watching “The Incredibles” with his son and his son asked him if ‘super powers’ were real. Jocko said he thought about the question for a minute then answered, “Jiujitsu”! I believe Jocko is right and here are 5 Reasons I started training in Jiujitsu myself:

It’s the Best Martial Art

I guess you could argue this one but I believe it’s true and here’s why. Brazilian Jiujitsu gives a smaller individual the ability to beat a much larger and stronger opponent by using leverage and proper technique. To quote Joe Rogan from his conversation with Jocko, “A small man can tap out (beat) a much larger man on a regular basis”! (More on this in the reason #3).

For a real life example of this look no further than the UFC. The UFC was started in 1993 and one of the founders was Rorion Gracie. The Gracie family started Brazilian Jiujitsu and Rorion wanted to pit BJJ against all other martial arts with minimal rules between competitors to see which martial art was indeed the best. So hardly any rules, time limits, or weight classes. His brother, Royce Gracie, who was not even considered to be the best in the family, won the three of the first four UFC events and the one he didn’t win he withdrew from because of dehydration. It’s hard to argue with those results!

It’s a GREAT Workout

The obesity rates in our country are off the charts and what better way to get in shape than to train in a martial art? Typically the way BJJ is taught it you spend the first 30 to 45 minutes learning new techniques and then the last part of the session is actually sparing or in Jiujitsu terms rolling or grappling. Where I train we roll for 3 minutes, rest 1, then repeat. Doesn’t sound like a long time but 3 minutes is a long time when you are rolling with another human being. Not to mention you may roll against many opponents in one session. One of the guys in the school where I train has lost a substantial amount of weight and made huge fitness gains since starting.

It’s an Ego Buster

Going back to the first part of reason #1, if you’ve got a problem getting tapped by smaller, younger, and/or even female opponents (if you are a dude reading this) maybe Jiujitsu is not for you. I’m a 46 year old man and consider myself to be in Spartan shape but I’ve been tapped by smaller and weaker men, middle school kids, and yes, even girls! 

Jocko is a lean 230 lbs retired Navy SEAL and could put most of us down just by looking at us. However even he will tell you that a smaller opponent who is better trained can, and has, tapped him.

So if you need an ego buster or a touch of humility get on the mat!

Develops Your Mind and Body

Rolling with an opponent in BJJ is like a chess match. You have to slow things down and be able to plan your next move in your mind.

When I started learning Jiujitsu I watched Eddie Bravo roll with Royce Gracie on YouTube. The match lasted 20 minutes and looked like your average fight. A couple of guys rolling around trying to get a leg up on each other. However, I later watched Eddie on the Joe Rogan show and he stepped Joe through what was going through his mind at each point in the match. I was surprised to learn that everything Eddie did had a purpose. He was baiting Royce trying to get him to do what he wanted so he could plan his next move. I was amazed.

Self Defense/Self Confidence

We see all kinds of crazy altercations on social media these days but chances are you may never have to defend yourself. But then again you might! BJJ will make you more confident if something does happen and it will make you more confident in situations where things get tense.

I’ve only been training for a short time but I do feel more confident in myself with the small amount of training that I do have. I’m not out looking for a fight obviously but if something does happen I’ll be much more prepared than I was before. And as I continue to train and learn that confidence level is only going to increase!

It’s FUN!

I know I said 5 reasons but I can’t leave this one out. It’s a lot of FUN! Jocko and Joe talk about how Jiujitsu gets in your head and I agree! I like to get outside, train my body, run Spartan Races, ride mountain bikes, but if I had to choose one thing I’d choose Jiujitsu. There are some days that I have to be disciplined because I just don’t want to go but after I do I am always so glad that I did. It’s a blast!

So there you have it. Is Brazilian Jiujitsu a super power? It’s not going make you faster than a speeding locomotive or able to jump tall buildings in a single bound. However, if one of the baddest men on the planet who has done and seen the thing Jocko has says it’s a super power it’s hard to disagree. But even if you don’t believe it is there are some pretty good reasons to train. So in the words of Jocko, GET AFTER IT!

*Picture courtesy of Professor Shawn McGinnis from McGinnis Academy of Martial Arts in Lowell, NC


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